Why Bronze Hell exists

No, they are the same thing in HotS. This was a change made over a year ago.

Then I really can’t understand the B5 problem can happen, mechanically.

By the way, if you are referring to the link you posted, I still think they are the same up to a deformation. I quote the part of the link which makes me think that there is a deformation.

It’s basically ppl going negative in ranked points.

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No, it was an official patch that changed how MMR works. I have linked the post around the middle of the thread. Your Rank points are now your MMR in Storm League (as of August 2019, before that they were split).

" Ranked Points are now directly mapped to a player’s Storm League MMR.

Rank is no longer considered by the matchmaker.
The MMR range has been rebuilt and remapped to handle this."

For example you can’t be a high MMR Gold 3 who bans over a Gold 1 in a draft (like you could before 2019). The Gold 1 is automatically higher MMR.

There is no more invisible value.

First of all, I really appreciate your effort.

Now for the nit picking stuffs :stuck_out_tongue:

  1. The links are from the 6th August 2019 and the 16th august 2019. So I think we are talking about the same change here;
  2. I think “mapping” does not mean “linear mapping” as in MMR = rank points. It could well be nonlinear as in MMR = square of rank points (this is just an example and is surely not what is used). Again, what makes me think that MMR and rank points are the same up to a deformation (or I should say mapping) is the following quote.

I can’t see how this could be possible if there is no deformation between MMR and rank points.
3. “Hidden” may not be the right word to use here. Assuming that I am correct that the mapping is non linear, one could in principle calculate the MMR given the rank point if one knows the actual mapping. But since the mapping is not known, the MMR is “hidden”.

But let’s stop here for the moment and let me bang my head over a wall for some time. I’ll see if I can come up with some reasonable explanation about this B5 thing if I assume a linear mapping, ie MMR = rank points.

If you use linear mapping but crumple many players together while also rewarding fraction points, it results in practically rainbow matches.

Fraction points is just the equivalent of stuck (stable) MMR.

Other than that, it remains functional.
Heck, you can make rules that MMR range must be smaller. Although it happens automatically due to tons of players being available with the same values.
While in Silver it’s pretty normal to get a slightly broader range (e.g. S2 to S4), even without considering parties.

I can see that my account is still underperformatic it was would need Ranked points into Sliver then Gold & Platinum I can help that would be there in sometime that performance in Korean version.

You probably shouldn’t be looking at that graph being nothing else but illustrative. B5 is about the same size as the rest of the bronze league if not smaller. What the graph represents is the skill variance (width) in relation to the rest of the division, which looks like to be about 10x the width but that can be considered to be also purely illustrative.

What it tries to say however is that B5 is a whole spectrum of all shades of brown complete with occasional splatters of blood and pieces of undigested corn.

Was looking into OP stream as well and i think Bronze is a good rank for him at the moment.

I think it’d be easier if you relate bronze 5 toward the other end, Grand Master. At GM, the points are instead traded for ranks within GM; 1,2,3, etc.

The ‘second score’ you mention would be the rank relative to everyone else: Bronze 1 million, bronze 2 million, and that would be a placement that much relatively further away from the next position on the mmr map. ±200 is the expectation of progress toward the next rank, with 5000 points to the next league. In that system, 1 step forward would be 4% progress; if we take that same progress (4%) and compress leagues within bronze 5, then the amount of points awarded for the same progress (4%) gets visually reduced the further down someone goes into these virtual leagues. If it were just one sub-league in bronze 5, then it might be mapped to 500 points and award 20 per game; if it were mapped to another league of 125 points, then it would award 5 points.

Mathematically, the amount of “leagues” between players isn’t just the visually shown bronze, silver, gold, etc etc, but rather the system will make as many ‘leagues’ as it needs to map the distance made between the ranks of the players to actually make the player ranks go from 1st (in GM) down to the millions(?) of spots away over at the low end of the map.

30000 points is the distance of the ‘normal’ mmr map, but players can go below and above that distribution, so the distance from bronze to masters can numerically be replaced by 0.6% progress 1 win would make in that system. The further to the left someone goes, the further they have to climb again; it’s not a system with the ‘wall’ preventing further movement away from the goal.

