What I miss the most is

I feel this is slightly turning into Salt Mines 2.0…

Miss OG Tassadar that could solo suppor.

Also OG Nazeebo that was so easy to get insane value from, with exploding frogs that would release spiders, spiders they would chase heroes and wasn’t even a skill shot (so lazy), a version of vile infection baseline and a level 20 upgrade on your Gargantuan that had 100% uptime until killed, would walk with you in DK and GOT vehicles, did 100% extra damage to structures and had a huge leash range and chase heroes down.

I don’t see it like that, it’s more a nostalgia thread.

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I really miss damage taken


Deer Lady, what did you say?

I would seem the devs don’t like me or don’t care about the damage taken stat, although it was useful to all classes. Oh well.


Moonfire build Malfurion (when he didn’t have to hit skillshots to heal)


Oh those were fun times. :slight_smile: I like him now too, but completely different play-styles.

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I understand why damage taken was removed. Often time it went to a leoric or some assassin constantly feeding and gave them a reward for bad play, instead of tanks who were properly soaking enemy attacks as an unkillable frontline. It wasn’t designed well

Ye also some heroes with self healing and some bruisers would tell the real tank he had soaked more dmg then him. Dont think i have not been in a game were thrall players would tell tank he suck for having less dmg taken then him.

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3d moving portraids in draft


I’ve seen many tanks still bet end screen awards for “Guardian” even though they died far too often, removing the stat changed nothing there.

It’s still not a good reason to remove the damage taken stat. Since they added the self healing numbers I’ve seen many players say things like “I’ve done more self healing than our healer!”

All stats can be misinterpreted and padded or used to grandstand, but it’s not a good reason to remove them.

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It really should factor in deaths and then average it out to determine if you really soaked anything worthy of that category. 100k as johanna means nothing if you died 12 times

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