I thought he was gonna go onto the PTR today? I’m just tired of waiting for my main to release.
PTR only gets released on a Monday.
Not always. There’s no telling when the next PTR will come but they did say the next major (content patch) would have Deathwing at Blizzcon.
Yes, after the PTR.
You have the patch notes history.
It amazes me how people think they will just out of a sudden they are gonna release Deathwing without even getting him through the PTR lol, sure buddy.
shaking the camera before game
Damn. Guess I gotta wait another week then. Thanks for the reply.
He needs to get his dragon butt out of the ground and onto the PTR.
They said in an interview during Blizzcon that he would be out 2 weeks after Blizzcon.
That means he “should” be on the PTR on the 18th and on the Live (NA) Servers on the 26th.
Didn’t Zul’jin release like that? Given how publicized Deathwing’s been behind wraps, it’s not impossible.
Who care about this hero. Play Murky instead
That happened 3 years ago, once, doesn’t really mean they are gonna something similar with another hero.
He used Dragonflight and it’s 10 seconds days till he can come down.
It also doesn’t mean they won’t.
Granted it’s not likely to happen, but I like to be hopeful.
Well hope we don’t get something like the zarya treatment that’s all I ask.
https:// www. mmo-champion. com/content/8793-Deathwing-Reveal-Recap
Remove the spaces, line at the top answers your question.
When did they ever say 2 weeks? I thought it was a FEW weeks?
He’s already in the game, he’s just been reworked to have true invisibility.
I imagine he won’t come until scarlet heist event is done so you can get a nice big homepage on your bnet featuring the dragon himself.
And scarlet heist won’t be done for like another two weeks?
just put `these symbols around it` without spaces because it’s a lot easier to copy and paste that way
Ah, thank you. Though you’ve kind of beaten me to the punch.