Whitemane Reworked 20 Talent - Fanatical Power - Selfcast intended?

From the description of the talent it sounds like it has to be cast on a team member - however PTR testing allows you to cast it on yourself. Working as intended?

But this is such a non-issue? Using it on yourself would be such a waste when you can use it on any of your allies on the map, which in return enables global healing range with you being on opposite end of the battlefield.

Being able to cast on yourself is just additional convenience since you can recast the spell to a different hero. Sometimes that little bit of mana saved or an extra additional second you could buy ahead of time by not having to apply Zeal during the fight is more than enough to give you an advantage during 1v1 or in any fight situation when your are on your own.

It’s not an issue with the talent itself, considering it’s free to apply and has a relatively short CD (30 secs). It would not be a waste for a Whitemane who is OOM with the new basic attack talents fleeing - with proper stutter step for AA and use of her damage abilities.

The point is the description is confusing on the talent tooltip then and does not speak to being able to self-cast. It should either contain language that specifies it can be “self-cast” or include a disclaimer like Alex’s Blessing of the Red “Cannot be used on Whitemane.”

Right now it states “target ally” which is ambiguous and does not support the current functionality of being able to self-cast.