What's the thing you hate the most about HotS? Would you remove it?

We always get mad at things, it’s a strong emotion, but which of it do you have for this game? I particurally only have 1 thing in mind… :rage:

:angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry:

What i hate

ARAM brawls. I thought i hated something worse, it was a personal hatred, but… ever since they kept putting one-laner maps every week i lost my patience. If i could give a description of my anger for it…Hm… Imagine our sun, beautiful, isn’t it? Well, have it warp right next to Earth. Crispy. :bacon:


Would i remove it?



If you were the CEO, how would you improve it instead?

Just make it an individual mode.

What passion of rage do you have for the game?


Hate: The lack of Overwatch characters that aren’t hyper mobility crap.


ARAMs > Arenas

What I hate the most (atm)? H&H (Hanzo & Hammer). Would I remove them? Nope. Not even sure if they deserve nerfs at all, but I don’t like to play against them. That’s all.


Matchmaking role imbalances.

-Having multiple warriors vs 1 warrior in QM.
-Having multiple ranged vs 0 ranged in QM.
-Having multiple healers / supports vs 1 healer in QM.
-Having a healer option in ARAM vs no healer option in ARAM.

edit: and sgt hammer


What’s the thing you hate the most about HotS?

The Players

Would you remove it?



Good choice comrade.

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Players picking heroes because they believe it’s OP, but have no idea when to draft, or how to use the hero properly.
Just because the hero is “OP” does not mean it’s an assured chance of victory and you don’t know how to use them.

That bothers me more than wins/losses.


If it were up to me, I would force players to play for at least a year or 500 non vs AI games before they’re even allowed to touch a draft mode.

Then again, nobody likes being told what to do even if they can’t do it.

Edit: They should also permanently ban ALL master/grandmaster players that queue with people lower rank than them in ranked mode.

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wouldn’t say I hate anything, but if I had to choose, I guess it’d be OW hero choice and design.

Might get crap for this, but I think some heroes/aspects of their kits aren’t well designed from a fun/frustration perspective. Obviously it doesn’t apply to every hero, but I am wary of new additions for this reason and this reason alone. Some OW heroes don’t translate as directly as people think they do.

also give me pre-rework torb when he comes. Current one is boring

Can I choose passion of dislike instead


Blackheart’s Bay and Warhead Junction. But i don’t want they gone, i just want a change.


Since it’s inception it’s been a complete joke. Most of where it is today, honestly should have been there since day one. This is the premier game mode, that there’s still glaring issues 4 years after release - there’s just no excuse.


Thx for subbmitting all your angriest topics of HotS here!

I mostly made this because i finally dicided to do a the recent one-laner (because of event) and all 3 games weren’t good :frowning:

So, this is somewhat of a vent thread. :smirk:

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I hate that the threshold for allowing people to queue up for ranked is so damn low. Its so frustrating. They should unlock unranked and then ranked.


Shared xp system and overpowered heroes.

So much this … (20)

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My most hated thing in the game is… afker feeders and the pathfinding.

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Locking Hero/Team/Storm League to players with less than 200 player levels versus human opponents. You can’t learn the the game leveling v AI you have to play against PEOPLE so no ranked play til you prove you can play against people.

I’d remove abathur. He makes it so some heroes who may need buffs but don’t get them because abathur makes them strong enough like illidan. Also making strong heroes more annoying like tracer genji greymane ect

There’s no tutorial.

Hence most players having no idea what they’re doing.


What i hate is the “MVP” thing they lifted from overwatch…which is easy to remove and improve…don’t have it at all. all it is, is a humiliation simulator. Got stomped in your game? How about we put the humiliators on a pedestal for them to gloat over you.

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