What is wrong with your matchmaking?

Yeah I created a few new accounts to see the flow of matchmaking. As expected, the first games were against complete noobs on both teams. After getting about 10 wins in a row, I noticed myself getting matched against actually competent enemies and with competent teammates as well. Great! (about 2/5 on each team at least, but even a few 5v5 that felt fun)…

80% winrate I guess is too high? After 40 games I’m now being matched against all odds. Completely countered characters being played by very good players. About 4/5 competent on the enemy team, and I’m literally the only competent person on my team. I watch my teammates now just run into towers and play worse than those noobs in the first few matches did. They’re completely outmatched and seem like they would have troubles vs Easy AI. This can’t be carried. This can’t be won. This is the furthest thing from fun and only encourages me to be a piece of crap to these players in hoping they quit and no one ever has to be matched with them again since obviously Matchmaking is completely broken.

Same thing happens on each account.



We’ve seen some responses in this thread regarding a “Forced 50% win rate,” and we’d like to lay that to rest: The goal of the matchmaker and rating system is not to have every player win 50% of their matches, but rather to bring every player to skill rating where they are expected to win 50% of their matches due to being matched against other players of comparable skill. The matchmaker will not punish a player for winning a majority of their games by intentionally pairing them with other players of lower skill rating. If you are an excellent player and go on a 10 game winning streak, the matchmaker has no obligation to stop you from continuing to win. What will happen is that the game sees you performing at a higher skill level and will try to match you with and against higher skilled players to see if you can continue to win, or start to level off.

here is a blizzard post from a while back about the matchmaker and the perceived ‘forced 50%’ that ppl like to think is happening. where its believed that just because you are winning the matchmaker will drag you back down intentionally. blizzard however says this is not how things work.


Imagine making a smurf account and then complain about matchmaking :smiley:


obvious lie is obvious. 5 accounts now. same pattern. dont believe a damn lie blizzard tells you.

that or most players above noob status are complete retards who intentionally throw games or have eaten one too many tide pods in their life. can’t explain their inability to handle the fundamental basics unless its all intentional. so yeah, create a new account and get matched with people who actually play the game for about 30 matches until you’re back in sitsville


Maybe its just how you perform in that rank

Sounds easy to get out

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You created a smurf account , ruined 40 games , screwed your MM and expected some sympathy?


Most smurfs only care about winrate now days.

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People should probably look at this discussion about the making of the matchmaker before believing the nonsense blizz says later (especially when they were not involved in making it).

It explains a lot.

first, i would like to say i have watched that in the past. it would be good as a historical reference… but thats it. mostly because what you have to realize is they did some major changes after release even to the matchmaker itself.

then, along the line to now? there has been so many changes that it would be impossible to say that the video from 7 years ago was even close to relevant in what the matchmaker is doing. its much more feasible to go with what blizz said 2 years ago because that is the most recent information on the subject officially.

He probably raised his QM MMR to around 4000 with a stream of rapid wins one after another.

There are probably ~50 people in all of HotS who have that high MMR organically from playing lots of Quick Match.

There is no way to give OP matches except by giving him vastly weaker teammates and use him as a balancing factor to create something like a 2200 rated match (by using him and a bunch of 1700 rated people).

There aren’t enough players at high MMR. I don’t know what OP expects Blizzard to do. Those players don’t exist, i.e. you can’t be matched with them.
The only way to give a smurf on a 30 win streak any games at all is to match them with weaker opponents.


Matchmaking is working as intended, the thing is they don’t tell you how it’s intended to be and instead come up with this crap of “ohhh, you’ve got too many winstreaks!”.

Welp, I’m diamond right now and got matched with a master player on a QM the other day, the other two guys I don’t really remember the rank, but then there was that last guy… he was lvl FOUR, what kind of winstreak do you have to go through to be matched with a diamond and a master just literaly just a few MINUTES after installing the game?

Truth is that the game has so few players right now that it can’t afford to have a decent matchmaking and will just match whoever they can find into the same team, which creates a terrible experience for everyone involved, the low lvl player, the high lvl player, the enemy team, EVERYONE.

And then due to acumulated bad experiences people will leave the game, which will make the matchmaking even worse to compensate for the long queues, which will make even more people leave the game, which will make the matchmaking even worse to compensate for the long queues…


“What is worng”?!
I too repeat one same things which most of us know very well.

  1. Players cant play so well in every game.
  2. Not exist system or mechanics for buff xp with 10 % if lose 5 games in row.,valid only for 1 game.
  3. Is not based on KDA ratio with %,NOT with numbers!
    Player base is NOT be saparated of 5 groups games skill .based of % KDA ratio.
    4.Not exist saparated 3 stats,KDA ratio.
  4. Not exist 10 x limited count games ,for over 10 times deaths system or mechanics ,to be locked ranked for 3 games in Unranked requiment.

I’ve found the opposite to more or less true.

I’ll go on a win streak against fair competition and then the game matches me with potato teammates for a few games. It’s really hard to carry players like that and it would be a stretch to say they are the same skill level as myself or the enemy we’re playing.

Then after 3-5 games of getting stomped the matchmaker will do a drastic course correct and match me against a whole squad of potatoes. Those games are fun but not really challenging. They don’t really make up for 3-5 ugly stomps either.

I think the problem is the drastic difference in skill among players and skill tiers. I’ve seen silver players make gold player look clueless. Maybe part of it is how the system determines skill?


Yeah…thats right.
For 51617161 times problem is in both sides player skill and MM.

i dont see it as a problem in the matching system really. ideally if a player is in the same rank they should be a similar skill level. if they are actually better/worse then their rank then they will be out soon enough.

the bigger issue i see would be smurfs (or just ppl that are obviously much better than their rank in general) which the matchmaker really doesnt have control over. the best solution for that would be winstreak bonuses and such. just get them out of the rank they are in sooner so they are where they need to be.

Think about it. The MM is bound to make bad lobbies when the player base is very diverse. Finding ten players of completely equal skill is difficult. When the MM sees a player out performing within their skill range it can either handicap them or place them in a match where they are handicapping others. It’s a frustrating situation with no right answer.

There’s a lot more than just individual skill going on in a match tho. ELO hell is a thing because this game depends a lot on how well your team performs in addition to yourself. There are tons of variables that go unaccounted for when only judging the individual.

I rarely see smurfs but I play in low plat so maybe that changes things. Mostly I see people boosted really high up where they shouldn’t be. I saw a Diamond 5 the other day in QM that I honestly thought was bronze or silver before looking at his profile. He was even playing one of him most played heroes…


Yeah…defunitely they must add this system.
For an axample …player has 2 win streak games search or match 4 player with GM skill or who has 45,10,45/% ratio KDA.
3,4,5 streak win games search 3,2,1 GM game.skilled.players. If system cant find them…to warn you ad ask you is it ,you want or not contiue search.
Or 5 % XP gain buff valid only for 1 game.
Or if player has 5 lose streak games = 10 % XP gain buff valid for 2 games.

But huge problem in plans and decions and astimation of HoTS team devs. ,is it.want or not.

I play Blizzard games for years and I really love them all!
But the matchmaking on Heroes of the storm has not not changed over the 4 years I played this game.

It’s a shame but I am going to delete this game. It’s no fun at all.


What’s going on are two things.

First, the matchmaker cares about “Average” MMR of both teams. So if you have an MMR of, let’s say, 200 - you could be given 4 teammates with MMR of about 75 each, and face off against 5 players that are at 100. What happens then is that you’re playing better than your enemies - but they still get to stomp your incompetent team, and you can’t win alone.

Second - is how the Matchmaker searches for pairs. It can either select a mirror to your champion or a counter. But it doesn’t check how many counters each of the team has. Furthermore, someone else’s counter or mirror can also be your counter as well.
So what ends up happening is that sometimes one team will get super-countered by the other.

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This response clearly doesn’t match the reality when you get potatoes on your team vs a team that does everything correctly and covers each other’s backs.

On the very base level - I’m sure that what they’re saying is 100% true. And I’m sure that the INTENT of Matchmaker is just as they say it is.

But clearly something is going on a deeper level that results in extremely unfair matchups. And my bet is - that they average out MMR during extended search, basically giving you players much lover than yourself and putting you up against a team that is in the middle.

I don’t know a single MOBA where so many players notice the same thing - specifically being matched up with completely braindead teammates versus a better team.
This always happens after you get a win streak. And sometimes - yes, sometimes the enemies are just playing better than you.
But most of the times you can SEE the mistakes of enemies, but you can see your teammates just standing in a pool of their drool and doing nothing, just dying over and over.