WereElf's Nova Guide

Since Nova is “ma ma’n” (my main), I thought I’ll make a little guide for her.

1. Talents:
Level 1:

  • Longshot - Decent for poking enemies, due to the increased range, but bad when you devote yourself to get the kill, since you still need to get closer after the initial shot, thus any value from this talent is wasted. It works well with both AAS and Snipe talents on 7, but it’s terrible if you decide to go for OitC. It also makes you more mana hungry than the other 2 talents.
  • Covert Ops - My go-to talent. The difference between 40% slow and 55% slow is insane. It makes it a lot easier to reliably hit enemies with Snipe and PS after the Pinning Shot, and it also saves you mana in the process. The condition to be in stealth for 4 seconds is not really noticable, as your job as Nova is to flank and gank enemies, so you should be stealthed most of the time anyways. The only problem is when you take double tap on 13, as your 2-nd Pinning Shot gets no benefits, but that’s not so much of a problem, as your 2-nd shot is usually there just to secure the kill.
  • Advanced Cloaking - this talent could’ve been decent if it didn’t have a delay, but it’s kind a bad thanks to it. You don’t really need to mount with this talent (although mounts are still a bit faster). However, this talent lacks the kill potential the other 2 talents on this tier have.

Level 4:

  • Rapid Projection - decent talent for OitC build due to the reduced decoy cooldown, allowing you to proc your OitC more often. Not much of a reason to pick it for other builds tho.
  • Holo Stability - A great talent overall, due to the increased cast range you get. You can use your decoys to attack retreating enemies, by placing them where they’d have a clear shot (with Lethal Decoy on 16), and it’s good for scouting, without overextending, as the normal decoy cast range usually allows enemies to attack you while you are placing it. The increased duration is also helpful to sometimes fool enemies, or to just get more damage out of your decoys for their span time.
  • Covert Mission - an okay talent for some maps, as Nova somewhat mends one of her weaknesses, which is map presence. However, collecting stacks is not always fast, and if enemy team has devoted laners, the camps don’t get much value. You also need to sacrifice utility and kill potential to get this talent.

Level 7:

  • Perfect Shot - With this, you can constantly poke enemy team, and you also get some TF capabilities after level 16. It’s usually good on maps, where TFs are inevitable and there isn’t too much clutter around, like Hanamura, or BoE. It’s also the go-to talent if enemy team doesn’t have a healer (QM), or they consist of a beefy frontline, and 0-1 fragile heroes you’d usually feast upon.
  • One in the Chamber - This talent gives Nova some reliable sustained damage, if she can’t hit her Snipes all the time, as well as some PvE potential on maps like BoE. However, it’s not as good as AAS for bursting down enemies.
  • Anti-Armor Shells - It may seem like a trap talent, but it’s actually the best option she currently has for deleting squishy enemies. While OitC improves your damage over longer periods of time, this talent makes you a lot more bursty. You can kill some enemies before they can do almost anything (especially if they weren’t full HP when you attacked them). Nova’s job is to delete squishies, and this talent enables her to do just that. On top of that, it also allows you to move freely for 2,5 sec before you can attack again, allowing you to kite better, not having to worry too much about stutterstepping.

Level 10:

  • Tripple Tap - while situational, this ulti is far from the worst one in the game, as people seem to think. There are some conditions that need to be met for it to work, but when it’s working, its power is quite the sight to behold. It can take away 70-80% of squishy heroes’ HP with a single cast, so it’s almost a certain kill. However, your enemy needs to be isolated, with no friendly heroes, who can block the missiles, nearby. And the enemy must be away from structures (walls included), that can also block your missiles. Then the enemy/enemy team needs to not have any abilities that can nullify your damage, like Varian with upgraded Parry, Genji with Deflect, Medivh with his W, etc, or they need to be on cooldown when you use TT.
    It’s a great ult when playing against mobile enemies, who can easily juke your PS, and when the map allows splitting up (DS, IS, WHJ, TOD).
  • Precision Strike - this ulti is more flexible, as you can use it without worrying about enemies blocking the shots. It also gives Nova the so much needed waveclear. Using this ulti to clear waves is not wrong, as it has fairly short cooldown, and it’s usually sufficient to clear a large wave of minions, completely turning the tide on the lane (relieving map pressure from your team, and granting you extra exp). You can also use it to interrupt channeled objectives, or zone enemies. But the usual usage is to finish off fleeing enemies (or just zone them away from safety, so you/your team can finish them off yourselves), or as part of her combo, which significantly increases her burst damage, allowing her to kill a bit bigger part of the hero pool than she usually can. It is however hard to use on enemies with Mobility.

