What is the Most Powerful basic Ability

Apart from it’s much easier to dodge, and it sucks against teams with lots of ranged heroes.

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even if it does not hit anyone it still zones them at least, and with spiders if you miss then they do absolutely nothing

Just as a reminder, this thread is about the most powerful basic ability.
You two are comparing frogs and spiders. Both don’t belong here.

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Spooders are the ability, with the highest single target damage, ofc they belong here. Not just basic ability, they deal more damage than Pyroblast too. Only Planet Cracker can out-damage them, but only if it hits the same target for at least 3 seconds.

Yeah, I know this thread has been about potential playmaking abilities, but those are conditional and require setup, while spooders just have raw power.

fully traited?
zera Cleave, big damage, big aoe, tiny CD, massive healing

hmm maybe butchers brand? heal for the damage you do and if you keep attacking it never ends!

Tassadar’s E.
For 2 seconds you don’t care about something.

Misha, charge ! Aoe stun than bypass mostly everything that still involve Rexxar to be away from danger.

If i’m playing Yrel, &$#@%/ Polymorph. ¬¬

Zeratul’s Blink easily.

There is a reason why everyone in League of Legend chose “Blink” spell.

I feel like the obvious answer is Kael’s bomb. Get a group of enemies clumped together in a bad spot and it can all but wipe an entire team by itself. It’s also a point-and-click ability that dosen’t need to be aimed, and can be freecast for no mana.

Why i can’t quote you due to image i don’t know but anyway.

I say his W is stronger, pulls people in, away, moves Alarak, and sets up everything ellse in the game by being the most flexible and accurate displacement in the game.

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tracer blink :slight_smile:

Safety Bubble.

In terms of what an ability offers its the ultimate juke, good for escape or aggressive manouvers.

Talented it can become a full heal as well, with speed boosts and ignore collision.

It’s balanced because it’s on a squishy hero, but in terms of sheer power it has to be at the or near the top. If a conventionally strong hero had this ability it would be overpowered, which tells me if we’re taking abilities in isolation, it is one of the strongest.

I didn’t mention its on a super low CD as well for what it does.

Probably Malfurion’s root. a well timed root can swing entire games. it can also function as an escape tool, a tool that prevents enemies from escaping, area denial, damage (if you build the treant talent), kill setups, can help save allies, CC chain, set up ults, provides protect against enemy divers, etc.

I see you are all delusional so let me enlighten you.
4 second CD, 30 mana. Free spam.
Applies 25% slow for 4 seconds.
Decent range, decent dmg.
Yes it is a skill shot but not hard to hit.
And this is without talents.
You could have a keyboard with just Q button and play without AA and still play decently.

Technically the slow is the trait, so it doesn’t slow. Also it doesn’t deal additional damage without the trait.

Technically you are right but I have intentionally overlooked that detail because it makes it a freaking strong ability :slight_smile:
Also many arguments here involve different synergies with traits (some even active) and talents.

Umbral Bind

has nobody said Umbral Bind yet?

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Because it’s situational on your teammate’s ability to follow up on Maiev’s CC? At least that would be my guess, despite there being a lot of those kinds of abilities listed here. Maybe people just forget about her. :man_shrugging:t2:

I forgot all about Lurking Arm. Because that is easily the single strongest basic ability in the game.

An indefinite Silence and area denial on a basic ability with no mana cost for channeling it and only a 10 second cooldown? When talented, this ability can consistently have far more impact on a teamfight than either of his ults!