Who likes Support heroes in the game?

Please tell me you didn’t use r63.

I hate Medhiv! :angry:

I theoretically like them very much, I did like old Tass, I did enjoy my recent Abathur and always enjoyed being shieldwoman Zarya.

But my winrates aren’t there and if it doesn’t work, it doesn’t.
I also didn’t play Medivh much, because without good portals… I should just play some other mage.

Some healers are borderline supports with insignificant throughput, sometimes just early on. It’s crazy how Li Li’s early game utility seems to be the blinds (only - her healing talent winrate is crap - and so is her throughput).

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This. Yrel is a girl, just like Kaelthas.

It seems to be so, as most of the current supports were once considered specialists.

I’d like a new support hero, probably one who shields (with no life-steal) someone with lots of utility, vision, team wide spell damage bonus, or AA damage bonus. Though that sounds a bit like Medivh, that’s due to my lack of imagination right at this moment. :frowning:

I’d like to play with Spell Breaker as a support hero in the game and I think it is a good concept:

Doesn’t tick all the boxes but Tyrande is similar and that’s what I would like about her. Might try again, made it to 15 for the portrait (Illidan still low after 4-5 years) but wasn’t particularly successful.

I enjoy Tyrande as a main healer, but I wouldn’t be upset if they changed her back to support. My main caveat with that position is that no “Owl Spam” build. That was a terrible gimmick and I have no desire to see Tyrande reduced back to an Owl sniper/Crazy Owl Lady.

If you do make Tyrande a support they would need to add a new healer as the roster isn’t huge. Also I think this is a moot discussion as I really don’t think they will add any more supports. I hope so, just have my doubts.

I’m terrible with the owl. Scouting, OK. Sniping, no. :slight_smile:

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Congratulations, you just described Tyrael!



kek… Well to give me a bit of dignity I did admit I was lacking for imagination today. It’s honestly difficult to think of a shielding hero that isn’t the old Tass or Med, or Zarya. :no_mouth:


For me, the hardest part of designing a support hero is that it is too easy for them to make certain heroes too strong, so while each hero separately is fine, even undertuned, together they are extremely frustrating to play against. Abathur/Samuro, Medivh/Stitches (stupid kidnap comp!), Zarya/Garrosh, and so on. Creating a new support hero, especially one that enables fragile heroes such as Illidan, Valla or Tracer, can cause extreme balance issues for the game overall.

While Support as a concept is neat, I do think that the fewer Supports in the game, the easier it is to make the rest of the roster strong in their own right. I am actually glad that they seem to be moving away from that role.


This is the part where i disagree though.

Most supports can be made as a healer, but simply lack the healing element in a decent enough state. They cannot compete with regular healers at all. And instead their damage is increased.
Buffing alone can also be done by healers (plenty of healers do have this as part of the kit).

This is why medivh and zarya are supports. And you can design towards this direction. As after all, if you created an ability that is as supportive as a portal, you already had a good start (tassadars wall was previously 1 of these RIP old tassadar)

Abathur and TLV are heroes that essentialy are permanently global. And this is again a thing you can design for. But has 2 issues: if its a single body, it becomes a lot like abathur (which you shouldnt want), if its multibody, people will find it match the vikings too much.
This keeps a double body hero remaining (which on that technicaly can be the better hero on 2 lane maps, and still compete with TLV on 3 lane maps), but who is this going to be?

Support is a role they can design, but its that niche, you shouldnt expect a lot of these to exist anyway. But i definitely do hope they will attempt at this.

I enjoy playing the support role, just not in the clownfiesta that is solo queue.

Yea, that’s a balancing nightmare.
Because a Hero that does many things but good at nothing is extremely niche.
Why would you make a “Healer” who can’t heal? Or an “Assassin” who has less dmg than the others?
I get it that it can be good/fine when you need both, but… We already have Healers with nice dmg.
Medivh works, but he’s barely used, has low winrate and worth more words than I want to use atm.
But Tassadar and Tyrande were both Supports at some point and they were hard to balance and got changed.
Sure, Tass had more factors (like fantasy), but Tyrande was made a full Healer to help her identity, her usage, her niche.

The “super weak Healer” direction is not healthy as the main focus for Supports.
Medivh is not a Healer only because the devs felt that that isn’t a fit.

The biggest problem supports have is that this isn’t LoL where adcs get lifesteal, mages get spell vamp, and tanks can actually tank with their abilities and stats. Different games means different metrics and in hots the meta is to always have one healer which hurts supports usage. You always need one tank, one damage (tends to be ranged assassin) and one healer. Then you need a solo laner which is either a melee assassin or a bruiser. You have one slot left and BAM it’s gonna be a second ranged assassin for more damage/not a melee so people don’t clump too hard in teamfights

Supports are awkward to fit in a team and you give up a lot to slot in a Zarya/medivh/abathur/tlv and in abathur’s case you better have an auto attacker or someone who can use abathur well. Tlv being best on a three lane map also makes him situational too unlike a static LoL map where you know what map it’ll be ahead of time

I answer one that Medivh is Warcraft very hard hero and we need to know that compared to others.

Depends massively on the team though. With randoms this can surely be a pain. But thats partialy because in draft, you should know from the start that you are going for such comp, so you can adjust to that.

Supports generaly do have some fighting power in them, so teamfights arent automaticly a 4v5. But even then, during an objective it might be a 4v5, but during the rest of the round, the support might handle the other lanes so you can push constantly with the 4.

And for that we can put some of those supports into a replacement on these categories (note, that healers also includes shielders because you are making sure your shielding target ends up having more health, than it should have without the shield):

  • Medivh: 50% healer, 50% mage
  • TLV: 100% offlane (or when grouped 100% assassin)
  • Abathur: 50% offlane, 50% healer
  • Zarya: 50% healer, 50% bruiser

And once you know that info as team, supports become very viable.

I would like a new hero with old Tassadar kit or something very similar to it (shields+waveclear+vision+utility)

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in aram one of my favourite heroes to play is Medivh.
there is no better feeling than rescuing someone from certain death with a well timed portal or shield :smiley:
plus i usually contest with the assassins for top spot on the damage meter too!
overall fun and effective character to play :slight_smile: