You know what’s funny. This thread was clearly created to bash Aram but it’s creating the opposite affect for me.
Anytime something positive comes as a result of my actions I call that a good thing
Thank you
I hope you enjoy ARAM even if I do not
i find it hilarious that you quote this part and respond to it:
But completely ignore the rest:
If that match was a match of completely equal MMR of diamonds or so it would’ve been a fair match where it’d come down to which side won an important teamfight late game.
I aim to make people smile
Well done ignoring the rest again, like what a true troll would do.
You want Axe?
No, I don’t want axe.
And I’m not clicking your links.
ignoring arguments to try to change the topic, typical troll.
(Sad Zul’jin emoji)
Pah. I don’t care
I remember that match and will for the rest of my life.
The oviraptor was a chineuse bipedal raptorid that ate and stole eggs from other dinosaurs.
Grab that replay while it’s hot
Keep it as a souvenir
I will, thank you.
That’s an old misconception. The oviraptor was actually fossilised with their own eggs.
I was?
Good to know I have another dinosaur fan.
Btw, feel free to talk about dinosaurs here: The Official Unofficial Off Topic Thread
Okie dokie.
Having watched the replay so can I see a number of greater flaws.
To begin with, it seems it took you about 5-6 minutes to realize that Medivh has a mount, his bird form.
When you finally realize it, you stay in bird form at full hp and mana all the way in the backline, farther behind than even Hanzo or a hypothetical Ana would be, and doing nothing but waiting for chances to throw a shield on someone who needs it.
A medivh needs to use his Z as a way to get close (or scouting, which would’ve been very useful for a Hanzo), then when an opportunity hits, you start throwing Q’s at them and set up a portal to get out. Or you initiate with it.
Well, that’s teh basics of medivh, anyway. Doesn’t say much for an advanced hero such as Medivh.
My point is that Medivh is not Ana. You’re not meant to sit way behind all game like that.
You also never even used your ulti once for the last 3-4 minutes where your team had heroics till it ended. I would also advise against picking Polymorph against a team with a DW since it can’t affect DW at all.
Your behaviour in the match seemed more like “trolling” than “being bad”. The times you do actually fly near the enemy while in bird form, you just fly circles around them and then go afk for a good 20 seconds and then go back to the backline.
It seemed you went semi afk a number of times in the match.
There were other problems, too, like that Sylvanas. Bad choices for level 1 and 7 talents. (Overwhelming Affliction and Barbed Shot).
How can you blame the comp when you couldn’t even play your hero at the most basic level? Your team was 4v5 for all intents and purposes.
He typed in chat then. Party, so it’s not visible during the replay. I asked them to not chat too much and too often during “playtime” if possible, because it takes away their focus from what’s going on on the (mini)map, and hinders reactiontime.
I did figure it was something like that.
Constantly typing while your allies are busy being killed is not a very smart move, though…
I wondering why they weren’t using voice chat or third party programs like Teamspeak or Discord. I would recommend this over writing in chat.
I like using voice coms with the friends I’m accustomed to. Jumping into voice coms with other people that you’ve never spoken with on voice is like russian roulette.
One time I went on voice coms with this spanish guy and I couldn’t understand a single bloody word. It completely took off my focus trying to understand dafuq he was saying.
Another time it was 2 germans where only 1 of them really spoke to me in english and they’d constantly speak in german between themselves.
Other than that, one can type in a game, and often frequently. IF you’re fast at typing and just type while moving and such then there’s no negative effect.