What I'd change on Imperius

I am aware you can cast Q closer to yourself, but that also makes it more difficult to aim. Additionally, it can be rather difficult to judge the correct distance for that. It’s annoying, but not too big an issue.

Probably less intuitive but this doesn’t make it significantly more difficult to consistently land. He is still a one trick pony that gets better the more burst or follow up CC you have on your team. Although very similar to Kerrigan, he can’t perform any other activity efficiently and the only reason why anyone plays him is because of how overtuned he is. A very bland character overall.

Yea, it’s really not hard to stun ppl in melee.

I really enjoy him from day one, where he didn’t even had the current Burn the Impure and got mostly just buffed ever since.
I don’t find him bland, boring or any other negative fuss.

His Q is consistent.
You basically has a rectangle (the head of the spear) that is the hitbox for the stun. Consider it like an aoe you cast from afar, but if you cast this it moves Imp forward.
And if you stun something, it indeed pulls it to do centre. So if you barely get someone, it pulls him slightly towards you, but if you got someone from the side closer to you, you push them slightly furhter away.
Why it seems “inconsistent” or “broken” maybe even “buggy”, is because how hitboxes work. It’s enough to get you with one pixel, and then you are gotten.
Plus small lags can happen, and then it can seem that you got/didn’t got something and the opposite is true.

Making Imp’s Q similar to Etc’s slide would be a bad call. Basically anything is a bad call if it makes the Hero’s kit less unique.
Like asking for Deckard’s root to be a circle, because Malf’s is a circle and Deckard’s seemingly more inconsistent.

wait, were some people seriously arguing that imperius had a “dead zone” where you couldn’t get hit by Q? loool

Bland (which is your opinion) + only good at one thing =/= overtuned.

I want Imperius’s Q to stop to magnetize my :peach: to the middle of it when I was on the edge of its range.


That part is not a big deal and necessary for the skillshot to not look like trash.

It can also push you further for the same reason.

Yes, let’s pick the middle winrate talent and nerf it, that won’t drive people to the higher-winrate talent. BTI does not need a nerf.

Flash of Anger does not need a direct damage nerf, in fact the only aspect of Flash I would nerf is the AoE. Halve or remove the AoE damage if you like.

The talent that’s over-performing is “Impaling Light”, yet I see no mention of it. “Impaling Light” is the talent that most signifies Imperius being played as a tank more than a bruiser.

Erm… why do you think ppl pick Impaling Light? Could it be due to it’s highest synergy with Flash of Anger and Celestial Charge? :slight_smile:

Getting Q cdr is not op if Q is not op.

I mentioned nerfing the AoE on Flash of Anger.

In addition you’re committing circular logic, “Q’s not OP if Q’s not OP”, yeah we know.

CDR on a stun is pretty strong, and you didn’t even nerf the strongest part about FoA.

Flash of Anger is not op cuz it deals some aoe.
It’s op because it gives Imp single target burst and shields at the same time.

I think nerfing his single target burst is the right direction.

(Sidenote: saying that “if we nerf Q’s dmg potential than spamming Qs won’t be op” is not circle reasoning.)

If Imperius’s single-target burst was the issue, then BTI would have the superior winrate (with the same build), wouldn’t it?

Imperius’s single-target damage is predictable and capable of being dealt with, his AoE damage is much harder to predict.

BtI is % based, so if you face squishies, its extra dmg is not that high.
Since Flash of Anger is overtuned, Q is overtuned, and if Q is overtuned, ppl will pick the cdr for Q which also increases his single target dmg and more so unless it’s a high hp target, and since Impaling Light is a lvl 1 talent, its winrate is heavily influenced by what you’ll pick latter that synergieses with it.

His aoe dmg is hard to predict? Not clumping together is that hard?
And what do we consider his aoe dmg?
His slow W? Flash of Anger?
My suggestion for FoA nerf is targets both his single target and aoe. I suggested both to go down to 120 from 180.

This keeps being posted with no evidence backed up.

It sounds to me it just a myth of people inability to understand area of check in code design and how video game collision is not as the exact as the animation.

It’s in the name, hitboxes.


So that would account for his 50% BTI winrate, meaning the talent is balanced.

You’re contradicting your own stance now.

Positioning is of upmost importance; your ability to affect positioning is not to be taken lightly.

It works well with your theory about “low-ranked” vs “high-ranked” as well.

Picking the talents in the wrong situation doesn’t mean the talent is considerably strong otherwise on the other hand of so, now this is truly silly.

And even then that talent actually does surprisingly a lot, more specifically against tanks and bruisers which both are made out of majority of comps whomst have the highest health pools.

I feel like I heard this same exact post reversed on Focus Fire.

I don’t know where did you get that baseless accusations will get you anywhere in an argument.

And I talked about potential Imp clips.
So here’s one game with BtI+FoA+BoS:

I find this dmg dumb high.

BTI and Impaling Light have almost identical pick rates (45%ish).

These players know what they’re doing, and they know why they picked it, just because you picked BTI under optimal conditions doesn’t mean it wasn’t a good pick.

Exactly how Cassia wasn’t overtuned? She is one small nerf away from never being picked again and once that happens, people will simply default back to other auto attackers because playing them doesn’t result in nerve damage to your hand after a two hour session.

Requirement of mechanical consistency is somewhat good excuse to keep her relatively strong, but the skill standard to make the most out of Imperius is drastically lower.

It’s not that any of the ideas mentioned are necessarily flawed, but no one is offering counter-weight for a specific nerf or buff. The real problem isn’t with how weak or strong he is but rather how narrow minded his overall design is. If you take away the only thing he has going for him without a compensation, he will no longer be played.

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So what you’re telling me, is that a Tracer did not dodge your Q, was down by two levels, (with something that can ONLY HAPPEN WITH BRAND OF SOLARION at 20) and you think she shouldn’t be blown up?

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