Who's trying out League of Legends?

I’m tired of Blizzard’s lack of love for HoTS. The players are all grumpy and the games, even when we do win, feel like a slog then they do fun.

I hope that Blizzard would bring in new players and new heroes and new maps to keep the game fresh. They bought in new heroes and they’ve recycled old maps and kicked out existing players.

How you will tell if HoTS is over? If you don’t hear of them being advertised or trying to recruit new players.


I’m not leaving until the game is taken off the launcher. While there are rough patches, I think the dev team we have care about this game as more than a moneymaking tool- and even if the suits above them don’t, the least I can give them for 3 years of fun is a little bit of understanding and faith.

It would take something absolutely titanic to convince me to quit.


I could never try LoL, only one map and item system are a no-go.

Plus this game is still running, so why even try?


They already have roughly 6 months of stuff waiting to come out, that could be spread out through a longer time frame with the reduction in staff and a committed change of cadence.

After that, if they can’t make things significantly improve, that’s the time we should start expecting the worst to come. But given how the old team has handled things, the outcome is basically written on the wall.


I’d advise you to try DotA 2 instead. League of Legends has ALOT of issues right now that they have had for a long time, and their balance methods are, quite frankly, stupid, with many players calling for the balance team to be disbanded and replaced.

I’m not going to go into all the details here, Google is your friend. :kissing_heart:


I’ll give DoTA2 a try. :slight_smile:

I also dislike this things about LoL, but they get constant support, and new patches roll regularly.

Also, the MMR is not nearly as messy because it has a much higher population.

So, currently playing both.

Um, is it a rule somewhere that people can’t play both? I mean, I will keep playing HotS as long as the servers are live, but it isn’t the only game I play.

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Do not play league. You think Orphea is bad? Well, league has even more little girls with more skin being shown. You wouldn’t be able to stand it.

More seriously though, the balance is bad, the games are really long and frustrating, and riot is somehow even more ban-happy than blizzard when it comes to reports.


I try to play it once or twice every other month. It’s still the garbage dump that it’ts been years ago, just with more garbage. HotS is still infinitely superior, maybe not in terms of popularity, but in terms of actual gameplay.


I will never re-try LoL. It’s a terrible game with a worse community.


Not me.

I did download LOL right after i heard about the way they cancelled HGC. I played 3 games and quit, that game sucks so bad. HOTS truly is the only good MOBA, IMO.


Honestly, I would just quit playing Mobas over learning a new one. Especially if the new Moba that I was going to learn only had one map.


DOTA 2 matches are long. Really long. 70+ minutes easy. Plus if you don’t play Captain Draft then there is no surrender. Not sure if they changed that but the game is definitely not HOTS. Also I hope you speak Russian.

I’ve seen league, but everything about it screams ‘inferior HotS’ to me. It looks ugly, there’s only one map, the characters feel bland and the gameplay looks really boring from the few times i have watched it.

Not sure what was worse, lasthitting or old QM queues.

Since my HOTs is crashing, and I can’t seem to fix it, I downloaded LoL last night to play around with it.

I was shocked at how primitive it is in terms of graphics and design. I knew it was old, but it felt like I was stepping back in a time machine to my high school days in the 90s.

The game seems fine. QWER abilities plus DF and sometimes 1234567. I know it’s just cosmetic, but it would be tough to come down to this after playing HOTs for the past 1.5 years.

I play Smite in addition to HotS. The combat is very reminiscent of WoW pvp for anyone who enjoyed that. Plus mythology, so yay. Smite has by far the best skin designs too imo. But I’ll still keep playing HotS as well. I don’t see any reason to jump ship yet unless you’re just flat out not enjoying the game.


I tried LoL a long time ago, and I didn’t like it. I tried DotA 2 yesterday, and my first game was vs AI. I couldn’t get through it. At the 40 minute mark, I exited the game and uninstalled it.

It’s a shame, I genuinely wanted to get into DotA 2, but HotS is just so much better. Sad that Blizzard is killing it.

I’m actually pretty disappointed with Blizzard lately, so I’ve been playing Battlefront 2 a lot, Dice actually fixed everything and made it amazing. I’m an Obi-Wan main now. But I guess I won’t stop playing HotS, I’m just taking a break until my feelings aren’t hurt anymore LOL.