What would you draft here: Hanamura

Keep in mind i’m a heal main
Our team:
Me ?

Enemy Team:

I found a hero that synergized perfectly and helped us stomp. Half my team yelled gg lose quickly though.


We don’t know which Varian you’re getting. CS, TB or Taunt?

Assuming taunt I’d say Kharazim or Lucio. Maybe tyrande.

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Neither did I… lets just say ny pick pissed him off so nuch he went twinblades


I do not have the draft experience to make a qualified answer, but I appreciate the AA potential of Raynor and Artanis into no blinds and little hard CC – even assuming that Varian does not go Twin. It follows that any hero that buffs the AA could work (e.g., Abathur, or even Nova with Anti-Armor Shells, etc.)?

On the other hand, your team has strong engage but even less CC, and if the Samuro and Maiev know their work, the enemy comp can be quite punishing. Adding CC and/or additional survivability to your comp therefore seems like it could also work (e.g., Uther, Tyrande if Taunt (props Ruffhouse), Kerrigan with Primal Grasp build, etc.)?


Based on the fact you listed two bruisers a healer and a decent all-a-rounder here I’d have either selected A good burst dmg hero Like Kt/ Ming, or I would have selected someone with good over time damage like Lunara/ Nazeebo. Your team is mostly burst dmg melee comp so you need backliners or sustain damage so that they can’t just heal it all back.

You need burst follow up on Taunt Varian, mobility vs Samuro and Maiev since your team doesn’t provide much peel and range to secure kills.


On the wild pick, it would be Abathur to enable your heavy AA focus team. Hat on the Samurai camp is very useful.


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Uther pick? :interrobang: :thinking:

Assuming a healer pick that made people rage.

2nd choice Tyrande.


I’m gonna guess you drafted Li Li.
First of all you said they hard raged at the pick.

  • Blinds **** up Maiev’s W.
  • good wind serpent targets
  • lots of slows/move speed increases to help team stick to targets.
  • fantastic cleanse for jaina/maiev/mei/Brightwing.
  • water dragon ult so you can mess people up
  • Li Li can do some decent damage

Excellent guesses all around. I drafted Tyrande.

Logic for ne was that we needed cc and damage. Her trait build provides both and empowers all our aa. I also wanted to have something that could stay alive if samuro dove ne bc i didn’t trust 336 hp from rehgar to do it. Varian raged and went tb which synergizrd even better. We were untouchable.


Cassia zarya or ming
Enemy team lacks range but has a annoying samuro

Mei has blind though.

I would’ve recommended a mage, or any burst dmg dealer, but if the OP team won, I guess it doesn’t really matter (we don’t know which heroes were banned also so).

Thrall your portraid
Enough damage. Good poke. EQ can cancel maeive samuro and jaina

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I’d go with Lunara, Tassadar.

Or, if I was feeling a bit frisky… Stukov for double heal.

I’m not the best drafter in the world, though.

I think kelthuzad would have been a sick pick.

But if you’re picking healer support, madivh or tyrande

I wouldn’t pick burst mages though, Brightwing can pretty much nullify them with spell armor.
But KT is a good idea as he has some follow up CC

That’s usually the go to healer for Varian Taunt comps and I agree, my first thought is too pick him too, but then you’d have 4 melee team. I think either a RA with CC (like KT mentioned) or a melee assassin with CC (probably Qhira or Kerrigan)

Good pick. Tyrande also has the option of a second cleanse if you found you needed it against all the slows and roots.

Another pick that occurred to me (following my same lines of reasoning above) was Tyrael: he buffs attack speed and adds mobility/survivability, plus gives Varian free reign to go TB?

Honestly if I wasn’t eyeballing Orphea I would have def picke Li Li
On top of everything Pesky said thereis the added bonus that she is just disgusting as all hell when bloodlusted once you get Gale force
And if the Artanis was at least smart enough to go Suppression Pulse……

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I’m a big fan of the ranged/slow Stukov.