Level 13:

  • Psionic Efficiency - a decent talent for Snipe build. It allows you to hit your Snipes from further away, making it more reliable when used on further away enemies, allowing you to kill them when they would’ve otherwise escaped. The double stacks you gain when hitting with Snipe makes your misses a lot more forgiving as well.
  • Double Tap - Great talent for all builds. It increases the uptime of your CC, making it a lot harder for enemies to escape. It also gives you this extra source of burst damage, that you may need to finish off some of the enemies. Has great Synergy with OitC build, as you can proc your basic attack dmg bonus additional time. It’s also good for AAS build, where you leave a target at really low HP, but usually have no means to finish them off before they escape, as you can’t even basic attack them anymore, or it can at least buy you enough time for additional basic attack.
  • Ionic Force Field - A terrible talent. It doesn’t do anything for Nova’s kill potential, and what it does for her survivability is laughable.

Level 16:

  • Explosive Rounds - the pinnacle of Snipe build. It allows you to hit your desired target more reliably, even if there is another enemy in the way (unless your target is somewhat far away from the blocking enemy). It also makes her TF capabilities actually respectable, especially when combined with Nanoboost from Ana, then Nova alone can almost wipe the entire enemy team, even the tanks. But even without Nanoboobs, Nova still dishes out decent AoE sustained damage, that most healers have problems to deal with (not all tho).
  • Crippling Shot - the go-to talent for OitC build. It increases yours and your team’s damage on the target by 20%.
  • Lethal Decoy - this talent has been nerfed too much. However, it is still the go-to talent for AAS build, since now you can actually spawn up to 4 decoys (with Rewind on 20), which means total of 120% more single target damage! (80% more Nova damage compared to without the talent). It’s bad in TFs, although you can still secure some kills on retreating enemies with it.

Level 20:

  • Fast Reload - in situations where TT is good, FR can also be good, as you can sometimes wipe the whole enemy team (mostly in QM tho).
  • Precision Barrage - it’s a great talent, as you can use your ult a lot more freely.
  • Apollo Suit - An Okay Level 4 talent, in the wrong neighborhood.
  • Rewind - the pinnacle of AAS build, greatly increasing your kill potential, as you can spawn 2 additional decoys, as well as use additional Pinning Shot and Snipe. At this point you can kill half (or more) of the hero pool 1 v 1, or should I say 5 v 1 (due to the 4 decoys you spawn). The extra decoys create extra clutter, and it’s much harder to hit you with a skillshot, and also, using Ghost Protocol cancels enemies’ basic attacks against you, making it much harder for them to focus you.

2. Builds:

  • Snipe build - Precision Strike on 7, Psionic Efficiency on 13 (optional), Explosive Rounds on 16, ult upgrade on 20, as you don’t really need Rewind with this build.
    Great for TFs, and poking enemy team, when you can’t otherwise get isolated kills.
  • AAS build - Holo Decoy on 4, AAS on 7, Double Tap on 13, Lethal Decoy on 16, Rewind on 20.
    Amazing for killing isolated targets, bad at everything else.
    There can actually be 2 arguments to actually take Crippling shot on 16, instead of Lethal Decoy: 1) You are getting the majority of your kills via ganking, and not so much alone, and your teammates have mostly spell damage. 2) In TFs, you can’t be sure that the Decoy will attack the correct target.
    But if you are mostly getting your kills alone, by picking off overextended enemies, then Lethal Decoy is the way to go.
  • OitC build - Rapid Projection on 4, OitC on 7, PS on 10, Double Tap on 13, Crippling Shot on 16.
    PS is recommended, because it’s instant cast (although it has delayed effect), and can be used to proc your OitC as well, while you can’t get OitC value with TT.
    This build has more sustained damage than the rest, and requires you to land a basic attack between each of your abilities. Its burst damage actually isn’t that much lower than that of AAS, but you can’t just use your abilities and be done with it, you need to devote yourself a bit more, and if you can kill an enemy for 2 sec with OitC, you can kill them instantly with AAS (which gives them less opportunities to do anything).

