When is tassadar getting nerfed?

Sure is cool that a single character can prevent some dmg every 8 seconds, while also healing by aa, check everything around him, has almost the best wave clear , be invincible and unhunted because E, and can place walls what can’t be passed.

Seems really fair. Yup. Not a complete joke that you think this is balanced at all.

This is unfun to play with this hero and vs Dat one in one time :triumph:


After chen gets nerfed. Chen is a much bigger problem than tassadar right now, he is near invincible with his constant shields and his keg’s constant slows is really annoying to deal with.

In the meantime, blizz should also consider buffing or reworking bad heroes like malganis and azmodan with a low winrate


I like where this is going.

Don’t forget he can transform in this giant shooting contant lasers for a lot of damage and there is no stopping him past 20…


Omg :scream:, :alien: Tassadar (:fish:) :alien: :negative_squared_cross_mark: doesn’t need :negative_squared_cross_mark: :thinking: :arrow_down: nerfs :point_down:, this is obviously :smirk: an L2P issue. :sunglasses:


Reverse psychology Dr. Logan, I see what you did there. You forgot to add “unfun”, that will get him looked at. :wink::smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Just say he’s anti fun that will get em some changes, for the good or worst. :sunglasses:


Nerf Ana first, this is where the problem lies.


Yeah and buff Fenix and Raynor to compensate :sunglasses:


Tassadar will be only surviving hero in Heroes of the Storm: World of Light.


I can support this.

Using Nano on him, there will be unlimited shields and his abilities just burns you away 100-0 in seconds.
All the while his AA heal gives him infinite heal for the duration.
And don’t get me started over the lv 20 nano heal :triumph:

In other words, literally unstoppable.


And add Morales’s ult to Ana’s…

And both of those buffs on Arhon.

:skull_and_crossbones: :skull_and_crossbones: :skull_and_crossbones:

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You just revealed the hidden truth… tass is just like chen. Secretly OP broken, hitting insane levels of winrate, artifically keeping him on obvious 40% so the casuals wont touch him and realize how OP he is.


Oh god, shall we put an Abathur hat + Auriel crown on him as well then??

That would be like … +300% attack speed!

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Penta-support meta in <1 month confirmed.

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lol this reminded me of carbot’s zuljin video.

just substitue tass in place of zuljin :stuck_out_tongue:
Auriel+Rehgar+Aba+Morales on Archon Tass.
should be interesting.


Here we go, another one want to ruin ana :confused:

We’ve noticed that the bunk–Tassadar has seen an uptick in usage.

In order to prevent the other support players from rebelling, we are nerfing all of bu–Tassadar’s values down to 75% of the original upon each death.

We believe this will allow Tassadar to excel in games where he ensures he avoids dying.

It will also promote laning by Tassadar, ensuring his team gets ample exp so they can win their 4v5s.


Everything’s about to get nerfed if the whole game dies
I think buffs to Tassadar will save us all :smiley:
Who’s with me on this? …no one? just me?
Ok, yah buffing Tass is a crazy ideal I don’t know what came over me!


@ Skychase
Ofc nerf ruin the game all know that and none care.
They should change side talent not main spell, when touch the “main spell” it’s also ruin the style of hero, anyway it’s to late 4 years passed and they used to nerf :stuck_out_tongue:


A like just for it being a troll post!

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