What heroes were made for people with disabilities?

Besides Hammer, something that does not require much user input. My friend has been enjoying Hammer for a while, but is looking for something different.


Gall but requires Cho


Disability is a really broad term. Some can have no effect on your play at all and some can even make you better.


i think they’d need to play vs ai where any hero can be played. Lili could be a good one, or junkrat?

My friend got brain trauma from a car accident.

Title: “people with disabilities”

:flushed: I don’t know if it was meant literally or figuratively, to feel compassionate or laugh.
edit: oh, so in a literal sense. hope he has little problem in life because of it.

I would say Xul, Raynor, and Zagara can be played with less inputs, albeit, 1-2 heroes I mentioned should be/can be played more optimally to win the game.

Raynor, you can just follow the tank and deal damage all the way. Xul is more meant to be used as solo laner (role where one hero picks a lane that is hard to rotate, usually the top lane, but in some map, it’s bot, and more focuses on getting xp/killing minion waves. Zag can be used for both, as full on damage or for focusing on siege.


What kind of things does he struggle with in hots?


It’s hard to explain, do you know Stephen Hawking?

I assume you mean imparted motor skills?

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Caused by brain trauma, so he is not functioning properly. Anyway, Gall seems like the best sugestion for him. Thank you


Yeah, galls a good suggestion. Stuff like taunt or TB varian or lili might be playable for him. Some slower paced heroes like hanzo if he can still handle the skillshots or deathwing might be playable for him aswell.
Various macro heroes might be ok to.



Or Maybe Zul Jin

Morales could work if we talk about healer.

I think most AA heroes, with abilities set on mouse buttons would do. The player would become really good at stutter stepping.

I have sever arthritis in my hands that prevents me from playing characters that spam a lot and I’ve always found directionals to be a pain. The easiest character I’ve found is Raynor.

Most of his damage comes from auto attacks, so there is less button pushing. Hes ranged so in a team fight vs AI he tends not to get targeted as much and when he is he has a really good self heal. And his heroic is great at taking out towers.

I use the talents 1121324 vs AI, its great for solo clearing a lane.

I wouldn’t use it in QM’s though as it really lacks damage vs players.


Lunara might be an option?


I say! Such notions accommodate not but the purest antithesis of reality!


Uuuuh, sure
And sylvanas is an interesting character and zagara is still a competitive hero.

0 post account starts off by insulting everyone in a miles radius and tells people they are crying about losing to Hammer while useing Hammer avatar.

Maybe grow up if you have not allready and respect others. Then they might respect you too.

Trolling at its best.


You make it sound like it takes more then a minute or two to make a post.