3. Strategy

  • As Nova, your role is to roam the map and punish overextended enemies, or gank them in general. Your waveclear is one of the worst in the game, so there is no point from staying on lanes, apart from soaking the exp from there, if there is nobody else to do that job. Your main form of waveclear has global cast range, so you don’t really need to be on the lane even then.
    You can often hide in bushes, or stay near them (in case enemy likes to throw skillshots in them before entering) and punish enemies who try to rotate.
  • Early game, you should mostly rotate from lane to lane and attempt to kill enemy team’s solo laners.
  • Mid-late game you can also attempt to punish rotating enemies, or enemies who try to take camps (and steal the camp).
  • Always try to position yourself in a way, that allows you to hit with your Snipe, as it’s your main damage source, even if you aren’t Snipe build.
  • Open up with Pinning Shot, followed by fast Snipe. If you really want that kill, you can also put down a Precision Strike right away. With Covert Ops, you are almost guaranteed to hit the enemy, unless they have mobility.
  • You can spawn your decoys next to the enemies to make them more tempting to attack. This is actually a good strategy against enemies who just want to attack stuff. Or if you expect them to run away from you, and you have Lethal Decoy. This way the Decoy will hit them more times before they actually escape from it.
  • You can spawn your decoys between you and your enemies to use them as meat shield, so they block enemy skillshots. Good against heroes with blockable skillshots. You can also block skillshots aimed at your allies.
  • You can spawn your decoys on yourself to make it harder to destinguish the decoy from the original, as well as make it harder for the enemy to click on the real you (although that can sometimes make it harder to click on the decoy instead). This strategy is bad against heroes with AoE spells like KT and J.na.
  • You can sometimes spawn your decoys before actually attacking, to fool enemies. Switching between attacking 1-st and spawning decoy 1-st in the same game can confuse enemies. Just try to attack them yourself fast enough, so they don’t realize the decoy didn’t hurt them much.
  • You can also spawn a decoy in a nearby bush, so they move out of the bush (while still stealthed) and make enemies think that this is actually you.
  • Don’t rely on Ghost Protocol to be an escape tool, because it’s not. You could fool some enemies, if you use it when you enter a bush, but that totally depends on their heroes, and how close they were to you when you used it. It’s mostly used to spawn a decoy (esp when you’ve taken Lethal Decoy on 16), to cancel abilities like Butcher’s charge, or simply to force basic attack heroes to stop attacking the real you for a bit. While not always, it sometimes helps enemies give up on trying to chase you (if you are close to safety).
  • If you’ve taken Tripple Tap, and you are playing against heroes like Tracer, or Genji, or w/e, use your ult after they’ve used the tools they have that can prevent it. I know this is obvious, but just be patient about it, don’t feel forced to use TT if the conditions are bad. These heroes are pretty much 100% dead without their prevention tools.
  • In TFs, if you have gone Snipe build, you can simply stay in the back and spam Snipe (after level 16), as if you are just another ranged assassin. Not need to attempt flanking, you are likely to get the most value like this anyways.
  • In TFs, if you have not gone for Snipe build, you can either focus whoever your team is focusing, so they’d die faster. Either you can attempt to flank and kill someone from enemy team’s back line. The latter is being quite risky tho, as you are pretty much dead as soon as enemy team turns around, if your team doesn’t have other heroes who can harass the back line. But TFs are not Nova’s strong point, when she’s not Snipe build.
  • Try to kill isolated enemies before a TF breaks out, creating an advantage for your team. Even if you die, if you killed enemy team’s support, you have still gotten more value than them, as you aren’t really good at TFs anyways, while enemy can hardly TF without a support.

I feel like I’m still missing stuff, but this is already quite lengthy guide, so I guess you can ask me stuff, and I’ll just fill more info (if needed) in the comments.


Oh, how I want this talent in the game. :slight_smile:


You can’t really go wrong with the level 1 talents, they’re all good. Would add that Longshot can better secure kills on people running away.

Covert Ops is also my favourite. It’s especially good if your team is aware and punishes the slow target. Almost always take this if your team has no or little slows.

Advanced Cloaking movement is pretty good. Plus it also gives mana which can be good for mana hungry Nova builds by allowing you to stay in the field for longer and thus do more dps.

