-(of a substance or plant) causing or capable of causing death or illness if taken into the body.
-(of an animal) producing poison as a means of attacking enemies or prey; venomous.
-extremely unpleasant or malicious.
What does the state of something poisonous threaten in this case? I think it’s the gaming experience and the immersion in general.
A lot of people have a ‘bad guy’. The bad guy takes responsibility off the person which takes the role of a victim. Very common projection. Blaming others for losing a game for example.
Most people have not come to terms with the possibility of losing a match. Especially when they don’t control all the factors, other players to name just one.
I believe toxic is like a hydra. Cut off heads of the monster and two grow back. The proper way of handling it would be like getting dandelion off your lawn. Dig out the root.
All in the objective of creating a fun immersion.
“Toxic”,as way of acting in games, means that people are not good.
They can use personal harassment or can to harrass someone, etc.
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Every word has two meanings, the definition, and how it’s used.
The definition of Toxic is a person whose behavior is disruptive to gameplay.
The way it’s used however is that another player is making you “feel toxic” and therefore they deserve to be punished. This is regardless of whether the player is providing a valid criticism, are trying risky strategies, or playing for fun.
It’s a very subjective and misused term.
Toxicity is a thin line that can ruin a game if crossed.
Microsoft gave examples of what’s considered “acceptable” trash talking, and I think everyone should see it.
Sometimes, trash talking enemies or teammates in a game can be part of the fun. It’s just up to us to not make it un-fun
Typing or saying anything in chat can be seen as toxic. Pings are also toxic. GL
Yes, that’s why it’s a bad, misused term. It doesn’t actually describe the player’s behavior, it describes how you feel about the player’s behavior.
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Well that term isn’t going any where any time soon so we will need to just learn to get around it and all have chat off less we offend someone by breathing.
The line where it stop being fun and just starts being unpleasant to play with the player. Taking too far when it is just unnecessary. It’s like baby raging whining and being rude even when everyone gets it already.
Even by those standards the word toxic is a bit “soft,” now days compared to what it meant the past.
all people are toxic it is the human condition
And once again.
Thats what mentally unstable people like to think.
depends on the person you are talking to, to some people (like me) toxicity is when you cross the line of racism and insulting family. for others, toxicity can be. “can you stop feeding” because you criticized something about them that is toxic. and to blizzard if you report someone for if YOU think it is toxic, blizzard will support it. their report system is a joke. and used more as a weapon to punish people then a shield from toxicity
heck anything you do that a person DOES NOT LIKE can be labeled as toxic, look at a person wrong? toxic. BREATH IN THE WRONG DIRECTION? “so toxic. reported”. that is just this day and age sadly
where is this post of acceptable trash talking I would like to see this
Couldn’t find the direct source, but this is what I got:
Ty for providing an example love the irony