What I'd change on Imperius

This isn’t baseless, you’re contradicting yourself here.

What I’m telling is that I shouldn’t blow her up in 2 AAs just because I landed my combo at lvl 20 and was two lvls ahead (as if I wouldn’t kill her in the same speed at even lvls considering how quickly I burnt down Diablo’s 7k+ hp in the same clip).

Also, can we like stop this “didn’t dodge” nonsense?
It’s not like I’m supposed to miss.

BtI dealing less dmg against squishies is mere and base math.
BtI dealing less dmg against squishies has nothing to do with its winrate.
And I never talked about it or draw so poor lines of false causation.

Hey, I helped on the Dibbles kill. You can clearly see my beetles nibbling at his ankles.

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2% from 2.5% is not that much, it’s barely noticable unless you picked BoS, with which you can delete 7k+ hp under 4(?) sec.

Edit: I also suggested a nerf for it, so it won’t get the next 80% pickrate talent at lvl 1 if Q build is nerfed a bit.

You keep dismissing with some random excuses as some sort of weakness that plays in balance process.

I’m just saying it does too much against tanks and bruisers and too little against squishies.

Because % is designed to counter armor with true damage, like this talent there’s a lot of situations of very weak and very strong.

That’s a problem and thus his entire level 1 needs a revamp in the process.

Yeah, you are supposed to miss. It’s Tracer, that’s what the entire fight between Tracer and Imperius looks like.

Also, that would have been three hits if you were the same level. Having
8.16% extra damage, and her having 7.5% less HP means she had to hit recall immediately and book it.

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You’re making assertions with no proof! That’s the problem!

That which is asserted without proof can be dismissed without proof. -Christopher Hitchens.

Imperius may actually have a functionally balanced level 1, if Impaling Light has a slight nerf. Not many heroes can profess two talents with nearly identical pick rates, and not obscenely overpowered winrates.

The clip was suppose to show the damage dealt not the character, why are you pushing it to the Tracer where we don’t know anything in that 5 seconds clip.

But let’s ignore the Diablo while at it.

You talk smart but you do not comprehend simplicity of the math itself.

It’s literally the same issue of pre rework leoric, too strong against tanks and high health pretty much hottest garbage against anything else.

You not seeing this is not my problem as it as close as math as it gets.

% is trash against none armored low health pool but is insanely too imapctful against high health and especially as was designed armor penetration.

Which it does too much when it has a flat 7.5% + more depend on molten core and lvl 20.

You are throwing numbers out there without understanding their significance. The popular opinion loathed Malthael’s new “numbers” after his rework, but the experimentation (with adjustment) shows he is balanced.

Ironically main-tank Leoric was destroyed by Li Ming + Tracer releases.

What do you mean ironic he got destroyed? He’s relevance was against high health pool targets and outside of that he was nothing of course he would be destroyed.

Malth was the same story pre rework, and imperius has the same issue so with that but as a talent.

You are also doing a good job in giving out excuses on a video trying to demonstrate the damage not what Tracer supposed to do that.

So we are even.

The % functionality is how it works with such a high chunk of DPS, a level 1 talent commiting such amount of DPS is unhealthy and flawed, this would be ok on 13/16 but not 1 though.

She would’ve had 200 extra hp, while my dmg against her would’ve been slightly higher (cuz BtI) and I overkilled her anyway.
I don’t think she’d survive, but that’s not the point but the fact that how much dmg I did under how much time.

I feel like we should come to a compromise here, because I think the root of our disagreement is not what we’re arguing about.

I’m not a fan of using “balance” as a cover for what you really desire, which is a disagreement with Imperius’s fundamental design.

What is that fundamental design? :thinking:

That Imperius is basically the bruiser version of butcher.

The biggest difference being that while it does turn Imperius into a feast or famine hero like Alarak or Butcher, he doesn’t risk quite as much by missing. He also loses nothing if he does end up dying. It is equally high reward but at a much lower risk level. I don’t think he needs major nerfs, and buffs to making a W build viable would be very welcome, but I do think he may be a little too much all or nothing at the moment.


Which is a fair point, but one could counter that Butcher has significantly better waveclear, structure damage, and mercing, while Alarak has significantly better poke and a bit better waveclear. (Pertaining to this *talent build of Imperius.)

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Oh, I didn’t mean to compare the three heroes directly, but the whole concept of risk vs. reward, and the binary nature of all three in the PvP aspect of the game. Either they slaughter everything in their path, or they are kind of annoying. Butcher and Alarak have to risk everything to do so, where Imperius just kind of hangs out, farting his E, until he can try again.

It’s a fair point, I’m just stating that Alarak and Butcher can also do more with their reward than Imperius, which is kind of what I think is the fundamental problem people have with Imperius.

He’s really good at what he’s supposed to do, in compensation for what he’s bad at.


What is a burr? :slightly_frowning_face:

Cassia was statistically the best hero in the game following her post-rework buffs, literally matching Fenix’s and Maiev’s winrates on their release.

She still remains one of the best heroes in the game after her recent, and rather minor, nerf. I don’t buy this “if she’s nerfed again she’ll never be played” stuff.

Imperius, on the other hand, is statistically balanced, hovering around 49-51% since his last changes.

You cannot seriously claim in one post that Imperius is OP and then in the next deny that Cassia was.

I did offer ideas for a minor rework that would reduce Imperius’ reliance on his Q (which I do agree is a design problem, but it is not a balance problem). I would accompany those with minor nerfs to his health, then tune as necessary in the next patch, as the devs usually do.