Why do people not want abathur in their team in ranked?

Seems it hurts so bad they need to say “no aba”.

//Lv23 Abathur.

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Mostly because unless you are not a skilled Aba who have mastered him completely Aba is always a troll pick. Abas that dont know how to body soak or place mines and help on the right time ends up being flamed and reported for afk in ranked.


In lower ranks, it is often because they do not know how to build a comp and play around an Abathur, as it does change your strategy and rotations on many maps. Other times, it is because an Abathur doesn’t fit well into the picks already drafted. Personally, I enjoy playing in an Abby comp and do not mind adapting to a stall strategy, if that is what is needed. However, I prefer that the person planning to play Abathur either hover early, or let us know in chat that is what they would like to play, so we can draft accordingly.


Aba is perfect on curshed hollow sky temple and infernal shrines. But dont know how to deal with a Aba.
What hoku said mostly lower ranks people are salty about him not being a real hero

Fun fact. Reports for Abathur afk/nonparticipation is filtered out because on lower ranks people report him often for being useless

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Aba needs certain compositions but Abas usually just want to pick him like if he were a normal pick.
Plus Aba is hard to play and most ppl just joking around as him even if they’re not aware of this.

Aba is bad on two laned maps.
Aba is one less body.
Aba is a lategame Hero so weaker earlygame, so no first/second obj.

I have no problem with Aba in my team but ppl don’t no when to draft him and good chance they are bad with him (or just jot good enough) so even I said a lot of times that… “are you sure?”

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Cause people are dim and unreasonable.

A silver league anything isnt going to be played at a high level, so why should aba be different? People expect you to be an excellent aba in low league ranks. The reason why everyone is in low league is because they are not excellent!

I hated when groups tried to demand permission before i picked aba. Like i needed to earn permission by being good enough when no other class needs to jump through this hoop.


agree its more of a skill thing the Aba needs to know what they are doing, but also the team itself is basically fighting a 4v5 in terms of numbers.

i have to say that i dont play Aba much anymore. so when i pick Aba i dont hover him. its not a planned pick. also, usually i pick last! :laughing: so when i pick Aba its one of those things the team really has no say about im doing it and thats it. however, the other side to that is if i am making this super rare pick there is a very good reason.

Probably because most players like to run it down mid and aba doesnt help in that regard. It is important when playing aba that your team has good macro knowledge, so you can boost those small fights and control rotations with mines.

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I’d rather have Abathur than Diablo. Abathur doesn’t really attract many players, so those that do play him are likely to know what they’re doing. Diablo, however, usually just gets picked brazenly by people who so much as glanced at a tier list, then the player ends up effectively inting the whole game because they don’t know how to play Diablo and/or other heroes on their team don’t work well with Diablo.


Because a bad abathur puts your team at 4v5.

As opposed to a bad player playing anything else where they can still function as a health stick and a distraction.


Heroes like Abby, Hammer and Butcher require their teams to build around them to be successful. At lower levels most people don’t understand SOAK or lane rotations but you want them to master drafting and playing with these heroes that require a specific strategy.

At lower levels Abathur makes the team with abby have to work harder to win and dont understand that they have to group as 4 and rotate. The people playing abathur don’t understand what they have to do as Abby TO win.

Im not saying this applied to you but i want to say something to the point you made

My experience when I play aba is that most people forget to soak. They stay mid and they think Aba can hold his own against a aggressive pusher .

And they expect you to split push and hat you at the same time. This can work but if the enemy has a strong macro you need to spend more times on the macro and less on the hatting.
And if you hat someone top they do something stupid bot. So its not always a 4v5 but the team who has their priorities wrong

I think you’re missing my point.

What you said would be relevant if I said any abathur on my team sucks to have.

I specified ‘bad’ because bad abathurs undermine the strength of having abathur on your team.

I don’t mind having a good abathur on my team. A bad abathur basically gives your team non of abathur’s strengths and brings only weakness, thus resulting in a 4v5 all game.

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Almost 200 abby here (1k games on him before 2.0, so not sure where I’d be on him if it had let you go higher than what was it, 50, 55? when 2.0 hit.)

And even when I played rank (Diamond), No one wanted Abby, even on his good maps. I’d even have people BAN him out of spite with me showing him on Cursed. People are pretty strange when it comes to the slug. Most maps I’d hover heals/support but if I get a chance to jump on Abby it’s great.

Honestly, don’t expect to Abathur much in ranked, and that hurts my soul to type out. You can be the best Abathur in the world, but if your team isn’t comfortable with the pick anyhow, then it’s likely they don’t know how to play with an Abathur on their team and you’ll hurt more than help. It’s why I would ask people if they were okay with it before snagging it- it helps to ease their mind usually.

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I saw your point. I just played devils advocate :stuck_out_tongue:

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I get your point though. Some people will call abathur bad despite the circumstances not being his fault.

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