Who is your relax hero

Murky, death is only a doorway.

and at 10 my destruction is completely unleashed. Then if the mistake is made of letting me get to 20, my face starts to hurt from smiling too much. Maybe this isnt relaxing?


I like playing Lunara a lot when things donā€™t go really well so I can make everyone suffer my wrath.


Yrel. Just chilling and bullying my opponent in the solo lane or I play Alexstrasza.

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Mephisto is also nice to relax. If only I was good with him

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Zagara is my relax hero I think, although sheā€™s so squashy its not that relaxing! Maybe Diablo then as Iā€™ve got the most games on him so itā€™s mostly muscle memory now.


If i need to readjust i usually play my Auriel in acouple of QM games.
So i can get my Heal, AA, Positioning and my basic overview back again.
This usually resets my skills back to itā€™s current if i have had a week or so away from HOTS.

This is also one of my most comfy heroes so iā€™d call it relaxing.

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Mine is Morales. I play her when Iā€™m on NA and lagging quite a bit (since I live in Korea). I can auto-pilot her even with lag and still perform at the Diamond level without issues. I think Iā€™m still over 75% win rate with her in ranked games with ~70 wins.


I tend to have a few, or none really. I play what I feel like, and I tend to like heroes that make me feel pro. Stutter stepping, juking and pressuring the enemies. Feeling dat HGC moments in each match. In any case, if I lose with a hero like Illidan, Iā€™ll play him over and over again until I win. I donā€™t like going to bed with a loss in mind for that hero.

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Ming, when things go bad, i com back to her.

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Zeratul, i only use him when i tire of tanking for bads.Not really a relaxing hero though.


abatur and brightwing.


Li Li
I have a playlist on Spotify called ā€œfeel gudā€, and I listen to it while playing the panda to settle the nerves.


When i relax with a hero i do it with Brightwing.

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Abathur or Nazeebo in QM mode.
Although not always, for example, I played Illidan a lot yesterday.

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Li Li since her kit is simple and her movement is very complex but Iā€™m a high APM player who can stutter step efficiently with twinblade Varian so thatā€™s barely an issue. Li Li for relaxed healing and Whitemane for tryharding


Iā€™d hop into a game as Malthael or Valeera, maybe Leoric if I was feeling really lazy


I donā€™t think I can have one. I just donā€™t play HotS when Iā€™m in that mindset.


Iā€™d have to say Chen or Sylvanas.
I usually play Sylvanas aggressively but when I want to just chill I just soak every lane and poke at enemies while I rotate. If I choose to team fight I usually get all into it and get kill hungry.
Chen is just a chill pick for me. The way he prances around and drinks his booz calms me down.


Mainly Morales, but I end up trying hard for godly grenade hits to secure kills and save my mates so it isnā€™t that relaxing in the end.



Free assists with her trait. The occasional polymorph and one of the most fun ultimates in the game, Blink Heal.