What a terrible game!

Lol, 50% of the players in every match LOSE! No wonder this game failed

#dedgameisded, lol


least it aint real life where 90% of players lose : p

100% actually
everybody dies


You can avoid losing by leaving in time.
Just saying.

I was going to post a Malthael meme around his catchphrase, “No one can stop Death.” I decided to stop my search after finding this image:

It’s just one of thousands, I had no idea there was a subculture dedicated to Malthael body art, but realistically, I should have just assumed as much.


edge lords gotta worship the edge angel


Pretty sure these are people who listen to Slayer and play Diablo to have the full immersive experience. Tattoos are just a form of worship to their confused angel.

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nahuh they play anime dark souls have their character cosplay as malthael and say the reason they’re single is “because nobody gets me”
my brother in Anu you dress like a 13 year old trying to be an emo who probably listens to billie eyelash on the side

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Makes me remember all the BW tatoos I found and added to your art topic. Some people are dedicated to hero so much they get a tatoo of it too.


Oh yes, I remember you posting those, there were some nice selections.

Well, I’m off to get myself a Tyrande face tattoo.


I don’t knock it since it’s good art.

The garbage Blizz was offering for DI was offensive.

You mean the eye thing where you will look like your mascara is running all the time?

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don’t do that
get the owl and moon sigil that she has
is more fluid plus you won’t look in the mirror see he face and have a heartattack

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I have no tattoos and don’t worry, I wasn’t seriously going to start with a face tattoo. I’m not afraid at of having a blood test or a vaccination needle, but according to friends, you need a decent pain threshold to endure tattoos, particularly complex/large ones in sensitive areas of your skin.

Furthermore, I will admit that I have respect for people who go all in on tattoos, in particular any tattoos on the face. It’s a bold choice that can change how people interact with you (see first impressions) and can even limit or be a roadblock to working in certain professions.


I knew you were kidding. Just wanted to be silly.

Very true.

I don’t like face tattoos unless it is something discrete or small that preserves the face. Like a beauty mark in the shape of a tiny star or something. Neck tattoos I don’t like.

People do get eyebrow tattoos when they lose their eyebrow hairs. I would understand to an extent. It has to look good and natural.

Unfortunately, this still holds true.


The game is good, but its problems have not (been?) solved.