What's the Worst Patch of all time?

Patch 2.0

As it completely killed stealth and the meaning to the word stealth. Not to mention made the end game skins pointless as everyone could get them whenever. and MANY MANY other casual changes.


I can’t remember the exact one. But the patch where everyone was randomly losing rank points even when they had won the game.

THAT was the worse patch.


TBH. I played the patch a lot on PTR.

But I can’t even bring my self to LOGIN today. So disgusted.

The worst was the one where they screwed up HL placements, and had to actually reset and redo things because the MMR was completely off. I think it was the season that started at the end of 2017.


They patches that changed Tyrande and her rweorks


Lol. You’ll need to be more specific. She’s had a lot of reworks.

Ive liked every patch/rework. All my mains have been very well taken care of (azmodan, thrall, jaina, and varian)

Great for you, your post added nothing.

This describes over half of the forum posts including complaint ones


“Complaining” ones? You’re a real blizzard drone to the core. Those aren’t “complaints” those are ACTUAL arguments against how bad this game is and how it was handled.

Mercy was overpowered and way too unskilled, granting too much reward for basically no effort.

Worst game worst patch

I forgot about that one. It was reset 3 or 4 times? I can’t remember now, but it was a mess for sure.


All of it now lol, she changed so much thay it does not matter

EVEN IF you are right and Mercy was even remotely powerful anywhere Ana was playable as amain healer

That dosen’t change the fact that what we got out of that rework was an OP mess that somehow managed to be OP and spit in the face of everything that people found fun about playing Mercy (With an ulti that removed th eneed for fast paced movements between teammates)

IN short the rework was a failure even by Blizzards own admission of what they think Mercy should be known for (high healing output and swift mobility) as by the time they were done with her her healing was so low there is genuine debate about whether she’s even a main healer and the only way to balance rez turns a “swfit” healer into a statue.

TL;DR Regardless of pre rework status the post rework was awful in every single sense of the word

Bruh you don’t even play OW

This patch is garbage. An already nerfed Xul is even more nerfed because allowing towers to damage him like that… holy crap, did they not see this? It basically destroys his character. I am not sure if the devs are massively incompetent and stupid, or just messing with its player base.

You just woke up to this fact? They’ve ruined much more than a stupid overpowered character.

Dunno which one is The worst. While i love heroes of the storm, i hate these 3 patches to death:

  • Stealth rework
  • Garden of Terror rework
  • Removal of Haunted Mines

And Qhira is still NOT NERFED. They only did a minor change to her in the Toys 2 patch.
About the new patch: not that it’s the worst thing happened to the gaming history but yeah it ain’t that good.

P.S.: Also the removal of Specialist role. and if you have noticed, they are reworking the heroes that were previously Specialists from being best in pushing structures into assassins.

Yeah i got upset with that too. but people complained about the “Hide and Mass Rez” strategy. and so Mercy mains were sent to hell T^T

Whenever they added Genji, Lucio, and D’Va into the game.

It’s not that I am against OW heroes, I don’t really care where they come from as long as they’re fun. It’s that it was a large amount of mobility just thrust into the game in a very short amount of time.

For those that remember, it was a heinous experience. It was why I took my first break. I stopped playing for several months during these hero releases.