A 2D side scrolling platform game (like Megaman) typically prevents the player from moving in 1 direction at the start of a level. In MMR, there isn’t anything to keep people from moving in that direction, so the further they move away from the intended vector, it’s that much more distance they then have to make up for it.

If people are into speedrunning/glitches, for games that allow players to go out of bounds, the visuals may not show the player moving anywhere, but the system is still tracking their relative position, so the further out of bounds they move, the further back they may have to go to return to the spot they had been in.

What players see in bronze is losing points, but they don’t consider it as losing positions on a scoreboard like one would see in Grand Master; they don’t think of it as “I moved from bronze 1,000,000 to bronze 1,000,001 when I lost that game”.

Watched one of your streams were you played DW. You made several easy mistakes which punishes you more than it should:

  • Bad positioning, especially on the upper shrine. You were in the second half of the shrine which is easier accessible for the enemies while you get blocked by Diablo from the left side to escape
  • False understanding of focusing. You don’t focus the healer if there is no way to get them, you focus on doing damage without taking damage, if possible. Outlasting your enemy who attacks the fort is more important than chasing the healer. Fort importance > Chasing Importance.
  • Your toxic behavior is problematic. Instead of whining around you should use the commands to give valuable input to the team (dangerous zones, flee, assist).
  • Diving into uneven fights. You respawned as DW and dived into a 1vs3. Obviously you lost a lot of HP without gaining any valuable.
  • No will to cooperation. If they can’t follow you, you follow them to get value out of forts (= trades) or making sure to excel some strengths

I agree.

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What? Az Jackson is the senior game designer for HotS and likely the next lead designer.

He is also a former hero balance designer.

It’s not some random pencil pusher at Activision headquarters.


Az Jackson is also a GM holder through many seasons already.

The top GMs loses 200 pts, but only gains around 100 pts.
A Bronze 2 loses 200 pts, but still gains 200 pts.

This is why it’s hard to stay at the top. The only time people surpassed the 12k pts mark, it’s because the system allowed them to 5 stacks with diamond smurfs to boost the GM player. But, not anymore, thankfully.

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OK, I think I understood the gist of how it works. I wouldn’t say I know the exact numbers and so on but I can come up with something that is consistent with the observed behaviour and what the dev said. :slight_smile: Not saying neither that it is what is actually used but I think this is really close to.

Y, there is no theoretical limit to GM, but practically you can’t go much over 12-13k. Because you start gaining so little pts compared to your losses.

So far the best players in the world like Fan, Rich and Kure are unable to go much past 70% win ratio. You could probably go 15-16k master points if you were winning 80-90% against other Grand Masters which is unrealistic.

I mean, I haven’t played SL in several seasons but I still play QM and URD on occasion. My skills really aren’t going to slip.

No SL-hiatus, a HotS-hiatus. @Tora -if I understood correctly- claimed to be away from the game.
But if he shows some proof about their ranks, winrates and match-numbers, they can clarify stuff and clear their names a bit.

And this is why pre-formatted text is basically required in order to HELP THOSE PEOPLE AND OTHERS COMMUNICATE.

I think the main problems are the same since like forever:

  1. Not enough players to build balanced teams.
  2. Tutorial doesn’t teach you a thing, so people learn playing vs ai and then they use what they learnt in normal games.

The amount of players who are not familiar with concepts like soak, lane, poke, cap mercs is just astounding. Then they are doing bad in qm/unranked/ranked and they simply stop to play because they don’t even know what this game is about.

At least that’s the theory I have, because otherwise I am simply not able to explain some of the in game behaviors.

I really wish they would pay more attention to this title, but I guess they simply aren’t able to compete against lol and dota2, it’s just way over their heads.

Ok so between 205 and 600 that 395 pts at 15 pts per game thats +26 games over .500 that means I need as many wins as loses +26 more wins to get to 600.

If I get 20 points per game at 600 then to go from 600 to 1000 is 400 points, that’s +20 over 500 that’s a total of +46 over 500 NOT 46 total wins, you must have 1 win for every loss +46 more wins WITHOUT A LOSS to get out of bronze 5.

That isn’t a trivial # and you need to do that in 1 season or you get yanked back to about where you started, not where you left off.

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