Whitemane buffs

Seriously, she is so underpowered that it’s not even remotely funny anymore.

Anduin, Ana, Alexstrasza, Auriel, Brightwing, Deckard (you name it) >>>>>>>> WM and it’s really depressing how crap she is.

  • She has no base CC.
  • She has no escapes.
  • She is really stationary.
  • Has crazy mana consumption.
  • Barely has burst heals.
  • No utility for teammates (except a real crappy slow).

After playing prev & after rework WM, she is still really bad. One of the lowest tier healers I’ve played so far.

Buff her. Reworks seem to be useless so just straight out buff her please.

while i wouldn’t mind some buffs, i think your overexerting a bit.
she dosent need an escape if you can just tank who ever is diving on to you and she absolutely has some bursting healing

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Whitemane has crazy good burst heals but just as pre-rework she’s a bit of a lategame powerhouse. I certainly wouldn’t mind her utility coming up earlier so you have a more balanced experience. Just as with Uther’s armor, halving enemy burst damage shouldn’t be underestimated, especially not when she can do that every 3-7 seconds (depending on how well you land Es). I do wish they’d diversify her style because currently you have a “healthy talent tree” but basically your entire method of healing with her is determined by two talents.


I think her talent tree is better then most people give her credit for. Theres really only 3 talents that i think are just bad.

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Anduin, Brightwing, Auriel, Deckard. These Healers have lower winrate (first two has negative winrates).
Alexstrasza has lower pop on top of the lower winrate.
WM is not overperformed.
Not convinced that she neess buffs. To me, she’s the most scary Healer in diamond+.


Her talent diversity is really fine in general. It’s just that Pity the Frail and Subjugation are both in the “must have” category. Without them she struggles hard and some may even call her “unplayable”, with them she’s really competitive.

When I am talking balance I am remembering the pre-rework version which had 3 distinct styles with neither outperforming the other but being more situational. Many Whitemane players back then at least practiced two and it allowed some versatile fun. I certainly don’t think she’s currently boring but she plays more like a typical healer.

Subjugation is pretty insane. lashing out can also be pretty devastating against a mostly melee team.

But yeah, If your really trying to mid max its hard to justify anything over the Subjugation build other then some niche scenarios. I feel like radiance could be really good if wm or even the talent its self gave back some mana because when you get really stacked with the level 1 quest, radiance becomes almost game breaking with how much easy healing it puts out.

She has underused talent could need a buff.
I disagree that she is as weak as OP makes her to be.


While I dislike the rework, new WM seems pretty good. The only downside are stupid teammates who can literally kill you, unless you wanna get spam pinged.

Are we playing the same character?


I mean, there are some heroes who can burst heal harder if you play like a potato. Whitemane is also punishing for potatoes or those who don’t know how her new build work. Ancestral is “just” a button click and while in higher tiers a good use of Ancestral Healing is a feat when you face potatoes that’s far easier than landing Whitemane’s healing combos.
It’s hard to look deep into this when the player is rather obviously a potato.

Whitemane does not really need buffs; she needs a massive shift back to pre-rework mechanics.

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I would like to see a DPS buff. She’s lacking utility and escapes other healers have that can do the job much easier. They can also be PVE healers…

I would like to see an increase in damage to heroes only that doesn’t apply to the healing. Make her the DPS healer that lacks the utilities but does more DPS to compensate.

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I mean, sure, buff my highest win rate healer please.


She’s your highest winrate? That is amazing in my eyes. Nothing competes to a well timed light bomb or life grip for me… Yet everyone else tells me Anduin needs a buff? I must specialize in combo plays.


They should buff E build and drop the activate tickle on 1 as a passive. It was only a good talent for the desperiation removal. It is not meant for healing

Whitemane is a Wombo combo mistress with her damage ultimate, you can dump enough damage to end team fights in seconds all while keeping your team alive.

Her W beam slows a targeted enemy while healing your team. Great to enable divers in the early game or protect your team from enemy divers.

She’s actually crazy strong when played to her strengths. Anduin can’t even come close in my opinion. He is probably the healer with the lowest skill ceiling other than lili. He’s easy to play, but there will come a point where more skill gives you diminishing returns. I don’t feel like that with whitemane, there’s always room to improve.

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She’s great at single target healing, but bad at group heals (both her ults kinda solve this but generally, she lacks group healing). Her heals are weaker than most healers too, so she really needs to focus heal a single target.

My gripe with the rework is that you need to use her damage skills so you don’t run out of mana, but you need to deal damage to heal. So you either spread your zeals on everyone and run out of mana when you deal damage, or you alternate healing and casting spells so you don’t run out of mana, but then have no more damage to heal with.

Pre rework made more sense from a gameplay standpoint.

If you look at healing numbers, she’s easily one of the best in the game.
She doesn’t need buffs.
But she could use a bit of power shifting to make her more interesting.

Depends on the build you go.
You can easily spread Zeal on 3 people while only using 90 mana, but you’re going to need auto-attacks or E to deal the damage.
One good change could be to make it so using D also boosts her auto-attack damage.

Though really I think they should just shift some of her healing to Desperate Plea, away from doing damage to heal, that way they can just buff her damage.

Aside from Holy Word: Salvation in QM where they can’t draft to counter it, and Leap of Faith and Life Bomb with a strong dive carry, I’d say he’s one of the worst healers in the game.

Agreed. I really wish to play WM, cause i like all that “BUUUUURN in the light” stuff, but her mana consumption is way too high without any way to recharge fast other then B. Ya heal 3 people and can go B. Other healers feels much much stronger and easier. For ex Uther. Heal, aoe heal, passive armore to ally on heals, click to stun, aoe stun, way to recharge mana. Overal WM feels very situational. I have with WM quite a high winrate, but its mostly because i had luck on teammates, and it didnt really felt that we won because of my help tho.