Why do people defend QM match making so hard?

Just today unless it changes.

Edit: Ye i’m totally done for at least few day. Gets matched with a bot Alarak while enemy team is full premade. And LI-Ming ofc goes full trashbuild and glass canon vs a Butcher.

Gratz, you just discovered the purpose of QM

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What do you mean, ugh?

What you’re basically telling me is you like that QM is a circus show?

First of all, BHB should be permanently shelved like Haunted Mines. It’s not a good map, never has been, and even Blizzard themselves have no faith in it, much like Warhead Junction.

I will admit, it has the best theme of any map, but functionally, it’s not good. Having that map as the canvas to your game, then throwing in a bunch of random heroes, all at different skill levels, with one team getting the bulk of the CC and wave clear, and you’ve got a $2.00 circus show.

And you’re telling me you couldn’t last a week or two without BHB in the rotation? Limiting the map pool in QM would absolutely make the mode more tolerable, but the QM lovers can’t even handle missing out on a map for a single week?

I can’t speak for Volun, but yes, I like that QM is a circus show. And I like BhB because it is something completely different, I can play the heroes I love differently, there is more than one strategy that can win on that map, and who doesn’t love pirates. I do think it should stay out of ranked play, but I enjoy the change of pace, and how it requires a completely different approach.

Now, WHJ, on the other hand, can go die in a fire. I remember when that was in the ranked rotation, and … no. Just, no.

I mean I have seen plenty of people who complain about QM and I have seen people who have said they enjoy it and they seem to either agree or disagree so saying that I’m trying to ruin peoples fun because I express my opinion and don’t agree with the idea of QM seems, that seems bit selfish. This is my personal opinion.

I disagree with The Idea of how QM currently is and yes I do understand why people like QM how it is, I play QM my self and their are games that I have enjoyed however that does that mean I have to agree with its current state as a hole ? NO,

your speaking only for the people who like it and enjoying it but your not looking at The side who doesn’t like it. Your making it seem like as if the people who complain about the current system are wrong just because some people enjoy it which I don’t agree with that.

I never said that I have never enjoyed games in QM their are games that I do enjoy however, that doesn’t mean i’m gonna defend everything about the mode. you state the good about it but never state the problems or try to understand the point’s people make when it comes to the problems with QM and why people don’t like it…

I understand why people Like QM and their are plenty times when I enjoy games in QM but that doesn’t mean that I’m gonna just defend it and not try to look at both sides or the bigger picture and the modes problems. You may disagree with me and say that im trying to force people away from something they like but I don’t think that’s a good way of putting it.

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I agree that adding QM was a mistake because it likely contributes a good deal to the Ranked struggles. On the other hand this isn’t the beta anymore. You can’t just shaft QM and try to incentivise people to do more UR. What you achieve is just that you alienated a good deal of your playerbase and they’ll not return. This might have been something HotS could’ve done back in 2017 and survive but nowadays this would be just a crazy gamble which would undoubtedly only hurt the game’s health. It might make ranked feel better but for how long?

How is it selfish when apparently the majority of people who play the PvP modes play QM? Look, I am not saying QM is perfect, it definitely isn’t. What I am saying is instead of trying to force it into your ideal, try to appreciate why other people do enjoy it, and try to approach it from that angle. If you attempt to see the flaws as opportunities, you may discover it is a lot more enjoyable than you think, rather than simply giving up at the loading screen simply because you don’t have a healer. I do play tanks and healers quite often in QM, but I never expect others to do so when I want to play something else.

Draft modes are there, and when I play ranked, unless I am queuing at an odd hour, my queues are rarely above 5 minutes. Blizzard tried to accommodate “standard” drafts, and people complained even more.

Sonya is one of my favorite heroes and I love when the stars align and I land BHB with her in QM.

Mercs for days and there’s no greater feeling than waiting in the fog of war by the turn in, popping Wrath with a point-blank spear and just 1-shotting someone instantly as they’re trying to turn in.

But landing that map when your team lacks wave clear, or a beefy body to horde coins/zone for the turn in, or maybe the enemy team has a ton of globals with bribe and your team can barely even merc.

That’s a terrible feeling and really highlights how awful that map is.

Also I don’t understand that logic and that is something that I wouldn’t do is try to make it seems like a person is forcing something away from people just because they don’t like it or disagree with it.

My idea of UD being the main mode, everyone is not gonna agree with me but does that mean that they are trying to force people away from a better experience because they don’t agree with my ideas ? No it doesn’t

No, that just highlights how you can’t adapt your strategy to the comps as given. BhB is probably the one map with the greatest variety of winning strats, so if you are depending solely on one strategy to win, you probably aren’t thinking things all the way through. Sky Temple is my favorite map in the ranked rotation for the same reason. There is no one “meta” comp or strategy that can be used there.

I don’t go to the circus because I can watch how yet another Avenger becomes an Avenger. I go because one minute there are tigers, then a suicidal clown gets smacked by someone, then someone flips in the air, and then an elephant lifts its feet, and sometimes it defacates, but that’s part of the fun too. I buy useless glowy crap that has no use in my day to day life, but that’s precisely why, because it’s different.

I have zero problems with BHB. In fact, I quite like it, it’s probably one of my favorite maps. I don’t mind Warhead Junction either, simply because it’s soooo big and having to play a map like that, you have to adjust your approach to how you get to areas of interest on time or ignore. Would I want to play that every game? No, but that’s why QM is QM.

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I already said many times before, I love playing QM because it’s the only place I can play Abathur. Do you want to see people picking Abathur in draft in every game?

