Why always Silence?

In Zarya’s case, no, you can’t.
But AAing for life!

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Clearly you meant b-step and dance.

Zarya is the rave master Lucio wished he could be

Because silence is the most abusive form of CC in the game. It not just a player stopper, but they cant help but make silence WAAAAAAY to long.

the change to the level 20 graviton is very good because it makes it more consistant to the OW version where it will shutdown movement based abilities like sombra teleport or genji dash that would cause them to get out of grav, the only real change they could do to mirror this was a silence. it is a good upgrade

If you want more diverse hero dynamics in terms of uniqueness of every hero, although Zarya’s silence is powerful at level 20, I think it was a boring move to add such ability.

Becoming [immobile + silence] shuts down ways of getting out of her heroic, sounds like the opposite of having fun (if you’re facing Zarya & ending up being trapped in her R) so I don’t understand the logic behind this change, if blizzard wants to make HotS exciting, giving some room for counter-play.

So, as a Zarya player, I agree her new silence is strong, but I strongly disagree that it was necessary.
Her kit was already strong without such change, and it might be a little too annoying to face her from now on.

conclusion, she didn’t need silence.

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Did someone say “conclusion”?!

(Btw this character is voiced by none other than Uther!)

A root would have accomplished the same.
Also, im not a big fan of “the change is good because it’s now closer to its representation somewhere else”. While it’s a nice bonus, it should not be the driving force.

I find the change a bit odd, but I like Zarya lately and am thrilled to see what we can do now.

/thread tbh

It makes quite a lot of sense for Zarya or Deckard. Much less for Leoric or Mephisto.
Fear (Horrify) would be so much better for Meph, even at the cost of lower root. For Leoric its just an extra bonus, many options would work as well.

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well a big counter for these 2 is mobility options to escape so the silence upgrade negates the downside vs those comps.

anduins lvl 20 holy stormwind talent is an complete joke it’s garbage. one shove,push stun silence etc… 59 heores in this game do that crap and stop anduin 80 cd ult.

your going to have at least 3 people always with CC or basic low cd CC 8 to 10 sec abilitys that can stop his ult.

And people say that is his best heroic :joy:

Its not wrong, but its like saying Crystal Aegis is the “better” ult. Yeah…

what’re talking about it has always counter HW:s your not doing it right, any move that shoves, pushs, knockbacks cancels HW:s Most of the heroes in this game can counter HW:s, even with basic CC abiities lol, HW:s is a 80sec cd protect that can be interrupted by all CC but slows and zarya’s gravitational pull does pull them in, its like maievs bind pull it stop’s HW:s you just have to use it properly best to play with the training dummys.

maybe if they give to cassia ult uprage silence instead of root it would be better :thinking:

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I’m talking from experience. I casted Graviton on Anduins and I was Anduin hit by it. It doesn’t cancel it.

I agree woth your point , then again 4 ( that we can think of) out of 80+ isnt so bad .

What really annoys me is the amount of things in this gamr that slows. Now its to a point wherr slow is almost a stapple on more than half everyones talent.

There are more orignal effects that we could have beside just slowing movement .

  • slow casting
  • range reduction
  • untargetable by allies
  • mana burn. ( i know we slightly talked about it before )
  • negative healing ( where healing receiced would instead deal damage from its allies )
  • increased cast range
  • talent disruption ( a target would temporarily have its talent upgrade “silence” for the duration , they could still use the skill but for like a few second it wouldnt be upgraded .)
  • staggered damage
  • skill combo
  • friendly fire ( i know i love it too much lol ) ( that would actually fit mephisto perfectly too ! )

I mean there are much more thing we could come up with for side effects that could be just as attactive.

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Lightbomb is actually really strong and low cooldown, but it’s really teammate dependent. It’s kinda like nanoboost, do you trust the guy or is he just going to run away and waste it?

Nano boost kael tas
kael tas runs away
:smiling_face:Happy thoughts… Happy toughts!!:smiling_face:

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I dont have to trust anyone tbh. Since Meph release and spellpower buffs changes I can use it on my teammate at any point, even when Pyro is mid-air, RoF charges up or Meph is already spamming his W.

Anyway, covered that already. LB is fine, will always give you some value, but its still underwhelming ult.

Even without level 20 upgrades it has a pull mechanic baked in it, it should stop him from channeling.