Whitemane is so fun

Whitemane is so fun and skillful uwu.


I agree with your sentiment.

as someone who ahsn’t played her since the rework (not for disdain or anything I just usually tend to fall away from heroes after reworks regardless of success) I cannot tell if this is sarcasm or not

which build do you use? AA Build or Desperation/Plea Build?

She is fun, but not more fun than she was before the rework; Therefore i don’t play her anymore.

I am sorry for those who will never experience the joy that she was before being ruined.

I liked her before rework and still like her the same. She’s pretty strong right now unless you only need sustained healing.

She just have mana problems, and I miss rooting multiple people.

Other than that fun is subjective, and I too stil enjoy her gameplay healing style.

I agree! Love her new rework. Maybe I was a bad player before her rework, cause I could never do well as her, but now she is much more intuitive and fun to me.

I like lash build best.

She was a lot more fun before the rework!

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