I’m a casual player, and at least I don’t want to ruin competitive games, thus I stick myself to where I belong. What happens if you replace the playground of casual players? Expect them to move on to draft games, play by the rules, and enjoy it? Don’t be naive, either they still play like in QM without care, or quit the game.

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wait a minute, I never said that I would give up on a match just because we don’t have a healer and tank tho which I’m not that kind of person who does that in my games, your assuming that I think that I don’t understand why people like QM which that’s false. I totally understand why people like it and try to understand other peoples view point’s including yours. I always try to adapt in QM which I’m pretty sure even the people who disagree with the mode also do.

The point of this thread was so that I could try to understand why people like QM and why they don’t and say my opinion on why I think the mode is bad.

As for QM being bad due to the lacking comps and those being random? I think people put way too much emphasis on that. I played QM when roles weren’t even filtered so you could had 2 healers and a tank at one side and 5 assassins at the other. Similarly mirror matches with at least 1-2 hero being shared on both teams was common rather than being a temporary solution if the system cannot find matches otherwise. Did that decide the match for me? Nope, players did. While a healer+tank comp versus 5 assassins with no sustain is indeed a challenge. But ultimately your team and how they adapt matters far more than whatever hero each side has. Since the improvements to the QM the comp difference felt even less. Yes, sometimes you can blame it but you kind of forget something. Your comp might be awful but so is the enemy’s. You don’t just get countered like in draft modes. So yeah, I think people blame the randomness of QM too much because it’s an easy scapegoat. More often than not the answer lies within the players.

I like how you’re assuming that I am the one that can’t adapt my strategy, when I am the one advocating for strategy to be the first part of every game and not just RNG garbage.

Besides, even if you adapt your strategy, doesn’t mean your team is going to allow that to happen.

Oh, we don’t have much team fight, but our wave clear is better and we can merc really well. We should forgo fighting at the turn in and just farm mercs to gather coins and then sneak a turn in while they’re busy dealing with the map pressure.

Too bad your team thinks they CAN team fight and are busy feeding at every turn in the game to allow that strategy to work.

Now you’ve got to readjust your adjustment and on a map where you can get map pressure AND objective progression through mercs, things can get out of hand rather quickly there.

It’s a bad map.

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Then why on earth did you start your OP with:

“I never understood why people defend The matchmaking that the team comps makes some times.”

You also accused those of us who defend the matchmaking as “ones who pretty much don’t care about the game anymore”?

It definitely comes across as you don’t try to understand others’ points of view, and you do want to change things.

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Running some heroesprofile numbers: The current patch accounts for ~123,000 qm games. Since each game has 10 heroes that means each match has 1,230,000 picks (rounding)

Of those, 548,700 are ranged assassins
181,264 healers
181,365 bruisers
145,200 melee assassins
123,504 tanks
50,736 supports
(note, this does add up to 1,230,769 so some things are a little off in comparisons to each other)

There’s a bout a 1:1 ratio of qm games played to tanks picked; for the game to match correctly, the amount of players who play tanks would need to double. The usual formations of 1 tank, 1 healer, 1 ranged, 1 solo and a switch are heavily skewed by the amount of assassin picks with almost as many at 5 ranged matched per game.

So about half of the reported matches get a tank. The other half, the system has to figure out something else; of those half, a good chunk might have a pair of healers, but certainly not all.


The thing is, that has nothing to do with matchmaking, QM, or maps, but people being stupid. Sadly, there is no cure for stupid, and it can affect any map in any mode.

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OK, maybe I should have said I don’t fully understand or been a bit more specific. when I said that, I was trying to figure out why people defend QM matchmaking as it is but that does not mean that I was applying that I didn’t understand why people enjoyed it.

just because you enjoy something and you understand why others enjoy it doesn’t mean you have to agree with every aspect about it or not look and try to understand the problem people are stating which you are not doing. I enjoy QM quite a lot however that doesn’t mean I will defend how it currently is you get what I’m saying ?

and when I said I feel that alot of people who defend matchmaking don’t really care about the game I didn’t say everyone or 100% think that, I just said I feel a lot of people as in I wasn’t trying to say it was a fact, I was trying to say that people who are casual just don’t care how stupid the comp is and just want to jump in games.

When I said the part they don’t care about the game I said that because their the ones who seem to not look at the bigger picture and only care about quick que times and to jump in rather then looking at the arguments on why it harms the game and makes a lot of people not want to play.

Man, some of my favorite were winning games where people would whine about double support with no tanks. We’d have Uther “main tanking” with Morales healing, so fun. There were so much more, and they’re so different as they really stretch how you approach the game. The only issue as it is now is Blizzard’s design philosophy of force pick three themed tiers. With all the generic talents gone, and niche 4th picks, the flexibility you have is constrained in how you adapt in QM.

The problem I have with people like the OP is they’re trying to change a mode in which they already have the means to choose a mode that more fits their play style.

Back in the other forums, there was a thread made about AI players, and I said something like, I don’t understand people who play only AI games. There was a bit of judgement on my side, but not once did I ever advocate to delete AI, change AI mode, or force more PVP into AI modes because if I didn’t want to play it all day, all I would have to do, is NOT PLAY IT. In some kind of weird reversal, somehow I was the bad guy for not agreeing 100% supporting their AI lifestyle and that I was a bigot for letting them play however they wanted to play.

QM “reformers” want to just completely change QM. They believe their way is the only true and right way to play the game and that has to be enforced. It’s honestly a form of fascism. If you don’t like it, don’t play it. I’d be more sympathetic if it was the only mode, but it isn’t.