Why do Aba's always do this against TLV

Every game against an abathur I’ve had recently the abathur tries to hide in either the corner or in a bush baelog’s next to, it’s like I can tell your there I see the timer on your locusts, now I know they probably setup a trap, but like Idk why they did it in the lane with baelog, cuz baelog can just pull a minion around and kill all the mines with splash dmg
and then kill the abathur, this has happened several times now, I’m confused why the abathur tries to do this.

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Abathur is the cutest video game character I have ever seen


Lol nice out play.
Basically the game tries to match roles against roles. Both are supports and abba being the most popular support plus there being so few supports means youll see him alot.

It might just be an Abathur who doesn’t know how TLV work. Considering how niche TLV are, a great many players don’t seem to know how they function. It sounds like you just outplayed the Abathur or he wasn’t aware of Baelog’s splash damage.


I mean its possible but this happened 6 times in a row I have not seen an abathur who has not tried to bush/corner camp bottom lane yet, idk if they think they’re clever and that i’d never expect it, or just don’t know how baelog works, either way I dont get the plan they’re trying, its not like that 4 seconds of extra locust time will make a difference, why risk dying?

A lot of the people queueing up as Abathur or drafting him in lower levels of draft play typically only win with him against really awful players so they build up bad habits like hiding in a corner or bush when someone in lane can obviously see them. It doesn’t help that a lot of GM streamers emphasize body soaking and thus, a lot of people who watch them think this means “ALWAYS BE IN LANE BODY SOAKING, EVEN IF YOU’RE IN IMMEDIATE DANGER”, leading to deaths like what you described.


I think it’s rather low presence hero rule. Same situation with murky, they can’t be on your team unless there are literally 10 people playing on the server and 5 if them are in party. If you compare it to zarya stats for example, you will find that TLV+zarya are much more often on the same team, which contradicts simple support vs support theory

This dosent apply when with larger teams

Players are good at doing repetetive things. If it worked in 1 game, it must work in another. Thats why those aba’s often do that. And also the main reason why most players are quite bad (their predictable behaviour becomes their weakness).

I have seen some Abas sleep in the strangest of places like in the middle of a gate lol so he ends up getting hit.

Pretty much. I have also seen a a lot of Abas that dont even know how to place mines on the map. I just faceplam when i see enemy Nova can just freely roam around with no mines to stop her. And then hides in spawn when you are about to lose cause he did not bother place a mine so his team had a easier time killing her.
Also a lot of Abas are affraid to move up to enemy side of the map even when no enemies are around. They will rather hide in base whole game making it unfun for enemy team cause he cant be killed unless you got a Aba blow up team. But then again he will just hide in spawn insteed making it impossiple to kill him but ofc he can just continue hatting his team with no counterplay.

Thats why i have said it so long now. Either Aba as a hero need to get changed or Halls of Storm should push anyone with full hp out so you cant just hide there and get free wins.

I’m tired to lose to afk Abas that wins while hiding in spawn whole game or in base where none can reach him.


aight so not a secret psyche out strat like i was kinda thinking, well thats reassuring I suppose. I mean if they do it frequently enough, it might actually be good to face an abathur as tlv, i’ve always found the matchup annoying cuz the abathur farms the lane and I gotta go check the lane randomly to make sure he didnt symbiote a minion and isn’t trying to blast eric/baelog to the shadow realm with Q spam kekw

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If you are losing to Abathurs that stayed in base/spawn the entire game, your macro play was !@#$ing Terrible. They effectively only had 4 players able to soak, so you should have easily gained a 3 lvl advantage and just crushed them.

they can soak with symbiote

How many of those aba players have a negative winrate?

Aba can still hide in spawn and let his team carry him while he afk hat his best dmg dealer. No need for him to soak lanes when he got his team to do that for him.

Also 5 stacks tend to que up with multiple heroes that are busted with him so.
And now when body soaking is gone he dont even need to risk his body in a lane anymore so that is just another reason why he is broken and unfun to play againts.

A global hero that can hide in spawn and never get killed while he hat his hyper carry. How fun does that sound to you.

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Once an Abathur player never did this sort of thing, they were usually the most skilled players I’ve seen in HOTS. It was after an Abathur rework that put more emphasis on his carapace talents and the first XP globe change, that you started to get lazy Abby players like you describe. It honestly makes me quite irritated to have to do all the heavy lifting for such a player who hides in spawn and just hats. I’m not speaking about the Abathur players who at lest hide under towers and bushes and attempt to get use of out their trait, but rather the Abby’s who never leave spawn at all.

Then there is the Abathur who takes full mine build, but only places them in big clumps hoping the enemy will walk into them and die. They don’t place mines for map vision, or in places to slow rotations, nope just these big clumps where usually if the enemy dies to it once, they are then smart enough not to fall for it again.

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Going up against 4.25 heroes (An Abathur AFK-hatting an AA carry) is much, much easier then going up against 5 heroes (An Abathur actually body-soaking, using mines to maximum effect, ect).

Is Abathur with his full kit a strong hero? Yes.

But anyone who goes “WAAAH BUT ABATHUR STAYS In SPAWN AND CAN’T KILL!!!1111one” is a !@#$ing idiot, a wood-league scrub who’s complaining about a hero literally not using a full 2/3rds of their entire kit - It’s akin to a player complaining about a Valla that only AAs, or about a Morales that never uses her W and E.

And if you still lose to an Abathur that does that, you didn’t deserve to win.

I thought the issue was Abby’s never leaving spawn because body soaking doesn’t contribute anything except deaths since the orb rework.

I rarely touch him any more, but the locusts were less useful than a minion last time I tried going past a tower.

There’s more than one way an Abathur can suck of course. Body soaking can still be very important but imo it’s significantly more important in Master+ where that extra body soaking can give your team enough exp to do obj early or initiate a gank or something. In lower levels of play, it matters less as the average player sucks enough that you can just focus on getting kills/hat soaking more. Just staying in spawn however is almost always a horrific idea however as it means you won’t be able to get use out of your mines.

I’m not sure how his lane pushing is but if I had to guess, it’s probably not the meta way to play current Abathur just because of how strong he can make teammates with his hat, mines slowing people down in between lanes/killing low hp enemies, etc.

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Why does every single person think Baleog’s name is spelled “Baelog”? He’s definitely Bae, but it’s still very strange how pervasive that misspelling is.

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