What is your go-to-tank right now?

for tanks i like Mura, Joh, and ETC primarily.
sometimes though i will pick up Arthas.

Same here. Johanna is probably my most played tank. Definitely in ranked at least. I like the Blaze comment man. Heā€™s kind of sleeper if played right. The oil is ridiculous if not lit on fire

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Recently when Iā€™ve had to fill tank itā€™s been ETC, Jo, or Mura. Taunt Varian depending on acct/draft. If I had Malganis on the accts Iā€™m climbing on I would play him when I could, heā€™s kinda awesome. Iā€™m not very practiced on diablo/garrosh or anub, I prefer not to spend time thinking about how to tank as much as my main role which is offlaning/dps flex

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Stitches is always fun :slight_smile:

This guy plays tanks.

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That probably means someone on their side was hovering him. I canā€™t see why anyone would ban ETC over Anubā€™arak in the current meta.

The hell you usually bad anub these days before any of these(except maybe etc)

It was a very odd choice. If I remember correctly I was last to pick so I donā€™t know what they were thinking.

I playGarrosh Muradin Etc the most this season. but I dont have a go to tank

Not baning Anub in this meta is quite rare. That one person was clearly in the wrong year or something.

Yes, coz one of his ability to put ppl to sleep is a HUGE set up, which can be wasted totally,

I have been KILLED bcoz if my teammates waking up the enemy as i put them to sleep to escape at low health :stuck_out_tongue:

If you playing solo as malganis, i take the dark conversion ulti if theres only one stun in the enemy team, if multiple stuns, then i need to decide.

mostly i would just Q Q Q then hit my E as the 2 or 3 of them r stun, my E put them to sleep, and then i use dark conversion n then Q Q Q againā€¦
been able to do this well now, just need them to get clustered so u can stun n sleep them , but having a frendly phew phew phew besides u can destroy everything :smiley:

Johanna for big main tank

Anub/etc for dive comp tank

I think that Muradin is a fine general-purpose tank, and therefore my ā€œgo-toā€. He can stun, he can slow, he can engage/dis-engage, he can self-heal, and he can go either more-tank or more-bruiser.

But Iā€™m starting to learn ETC. He seemsā€¦fragile, but I can see how/why he is effective: really good at setting up/securing kills! Color me intriguedā€¦

Johanna. She survives when she has not business surviving over and over again. Second tank is blaze, but heā€™s a little closer to the bruiser end of the spectrum.

Muradin does a bit of everything (not that great with waveclear tho). Iā€™ve had several games where I was top hero damage and top kills, which granted is weird but possible. Heā€™s insanely good at make you NOT ignoring him all the time.

Diablo, garrosh or ETC. Displacement tanks for the win.

I just wish Blaze wasnā€™t played by toxic flamersā€¦I mean, it sounds logical, butā€¦

The tanks i play now are ETC, Mura and Diablo.
Also nice necro.

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There is literally no significant weaknesses to his effective function. He is amazing even if you take his ultimate out of the equation.

Reading through the old replies, it is kind of funny how much the meta can change in a year. All of the people who complained about Johanna, and are currently complaining about ETC, forget just how dominant Anubā€™arak was not all that long ago.

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