Who even plays Ranked or normal matches? ARAM only plz

What are you guys even trying to prove by playing ranked? You constantly complain about trolls or other modes. The game receives no balance updates. It is frozen in time where if you know what’s strong or got friends it is easy to win all the ranked matches. Even if you are winning or “good” at ranked, you are literally taking advantage of having knowledge advantages over newer players who try to get into ranked which is probably just them mistakenly clicking that mode instead of ARAM.

It is almost like you need to bully someone to feel good. It’s very telling you ranked players wanted ARAM to have all of the same to try to ruin our ARAM. You may want to get more participants in ranked but no one is biting. If the game received updates then it would be more understandable and maybe people would come back to ranked. Literally no one, except yourself, cares about your ranking or streams if you have any.

ARAM is actually where the real skill and fun is at. You have to improvise constantly due to randomness. They really need to make ranked ARAM to see who the good players are since all other modes are dead. Anyone can draft some broken comp and dominate at ranked with their buds when barely anyone else plays it…

Blizz, just make ARAM the only option and remove all of the same from it. Then maybe implement that crazy mode option one weekend a month for some variety. If you do this, HOTS will be in tip top shape.


When have i ever complained about trolls in my games here?


yes let just nullify some heroes that aren’t built to ARAM
let’s get rid of all of the unique maps that other Mobas don’t have
let’s make it so people who casually play AI to distress from the human race no longer get to do that
let’s make it a staple that you either do as some randos says or they AFK in base
let’s get rid of the objectives and half of the merc camps

the list goes on but you should (if you have any degree of intelligence) get my point


You will still complain you get into one even if the chance of getting it was only once every month.

GJ making 90% of the playerbase leave if ranked/QM/AI gets removed.

Also if ARAM is where the real skills is then why are you leaving mirror matches ? Mirror matches is a perfect example of who has the highest skill with sad hero over someone who just spams every spell on cd and have no clue how to position himself.


Some one finally gets the true problem with having fun playing ranked. I only play to pubstomp and because the mode has a draft. But you are smoking crack if you think aram is “skilled” any good player eventually is able to flex into any hero in the game at a good level, aram is dominated by a handful of heroes and the game is decided by who has more of those broken heroes and are the people playing them any good. Like my aram hero specific winrates on heroes like, zuljin, chromie, azmodan, mephisto are 80%+. ARAM is literally only team fighting so it completely removes the nuances of obj and laning macro so using it as a means to “see who the good players are” is just braindead.

itemized list:

  1. You’ve demonstrated yourself to be an erratic, illogical player that upsets themselves with their own impulsive actions than actuall identify and address issues affecting players beyond yourself. So trying to speak out for anyone, but yourself, is disingenious and misguided.
  1. Creating a list of strawman itemizations is not a compelling list, esp for anyone that knows better, ie the people you’re trying to deride as being ‘bullies’.
  2. You might want to learn the actual reason of ‘literal’ instead of using the emphatic application that peopel are ‘literally’ using incorrectly. It is about the worst word for that application and could be substituted by a wide variety of other words that have the same amount of syllables and emphatic pronunciation to get the emotional effect people are trying to use through their incorrect use of ‘literally’.
  3. The game is receiving updates. There’s a ptr notice that’s making changes to aram, same-hero aram, and blaze as notable changes.
  4. While people assert that dota-like games ‘need’ constant change, most of that change actually comes from the ‘content’ from the players playing a player vs player mode. “Meta knowledge” is using outside resources to make in-game decisions so players that decide to play differently thus cause other players to react to those changes. However, players that don’t actually know why these happen – but want to act like they do – will make bad arguments to assert that things are ‘the same’ that are not.
  5. People demonstrated to be lacking skill trying to make assertions on where ‘real skill’ lies indications they’ve given up on imporving themselves, learning to do better, and are instead trying to delude themselves by telling a bad story to make themselves feel better about it. However, the science of ‘feel goods’ has indicated that that isn’t a really good out. They recommend active exercise and meditation instead.

An no, that isn’t ‘sarcasm’, it is an actual evidence-drawn conclusion and there’s a recent video made easier for people to digest:
https://youtu.be/ak3rou34P3M?si=V5v9pLzro3V4j7Pw&t=710 Link should start at 11:50, watch till 14:00 (two segments) for the direct reference (meditation and exercise)

Here’s something that may be difficult for you to fathom: the sort of players that complain on the forums or reddit may not be the same people that are playing the game you’re trying to strawman. You’re asserting that the people that wanting something aren’t the ones ‘actually’ playing the game, and yet you’re trying to detract from that same crowd with disconnected rationalizations.

That’s sort of the trouble of people that give-up on getting better about something: they don’t learn enough to realize how much that they don’t know that they instead fill their observation and mental space with effectual deception instead.

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HOTS is bad enough when people selected the character they want. It is a clown fiesta when people are forced into characters / roles they have no clue about. In ARAM, the win is decided mostly by what heroes you get and less about skill.

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I’ve played them out, rarely, and when I’ve tried I did fine.


However, I speak for almost everyone when we say we don’t like the mode. Look at this one. It’s a waste of time for both sides. If people wanted the mode then things like this would not happen.


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Sad argument. It’s like saying 2D Checkers is higher skilled than 3D Chess.

This is either satire or OP is far out in space that the hubble space telescope would be unable to find them. Considering who is the one that wrote the original post, I am leaning heavily towards the latter.

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Im pretty sure OP is either trolling or making satire posts just to bait people. No one in thier right mind would ask 90% of the game to be removed just to make it ARAM only game. Then he better of just finding himself a game that fits his post.

And ARAM being the place where ‘‘true skill shows up’’ most be the dumbest I have ever heard.

Sounds just like OP got butthurt over ranked players beating him in his own home and then needs to complain about that some players are better than him.

Game is on life support and you complain about a random guy and his buddies are better at drafting thier team then you and the rest of your team. Guess its must be a crime to be better than you. If someone out drafts you no matter which rank you plays in then they were just better. How many players who plays ranked have no impact on that.

A good player with good map knowledge can affect your team build up by banning specific heroes that would put your team in a better spot then his. Thats true skill

Out banning your team while building a competent one to beat you casue you were too busy banning random heroes and picking heroes you average with and have no sync with the rest.

What skill does ARAM provide you that makes you superior then ranked players ?
Only thing you do is rush down one lane spamming spells off cd.

But nice bait thread. Was fun to read.

ARAM has more than enough ppl queueing for it. This is just a troll thread.

Also, do you really want AI-only players in your matches? Sure, a few of them actually have built up some skill, but there’s a reason why most of them refuse to go up against other players. You really want that?

because those petulant brats won’t lay off the blame game and play sensibly