What's the thing you hate the most about HotS? Would you remove it?

I’m Diamond rank in UD. I got thrown on a team with a 579 MMR (no joke, 579) against players all 2000+ (MMR).

It wasn’t even worth playing. Half my team just sat in base after the first 3 minutes…when the game isn’t even worth playing…it’s time to fix matchmaking.

I would remove Quickmatch. The game would be in a much healthier position if it had been taken out way back after draft was added.


Copy&Paste from General Guide without understanding. (I feel more than 50% all they do)

If you pick other talents based on situation, you will be blamed for wrong build.

hey read my suggestions…and about Unranked also…

remove QM,come oon,can be different new mode,search my reply ( here in this topic) and read it,and then re think is it be removed or not.

-I hate Murky and Abathur. I appreciate them being different than ordinary heroes, but they are way too hard to deal with and most importantly they are very frustrating to play against. Both sides should have fun,and these two are killing it for everyone but themselves. I would either remove them or make some serious redesign.
-I hate how mana has absolutely no meaning except a few heroes. It is a resource and it should run out sometime. Regen globes are making mana obsolete for most heroes. I would either remove mana completely from heroes that never run out,or reduce mana from regen globes.
-I hate how balance team only change stuff according to winrates and top tier plays. Now that they removed pro scene completely,they should focus more on casual player’s feelings instead of winrates which mean nothing for most people.
-I hate Genji.