Which whitemane skin is the best

I completed my inquisitor collection so now im stuck not being able to decide which to use :3

I really like the spell effects for the space skins but dont like the model. Then I really like the model for the witch but dont like the spell effects.

Whichever has the least amount of clothes, obviously.

Feelin’ guilty for writing it, but I think her original is her best. Perv moments aside, her character voicework really sets the HotS version and it is best complimented by her charitable and loving church work :shushing_face:

Like waterlong, I’m torn on the space and white skins. Witch gets extra points for the cat + mount, but her /dance is a bit lacking if she’s not the inquisitor.
I do like her albino tints if I’m not using her classic.

the mere prospect of this question sickens me
she slay regardless of outfit
a statement you’d know if you played her properly

“Cursed Witch Whitemane” is my go-to skin for her.

It could be perhaps my favorite skin in the whole game. My hubby, who loved cats but didn’t play Hots, made me buy it when he saw it on Facebook, as he liked to listen to the kitten meow as I played. lol


Witch Whitemane. Too bad development was pulled. We could have had a death knight skin for her to match her current lore iteration.


My fav is the green witch skin.

To watch? Noir Showstopper. Babylon Berlin (and other film noir) vibes.
To play as? Warpspace Empress.
To date? Court Witch. Fitting name.
To pay my taxes? Lordaeron.

(I find each of the fifteen almost fantastic, with one specific thing.)

Forgotten Witch is cute, too.
Now, log in and check which one is witch. Except Undondory, I expect you to know all of them.

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Whitemane has so many good ones, the witch ones are excellent, but my favorite are the celestial ones. They are just very vibrant and the sound and visual effects that go with her spells just make them my pick.

Edit: I completely forgot about the showstopper ones, they are great as well, but the celestial ones remain my favorite.

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Blue tint. Cant explain why though.

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forgotten is green witch
court is white and blue witch
pinky-red is original witch
whitemane is white gold and red
lordaron is blue gold and blonde
mourning is black red and crimson red
scarlet is red white and black
twilight is lavender silver and wheat-blonde
galactic is constalations white and blue
imperial is white hegaxonal patterns, white fading multicoloured hair
cosmic is ginger purple with moving nebula
(fun fact all galactic empress skins have an animation glitch where the Inquisition star is over the top of her hand)
showstoper is every hideous shade of pink under the sun
nior is black with gold sequins ginger hair green eyes
silver screen is monochrome with orange eyes
diamond is every shade of ice blue under the sun
idol is blue golden yellow and brown hair

now if only she got a dark nexus skin
or a lunar festival skin
or better yet a demonic skin, specifically Envy

edit one was a correction of hair color for the idol showstopper
edit two was these two sentences



Witch because it has a cat that rides on your broom. There are no other skins. Also chapeau.

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