Whats with matchmaking?

sooo i havent played in awhile and every watch was pretty balanced but now im on my 8th lost in a row and i just go against the best players in the world

You’re rusty, you’re tilted. The game’s population is lower than it used to be. Or maybe it’s just bad luck.

What answer were you looking for? There’s a conspiracy specifically to screw you over? Blizzard wants returning players to lose? Like, if you wanna vent we have the Salt Mines. This doesn’t need to be a thread.

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i was just seeing if there was some technical reason behind it didnt have to be so angry about it

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matching hasn’t changed, and isn’t likely to change much ever again.

When posters don’t put in any details on what they’re experiencing – mode, server, hero picks, etc etc – it generally indicates that they don’t have knowledge or experience to ascertain what happens with ‘matching’ that they’re just looking for something to blame and effectively assume that anyone else is magically psychic or something.

I could step into just about any pvp game and think “what’s wrong with matching” because the ‘average’ player is generally not good at the game, or rather, has different priorities than anyone else in that game to the point they’re demonstrably playing ‘badly’.

That’s why the internet is rife with verbatim topics on what is ‘wrong’ with matching, and little by why of understanding the consequences of ‘free will’ existing. If people aren’t obligated to play better, then they generally aren’t. They hit a skill cap, and start looking for stuff to blame instead of what they can do better/different/etc

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I have a average winrate about 56% in QM, for years. I am aware that I am not the best player in the world, but I have a decent level.
I lost 15 of my 19 last games those last 48h. And won 4
Those wins were not « free » at all. It was close games
The lost games were all against 1) really good players and 2) at least 2 really bad players in our team (sometimes even trolls or DC people)

Talking to some friends, many had the same experience recently

So I’m pretty sure OP is up to something. Maybe he is a bit rusty. But something has changed.

That’s little potato data. Come back when you’ve played 2,000 games.

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without any details, I can only speculate on what other people don’t know.

OP seems to have been gone ~ 6 months and it’s unlikely “matchmaking” has changed. Matching isn’t the magic powers that dictate how people play, and a lot of ‘bad’ players people fault tend to have the same level of ‘skill’ as the complainer, but they had a different priority of how to play a given map and choices or lacking execution got them punished for it. A big tell is they think they were against “the best players in the world” and probably were not. It’s just an easy hyperbole for inexperienced players.

The given time frame of ‘recent’ hours covers the weekend. A vast number of games try to discourage select players from playing over weekends due to the shift in available ‘gamers’ that might not otherwise play when OP might ‘usually’ do so. I don’t know, they didn’t have the courage to offer any details to detect something outside of “oh matching must have changed” without considering:

different heroes, map selections, groups vs non, aram, qm, ranked

or a myriad of other factors that are significantly more likely to play a factor in the match quality. A number of topics that complain about matching fail to mention when someone is switching from playing a typical dps player to then trying tank/healer or vice versa.

Also, for the US, the previous few days were a holiday during the recent transition from school starting and summer break ending. Maybe players had a party of 1 good player trying to coach a newbie, so the averaged mmr of that duo/trio lands near OP – or yourself – and accounts for some of the gameplay experience where someone isn’t playing to the weight of their mmr.

I recently picked up an mmo to scratch my still lingering mmo itch from WoW – back in the days – and I tried pvp in said mmo. Yea, after some dozen straight loses I get the impulse to blame ‘rigged’ matches, or I can watch over my games and notice that select players are prone to ‘bait’ tactics that lead to snowball losses due to a number of contributing factors that didn’t just happen to suit the prediction of ‘matching’ to personally force me to lose.