Which scenario Naz would NOT to pick vile infection?

As the title suggests with which builds, maps, comp Naz would not pick vile infection?

  1. for some reason, he went ravenous spirit instead of gargantuan. Like artanis laser, Iā€™d say ravenous without 20 is almost useless (unless you use it just for zoning some objective, I guess? But then, gargantuan blocks spells too, and canā€™t be interrupted by cc, so it still looks better).
  2. you got to 20 and have less than 165 stacks, especially if you reached 20 just before a teamfight. That teamfight could very well be game overā€¦
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All of his 20 are really good. I think most people just find vile infection to be the most fun.

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Pretty much All scenarios I do not go Vile Infection.

While Vile Infection is great once you finish the quest, it just takes too long to clear 25 full waves and get 175 stacks. If iā€™m around 130+ stacks by level 20, I will sometimes consider it, but the other talents have immediate usability and they are all pretty decent.

Hopefully the talent gets some reworks on one of these balance patches.

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I find the upgrade for Nazā€™s Spirit to be quite a nice pick vs double heal or heavy sustain comps. The 50% healing reduction is no joke in that scenario.

Unless you one of those that can farm the stacks very good then its just a trap talent. Better just take something els to upgrade your ult insteed.

The Gargantuan lvl 20 is not to be slept on. Assuming it isnā€™t killed, it puts Gargantuan on an only 10 second downtime. Vile Infection is very powerful, but I donā€™t look twice when a Naz picks up that talent instead. It puts him on ā€œsolo the coreā€ mode at all times.


Part of the ā€˜appealā€™ for pub nazeebo is going for stacks, but the players that are motivated for that tend to not be in teams that allow them to get the stacks.

For most of my own games, and games Iā€™d suggest to other players, they should probably plan on not completing the quest. His spider and frog builds benefit from hitting heroes, and not so much farming lanes, and his zombie wall build enables early siege pressure, so Iā€™d rather press a strong early advantage instead of stalling out half the game and hoping I get enough stacks to turn things around at the end.

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Naz should never pick vile infection
because he is banned from being in my games
no Naz? no problem

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100% the issue with the quest. Itā€™s really a topic the janitor should take a look at.

Lowering the threshold is the obvious solution. How many stacks do you think it should be lowered to? 135 seems like a good number to me.