The number of matches where ppl don’t pick healers and tanks are increasing rapidly. People that have the only tank or healer outright refuse to take it and rather go for garbage heroes like Butcher or Samuro. I have had matches where 3 people could take a healer and no one did. Those matches often turn out to people just wait it out in spawn or directly disconnect and wait for the next game.
What has become with the gamers of today? Just selfish egoists. And don’t come up with “Oh, it’s ARAM”. It is “Pick one hero out of three”. So you can build a team that is working and if you see a healer or tank you know that the enemy has those choices as well. Actively denying your team those roles puts the team at disadvantage on purpose. This is a team game! If you want to play solo and don’t care about winning, play Minecraft!
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There are many reasons that I can think of. I’ve often seen players who pick the tank or healer options, who openly admit they aren’t good with those heroes, be abused by their teammates when they perform poorly.
The other thing that springs to mind, is that ARAM is a mode many players don’t take seriously, and often people will just play whatever hero they feel like it at the time, as the 3 hero shuffle pick, is not an actual draft, despite the superficial resemblance.
People only want to play heroes they feel comfortable with even if it means you end up with no tank or healer.
The problem is that the game mode is essentially a draft mode with a limited selection plus the game doesn’t receive new content or reworks any more.
Which means the meta in this mode is basically the same for years and boring.
This in combination with the try hard mentality makes some draft decisions an auto lose. Even a bronze potato is able to deal a decent amount of damage with spells that target significant amounts of the lane.
So there are those selfish people who use those facts as an excuse to draft some which is “fun” for them.
You have the same two options as me:
a) Deal with it
b) Play LoL
c) Hope that Blizzard changes something or brings new content, by the chances are near 0
I do a combination of a) and b). HOTS is the game which suits me more starting with the graphics and design, but is overall a game with signification issues which led to unfun situations.
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One more addition, people got way too comfortable with a healer constantly pouring all mana into healing, this made many players more dumb, more careless, they do not dodge skill shots or try to position well during the team fight in order to avoid AOEs.
They got so accustomed to it that if their team lacks a healer, they do not know what to do or how to play because they constantly die due to their lack of skill and carefulness.
Just look at the old games in HGC, heroes like Kharazim and Rehgar were super popular because their teams do not need loads of healing all the time, they were calculative, they strategize, they minimized AOE damage they take. There were even games without a healer altogether, only with a support.
… i also hate that many healers are even capable of outhealing the damage done by 1-2 enemies, i believe it makes the game messier and less delicate…
This is me any time I am stuck with Alexstraza in ARAM, I’m TERRIBLE at her, but no one else will pick healer, so I get screamed at all game.
If i am presented with heroes i know i am bad with i just take the 3 hero option. Even if that is then a troll pick. Also a reason why i hate the drafting in ARAM. You can end up getting heroes you bad with and then have to eat the sour apple and pick a troll hero and get flamed on if you lose.
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I also think that the concept of the walking fountain is bad for the game and always was.
If everyone picks ranged assassins, it doesn’t really matter what the other team picks, you’ll win—unless they also pick all ranged assassins.
Because ARAM is supposed to be a lulzy nonsense mode that no one should actually be playing regularly, and in no way should be considered when balancing the game.
This is why i wish we could trade picks in aram. I really like healing in aram and would gladly take every healer i see.
I will even gladdly take that uther/kharazim/ana off your hands and actually do good numbers with them.
I’d rather pict a hero I know how to play over a tank or support I’m going to have no clue about.
That’s just how ARAM rolls as I see it.
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