Both ults are very good and situational as you’ve described. Emphasising for TT that knowing when it will secure a kill can make or break this talent, especially with Fast Reload. Knowing damage required, positioning and what counters are available whether it’s a wall, other hero, protection ability or displacement ability that’s off CD is key to getting value. Not securing a kill is very punishing with the long CD. Also the ult must be used meaningfully or it’s pretty much wasted. e.g. Obj fight and not some random skirmish where they just spawn 20s later, you’ve used a 100s CD talent, 100 mana and nothing was accomplished since then.

I find TT very good if your team does a lot of AoE or spread out damage. Since it effectively gives you a lot more targets in or close to kill range. Also, if lots of heroes are low hp they are much less likely to take a bullet for their team mates lol.

Fast Reload can definitely carry a team fight but if you never get the resets it’s pointless, hence the prior mentioned emphasis. However, even if you kill 4 your team must still know how to end the game as it is unlikely you can do it on Nova alone.

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There was this clip on Heroes WTF moments, where a Nova gets a tripple kill with a single cast of Tripple Tap. So sometimes enemies do attempt to block the shots, but just make things worse for themselves xD

It’s worth noting that Apollo Suit effectively makes you immune to continuous auto attacks from anyone with an attack speed lower than 1 (because you’ve cloaked before they can AA again). It’s kind of niche, though.

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And how many heroes do you think have such attack speed, and no other means to reveal you?
Hanzo? He can simply reveal you with his Sonic Arrow, or just hit you with Q instead. He doesn’t need to many hits to kill you.
Leoric? He can either use Buried Alive, either continuously drain you. He can also take the attack speed talent on 16.
I can’t really think of other heroes with attack speed slower than 1 attack per sec atm :stuck_out_tongue:

But as I said: okay level 4 talent, at the wrong neighborhood.

Some thoughts and reactions:


Wut? I think it is non-ideal with OitC, but it does let you get an extra auto-attack in, if the target is fleeing.

I don’t think it stands out, but it isn’t any worse for OitC then it is for Snipe or AAS.

you don’t necessarily sacrifice kill potential?

agree 100%

Okay on any map with decent mercs.

It’s bad on, uh, Hanamura? Not sure where else. Maybe it’s slipping my mind.

I agree it is underwhelming, but it would be realllllllllly OP at level 4 in it’s current form…

It could use something else on it at level 20, or maybe tied in partially with Ionic Force Field with a weaker effect (1 second off cloak cooldown?) to make the talent more viable.

Good write up, but I completely disagree with it’s main usage being on fleeing enemies. Granted, you do kinda contradict/correct yourself right after that!

The problem with Longshot + OitC is that if you use Pinning Shot + b/a + Snipe on a target from max distance, you still need to move closer to them in order to get your next basic attack in. Which completely negates the value from this talent, and you actually waste some time to fix your position, while without it, you simply start attacking from a position that would allow you to follow up your opening, without moving much (moving would be required if the target attempts to run away). So there really isn’t a point into taking this talent if you are going for OitC. While with Snipe build, you mostly focus on poking, and not devoting yourself too much, so it’s okay if you don’t get closer to get additional shot. While with AAS, you have plenty of time to reposition yourself between attacks, and also, you can land your 2-nd pinning shot before your second attack, allowing you to get bonus range on it as well. Or you can simply use AAS build to poke (although that’s not its true purpose).

The increased duration + cast range of decoy, when you have Lethal Decoy, can be considered as having increased kill potential.

It’s not really good on TosQ either, as there are only 3 merc camps there, 2 of which requiring 4 charges, and 3-rd one being risky, as it’s in the middle of the map, and you can only safely approach it if you are already winning.

I don’t know if it will be overpowered on 4… It can indeed make it a lot more annoying to deal with Nova, but there are still plenty of heroes who can work around this talent, and I don’t know if I’d be taking it over Holo Decoy, out of some specific circumstances.
I wish they’d bring back the old Ghost Protocol talent, that was giving you unbreakable stealth for 2 seconds, and you can attack while stealthed. If they bring it back, and merge it with this one, it’d be awesome. They can reduce the delay reduction to 1-1,5 sec for all I care, I just want my unrevealable back.
Or they can bring it back, make it also reduce Ghost Protocol’s cooldown by 20 sec, and merge this one with Ionic Force Field on 13, but reduce the delay reduction to 1-1,5 sec.
But anyways… this thread isn’t about “how to fix Nova”, it’s simply a guide :stuck_out_tongue:

It can in fact be used in all of these situations. Perhaps it’s main usage is indeed not finishing up enemies, but that’s just how I use it, as I usually don’t need it to kill my usual targets.


