Whats an accurate tier list for the game right now?

SL winrate? And even if yours wasn’t good, I told you there are high ranked ppl who has good Nova winrate.

Minimum 50% if I’m not mistaken.
People start to care less about game because Nova pick what leads to lose.
Even if they actually play normally, one mistake or lost fight will also lead to lose because Nova can’t turn table back to comeback.

It’s either you snowball or you lose. Nothing middle.

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Ah, I see… well if we’re talking about SL only then I struggle to pick a lot of heroes in draft, because they are less generalists, but very niche.

But wouldn’t it mean that there are a lot of heores who don’t work? I mean Probius or Hammer are another good examples for heroes you can’t draft easily, except in a very specific comp. I would even say even Tracer or Genji feels like difficult to draft, at least around silver - plat.

Butcher, Murky, Hammer, Zarya, Medivh or other niche heroes are much better than Nova.
I would even be happy to see Li Li instead Nova at this case at some scenarios (even when they are both terrible).

Oh, Zarya is actually not a great hero to start with. You are completely dependent on your team mates. You can’t very well solo a lane, or clear camps.

I would go with Raynor or Fenix to start.

You draft heroes un unrakned or Storm league. In other modes, you pick your hero before the game starts, and don’t know what your team mates or opponents pick until you’re in the game.
Though if you like being able to support and also deal some damage. You might like Tyrande or Tyrael.

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  1. learn basic of all heroes
  2. some heroes depend less on the team and perfom well at high levels too ( so yeah as you guessed they do have some priority)
  3. an hero impact depends both on rank(how enemy and team mates play aroudn your hero) and also how you play it. The ideal thing is to get all heroes to level 5 ( watch some grandmaster players too if u want to be good at this game so u won’t make basic mistakes because of things you don’t know and be ready to accept your mistakes so you can improve.

So to sum it up, some grandmasters like FanHots give tierlists, but consider heroes that can fit your plasysyle (heroes like genji and zera are good but so hard many high ranked players they can’t play them) and the more you can do by yourself the better the hero is going to perform (heroes who can do campclear and waveclear are a total blessing, mostly on low ranks since 9 games out of 10 you will have to do it). Both how good and how well you can play an hero matter, keep it in mind.


I don’t know much about the other heroes, but if your interested in heavy macro+apm now is probably the best time to hop onto vikings, they’re on the rise and all of there counters are rarely played in qm anymore as they’ve all been nerfed to a reasonable degree.

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