What is your go-to-tank right now?


There is literally no significant weaknesses to his effective function. He is amazing even if you take his ultimate out of the equation.

Reading through the old replies, it is kind of funny how much the meta can change in a year. All of the people who complained about Johanna, and are currently complaining about ETC, forget just how dominant Anub’arak was not all that long ago.

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Depends on the map and team.
Usually I cycle through Garosh, ETC, Mei or Diablo, based on the bans.

I never used to like tanks, actually, so I just started getting into them. I have to say, Anub has always been fun, though. However, since her release, I’ve never found a tank that is quite so tanky as Mei, for me. I seem to be able to stand in the middle of tsunamis of damage and make it through. I’ve never found another character to be as survivable.

I’m thinking that it’s a personal style thing, though, because other players can play a hero and be absolutely unkillable, and then fold like an origami swan when I play them.

But Mei, she’s what a tank should feel like to play.

I like Arthas even though he’s not considered super great I’m just awful with other tanks. Maybe I should try Muradin more

Mei is johanna 2.0 with ranged auto attack.
Tanks should not be balanced around being CC bots with several i do not die buttons.

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ETC is my go-to, can secure kills and can cover soak if my team decides to forget what soak is. Joh follows up closely too.

Also loving Diablo’s current AA build but I need to be in the right zone, if I’m having a bad run ill put myself in a bad position too much or miss out on peel, but if I’m playing well the cooldown reductions mean he is a peeling god and I’ll just rip out the squishing from their team

Sad crusader noises.

currntly enjoying Diablo AA build.

other than in some cases, like against arthas or garrosh, I hav had issue.
but other than that, at times even i feel bad bcoz of not dying while constantly flipping n banging thm on to walls :smiley:

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I stopped tanking, since its a pure frustration most of the times.

But if I need to, its usually Arthas

My ranked SL winrate started to go into horrible depth.
Despite knowing Arthas well. Main (not solo) Tank or Sololaner, usually lose :thinking:

Anyway, I still usually Tank with AA Dibbles or Taunt Varian, just as years ago.

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My goto tank is not picking a tank.

Muradin. I love his trait healing and his entire kit and his talent variety.

I dont pick Arthas if they have a lot of poke.
But Arthas is actually a great counter to Diablo.
Also he is quite useless until he gets his Army.

Anyway, didnt touch Stitches for a long time.

Used to tank with Varian a lot, but people just refuse to follow up most of the times…

Must I refer you to my favorite necromancer?

Mei and Tyrael.
Honestly I never realized the power of Tyrael’s judgement until I tried him.

hes a Beast… i hav 65% winrate this season with diablo, n im just spamming him like crazy, with cdr on lvl7 it is just insane

ppl still stand still n shoot, even in silver. i think it starts to change in gold


Lmao, came here to specifically say that I do not enjoy Anub’arak anymore. He seems very unimpactful to me.

All I can do is a 1s stun and 0.5s knockup. Damage is miserable. Wave clear is among the worst. Beetle tower diving has been nerfed to the ground since towers/forts focus heroes.

He cannot trade with any hero. Loses every 1v1. Basically cocoon is the only good thing left. Beetles are a meme, because they are so slow they never hit anyone. Only good to block Liming spells.

My top 1 has to be Muradin. His Q can stun for about the same duration as Anub Q+E combined and has lower CD. Great survivability, incredible sustain out of combat. Can dive and actually destroy backline because he has good damage.

I somehow got the vibe that he is weak now because I rarely see them play so yesterday I played 2 matches as Arthas and ended up carrying both of them with top damage.

One was vs Illidan, other vs Butcher. I denied them both matches. As long as they stay in E, I win the trade easily with AA build.