Why did QM not give us a healer?

Nevermind the fact that we won, it was still a frustrating game.

Why would the QM matchmaker decide to give the other team Alexstrasza why we got no healer whatsoever?

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Low player base to mm. When I had to wait for like 400s, it often like that. The search parameter has been expanded blabla… Really bad in the morning.

Just play a game with 5 assassins vs team with tank and healer. And our Raynor was random. Previous game we have healer and they have none though. There is serious problem with their mm code.

I wait 40 seconds and I get the same situation as OP so the time in queue has nothing to do with it, the matchmaking right now is completely screwed up there are mirror matches left and right, teams getting a Stitches vs Garrosh+Yrel, 4 mage teams vs double frontline+dive with heals.

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You thought that was bad?

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What is more infuriating is when you wait for an eternity as a support and get no games so you switch to other roles, AKA assassin, and then you get paired off with a 5 man assassin team vs a team that has 2 supports and several assassins.

Only you would somehow complain about a win and not rejoice in outplaying a standard comp through unconventional skill displaying your ability to adapt. Just shows you standards comps aren’t everything and I’m going to be sad when they do forced standard comps.

That being said, that shouldn’t be possible and the matchmaker make a big oopsies. I’ve only seen this happen on the PTR.

But wow, that Zarya shielding (and as a result, his damage) is SOOOO bad.

That is weird; no healer or support when either of those should be matched. Only protracted queues or groups are supposed to get that. Too bad you used a screen cap from the end game instead of the loading screen

Nani, triple tank vs no tanks.


This reminds me of this match.


Spoiler alert

We won.

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Triple tanks with zero healer vs 2 healers with no tank.

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QM rules no longer enforced since Orphea release. No word from blizz if intended or accident. (so intended).

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Considering we suddenly have tons of mirror matches as well, i guess they broke something.

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Ever considered playing the support yourself?

No? How classic. Someone decided to pick a tank assassin then complaint the game doesn’t give them a healer.


I’d guess they disabled MM restrictions in order to give all the people who got orphea a chance to actually play the game.

You missed the entire point of the post and did so smugly to boot. Bravo.

When the game rules say if one team has a healer then the other one shall as well… and (if) it doesn’t do that its broken. The other team had a healer, his team did not.

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Normally, they just turn off the rule for mirror matches and leave everything else in place. (Well, as far as my perception anyways) I wonder what other factors could be in play here, like parties and wait times and the like, as i haven’t had a game with healer vs no healer in a long…long time.

MM has been ever so whacked when Orphea was released.

Some teams, but not limted to;

  • No healers and other team has healers
  • 2 healers and other team has no healers
  • 2 tanks, 2 healers

what I am trying to say, it’s not even. Some teams may or may not have healers or tanks or assassins but the other team does.

I had a team with no healers, no tanks, 3 specialists and 2 assassins while the other had a healer, 2 tanks and 2 assassins…

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Ever heard of a saying that if you don’t like something, don’t force it on other people? The OP is not the support. Which means they purposefully didn’t pick that role. If no one picked support, then there would be no one to put in their game. It’s simple logic.

Besides, if they don’t like playing support, what right do they have complaining about the composition? What right do they have to demand that someone must play the role they don’t like?

So jokes about player base size aside, your telling me that you believe that in QM (he specifically stated as much), that for 10min, (lets just say 10min as i think thats when the rules for MM start to relax), not a single person que’d as a support/random in the proper MMR range?

Listen, i totally get your stance in draft modes, but this isn’t draft, its QM. I stated above there could be other factors involved like parties and such, and those specifics were not stated by the OP. This has nothing to do with forcing someone to play support, as its statistically improbable a support/random player couldn’t be found (at least to my knowledge, droth isn’t a GM/bronze on the end of the scale).

THATS the heart of this issue. Why did the ruleset break?

@ Ataraxia-6421

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It prepares you for ranked game when you are matched with selfish assassin clowns, so you can learn to play in a clown comp against a legit tournament comp.

Because it makes the games frustrating to play. I know that’s hard for you to apparently understand because every time I issue a legitimate grievance with the system you’re here to tell me exactly why and how I’m “wrong.”

Why is it so hard to understand that it’s not about winning or losing, it’s about matches feeling FAIR and BALANCED.

Yes, I won the match, I have the ability to adapt and perform well in situations where I am given an disadvantage, but that doesn’t make the match any more enjoyable.

If the match isn’t enjoyable, regardless of whether or not I win or lose, it greatly diminishes my motivation to play more matches.

This has never been about winning or losing for me, it has always been a matter of whether or not matches are enjoyable. This match, was not enjoyable despite the win.

Well, it apparently did happen.

If this is true, I guess I’m done with the game until they can figure out how to make matchmaking not suck.