What Hero is best for new players

Hello, I am new to Hots and wanted to know what is the best Hero to play as a new player.


Lili as a healer is pretty easy. I would also say Morales, but you must stay back a lot.
Raynor is the perfect AA hero for beginners, while Tassadar would be the best mage.
As the best early bruiser, I would recommend Malthael or Thrall. Great heal and damage.
Best easy tank goes to Muradin.

Disclaimer: this is my opinion. It might not be right.


Easy heroes are:
Raynor - a Ranged Assassin with really easy gameplay yet with a good amount of damage.
LiLi - a Healer that requires almost no skill at all, but still can heal.
Thrall - a Bruiser with great sustain and damage.
Muradin - a Tank with good mobility, crowd control and survivability.


Hello and welcome!
When I first started out, I picked Jaina, Tyrande, and Raynor a ton, just to get used to the game’s mechanics, they’re the perfect trio to get a grasp of healers, spellcasters, and autoattack heroes.
But that’s for only a short while. I would advise you to get into AI matches and just go ham trying out any hero you see free. Not only is it very fun, but it makes you learn much much quicker. (free heroes get rotated out once every week, on tuesday to be precise)

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Easy heroes that I see it: Jaina, Valla, Zarya & Raynor. as Thrall have great too much of damage.

Nobody mentioned her yet bruh, Johanna is easily the most noob friendly tank, you don’t have to learn much, just slow enemies, be in their face, keep being annoying by blinding them and disrupting with your pull stun and repeat.

Also trait allows you to escape some actual damage and cc situations.


Any hero with simple mechanic - the cheapest heroes for 2 thousand gold.

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This is really hard to answer. If for example I was answering it for the player I am now, I’d say Sonya and Johanna. But when I first played HOTS I wasn’t comfortable at all with any melee heroes. It’s also tricky as some heroes regardless of if they are easy for most people, an individual might find them to be hard.

I still suck at Raynor and he’s rated easy, it may be in part as his play-style puts me to sleep. Other heroes that were rated as hard and considered difficult to play by the player base at large, I clicked with almost straight away.


As Minky already said this question isn’t easy to answer, but I think I recommend everyone to play Lucio, because his skills are fairly easy to understand, because relies on his passive massive aoe healing and moving/positioning around, while his only fight reliant spell is his knockback on Q or R. I call him the best healbot, because he can support his team while being just there and sometimes knockback on occasion, so he might sounds boring at first, but since he is all about movement it is also a good chance to learn to position yourself as a beginner, which is essential for your understanding about teamfights. The only skill that needs a bit practice on Lucio is his W, because it is important to have the feeling when to switch his aura, everything else is very easy.

But even if you fail his W and only sticks to the heal aura, your healing is always there and can easily be massive, if you just drop E/R, when you see your mates health is dropping.


That really depends on your backgrounds. TLV would be very easy for an RTS player and very hard for most of everyone else.
AA heroes would be easy for MOBA players, yet really hard for some1 who is not used to stutter-step attacking (which is an absolutely mandatory skill for playing aa heroes like raynor or valla).
Of course valla is hard for other reasons too. She’s also squishy (so you have to understand where the damage is going to come from to not die), has low range (so you WILL be taking damage) and has tricky skillshots, and on top of that she has mana-management problems, so you can’t just spam skills and expect good results. I would say valla is a good example of a truly difficult hero for a new player, yet it’s a hero worth starting from as it teaches A LOT of core game mechanics.

P.S. Coincidentally, Valla was the first hero I ever played in Hots and I went 5-0 with her in QM XD (I never bothered with training or AI, went straight to QM). But I came to hots right from a diablo3 season where I was playing RoV demon hunter (really mechanically difficult build, but played somewhat similar to hots valla). I also had over 50k hours of dota1/2 experience to work with

None of the players I introduced to HotS yet have complained Li Li was too difficult for them.

They can do fairly well even in higher rated premades as long as they diligently follow teammates, hold down Q and blind divers with Blinding Wind every now and then.

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I definitely do not recommend morales, because of her knockback. Outside of that her mechanic might be easy, but her knockback is asking for trouble. Lili is indeed a much better option. Auriel, Lucio and stukov also involve knockbacks, but those are either at a longer cooldown, or not as ‘random’ as the knockback of morales. They are a bit more difficult than lili, but its mostly down to the player how it goes.

Anything that can knock away a hero can be dangerous on a new player, as they are very likely going to cause knockbacks that instead of assisting, push enemies to safety. Avoiding knockbacks entirely is however not good either, they need practice, but better to practice with relatively predictable knockbacks that require less accurate timing.

I think that tychus, although a bit more difficult, isnt a bad idea either. Its still a very basic gameplay. Falstad is another hero thats easy to follow on that.

I would say zagara is an alternative depending on playstyle. Tassadar is a bit more direct, and a good step towards li ming, chromie, kael etc. While zagara is more aiming towards nazeebo (which is not the best hero to start with due to locking down teammates).

Can agree on that. Although i would like to add leoric to this list.

Stitches is slightly more difficult, but not too hard either.

And surprisingly, i think even johanna is a good one to learn with. Although its quite difficult to become effective with her, it can give you quite some insight in ability usage (for optimal usage of the block talent, you must spread out your abilities and time them). Learning this early can make you effective a lot faster as you start thinking about optimal timings, instead of just spamming whenever you can.

Still, good general opinion you have though.

Johanna, Muradin might be easy heroes to control but the tank role isn’t that easy in general.

Sonya might be a good starting hero because you can focus on learning to macro (play the map) without needing help from your teammates.

Healers are generally easy to start from, as you don’t really need to make your own decisions - just follow and support. However, if teammates are also new, that will not help learning anything useful, as then nobody will be doing any good decisions to follow :). Of course, healers can be playmakers and shotcallers too, but that’s really not beginner stuff. Easier to learn leading on a tank as tank is supposed to be in front and is easier to naturally follow.
But outside of the beginner QM queue, playing a healer with more experienced players is probably the fastest way of learning the game and not picking up bad habits along the way.

What is your gaming background? Someone new to HotS coming from LoL will have a different perspective than someone coming from Overwatch, for example. Do you like to play healers? Melee? Pewpewpew?

As far as general answers go, here are some good starting heroes that also scale well, so if you already are familiar with how MOBAs work, you won’t have to change your roster much as you start facing harder opponents.

Tank: Muradin, Johanna. JoJo has fallen off a bit with her last nerf, but she is still good to learn on, and can be played at even top ranks.

Healer: Rehgar, Lucio. Both have straightforward mechanics, can be played effectively at any rank and in any mode, and aren’t as comp dependent as most healers. They are also very self-sufficient, so if you are playing Quick Match and do not have a tank, you will be harder to punish.

Bruiser: Thrall, Varian, Imperius. They all have decent survivability and flexibility, although Varian is probably better if you will be playing a lot of non-draft modes, as Imperius has limited macro capabilities. On the plus side, Imperius is incredibly durable and can act as a tank when you do not have one on your team. Varian is a unique hero in that he can be played as a tank, bruiser, or melee assassin, and with his last round of buffs is viable at all levels of play.

Melee assassin: Most of them are challenging to play, so if you do not have prior experience with this sort of game, I would stick with Varian for a melee hero for now, as you can play him as an assassin, depending on talents. If you do have experience and good micro skills, Zeratul is probably the most rewarding melee assassin in the game, but he can be frustrating to play if you are new to the genre.

Ranged assassin: Jaina, Cassia, Falstad. They all have their strengths and weaknesses, but are good at every rank, and will teach you positioning and timing like few others, while not requiring the best micro skills.


I think Fenix is quite friendly for a new player because:

  1. although this can be argued depending on the mechanical skill of the new player, he has no skill shot;
  2. he can be played extremely safely from behind. Just stay with the phase bomb and do some aoe damage to poke;
  3. his shield allows to be played more than other hero when he is low life (especially with the level 13 talent that allow to wait only 2 seconds instead of 5 before its shield recharges). However, the new player should consider his shield bar as being his life bar;
  4. his warp isn’t the best escape but it is largely enough to fall back when out of position.
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In most cases on lower ranks, you do not have to be a perfect tank. And you need to start somewhere. Having heroes that are quite stable at their survivability, and allowing setups, helps for newer players to get used in standing at the frontline.

And Sonya is a good one indeed, but still has the same issue at her role that johanna and muradin also face. It looks easy, but often isnt.

But at bronze level, its usualy more important to just provide a setup, and be a damage soaking target.

The only moment where you will learn to peel, is when you face enemies that are like “focus the healer”, as you are perfect for interupting them then.

For some reason I’m eager to recommend either Butcher or Illidan. Mechanically easy but otherwise harsh masters. Still, I dare say when you finally stop self destructing with them you’ve probably learned something important that is easy to miss with other heroes: priorities, restraint and timing.

Lili and LĂčcio for Healer
Sonya, Artanis and Thrall for Bruiser
Muradin, Diablo and Etc for Tank
Valla, Jaina and Raynor for Ranged Assassin.
Melee Assassin and Support are quite hard for new players imo.

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Tanking is not noob friendly. Unpopular opinion but I hold that. If you’re a natural tank main then go for it but ranged assassin and healer are the easiest roles