1 of which requires 3 charges :stuck_out_tongue:

Granted, that is me always being a risk taker and not bribing the last enemy at a camp if it is on the enemy side of the map to make them wait the full duration before they can take!


But not compared to taking the other decoy talent.

Hence my nitpick!

Nova really feels like she needs something. She’s fun to play most of the time but it’s hard to get much impact with her. Her lack of wave clear really holds her back and it’s not like she is a better ranged assassin than many other choices.

Her AoE talent comes online way too late to be any use for wave clear, her decoys feel decidedly lacking in impact and losing all her stacks for a single miss feels overly punishing considering snipes damage is fairly weak even at max stacks.

Her bribe talent could have really made up for her wave clear but it takes too long to build up stacks. They should give this talent a generous buff and then her role could be much more focused on covert ops, sneaking into the enemies territory to capture their mercs, able to gank or duel if discovered by a single enemy but weak if discovered by more than 1.

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so tired of people keep saying Nova has no waveclear.

nova has no EARLY GAME waveclear. late game, Nova has one of the best waveclears in the game. on 16, AOE snipe, if stacked, can clear a full wave every 6 seconds. on 20, you have a double global waveclear on a 30sec cd. synergize that with bribe stacks and you can basically solo push 3 lanes, provided your team doesn’t yolo fight 4v5.


Who gives a crap about late game wave clear? Most heroes can clear waves easily at freaking level 16. If you have a desperate need to wave clear at level 16 it’s certainly because you are losing due to weak early game. Probably had all your forts pushed in and you are on the back foot trying to recover. Compared to basically any other ranged hero her wave clear is pitiful.


having good wave clear at 16 doesn’t really matter when having good wave clear gets less and less important at that point and onward since the scaling from everyone else on your team makes up for it.

again wave clear doesn’t matter as much at that point. I like to use my double ult for meme purposes like destroying their keep very slowly. It’s far from useful and only for fun purposes and i would never recommend it to anyone trying to win. And that’s what you’re doing here by saying it’s ok to throw away your ult for wave clear when most of the time it isn’t useful.

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Actually it’s fairly useful. If there is a huge minion wave on some lane, but your team is busy/dead, you just throw a PS there and the lane is depushed. You can save a keep, and apply counter pressure for your opponent (after your own wave builds up). At the very least it’s buying you more time.
In some games I actually end up with top siege dmg as Nova, because I constantly need to depush.
But yes, in general that doesn’t mean she has good waveclear.

well yeah if your team is dead than yeah it’s useful since you’re the only one alive.

I like the write-up, and want to toss in a few of my own comments.

First of all, I absolutely hate Covert-Ops on lv 1.
Mostly my lack of properly using it, but I feel I never get any proper value out of the talent.
I find the 4-7s downtime too much of a drawback, to make it work.
I notice my gameplay changes as a result too, I become too passive.

Longshot’s increased range, also gives you AA increased range for the next few seconds which actually helps getting that last AA in. You slow the target after all and can use that to close the distance if it was needed in the first place.

Lv 4’s Rapid projection is also great for laning as Nova.
If spawned from unstealted state, the minions will always prioritize the decoy, allowing you and your minions to finish the wave with less casualties.
More frequent decoys = more frequent stalling = more pushing force.
Don’t hesitate to use Ghost Protocol after decoy died to stall the wave further, but only recommended in early game or when it is very quiet.

Lv 13’s Ionic force field is extremely niche but not bad by any means.
Most of the times I only pick it against Pyroblast Kael, or heroes with delays AoE ults. The 25 armour is quite a life saver, and saved me more than once.
Being able to stay alive longer can help in securing kills in highly explosive QM matches as well. The other 2 talents don’t help in doing direct damage that much, but this talent helps in direct damage mitigation.
Combines well with lv 20’s apollo suit for 100% uptime of 25 armour most of the time, but again it is very niche.

I support WereElf here.
Personally I also find using PS / barrage on waves very well worth.
After lv 14 you are able to one-shot the mage/archers and bring warriors down to 10% hp, usually being killed off by your own minions.
For structures, if you time it with the passing of the wave, you get both structure damage as well as clearing the wave.

Late game a lot of people are paying less attention to waves as Ephraim also states, but exactly because of that reason you can surprise the enemy and pressure them to take care of the lanes.
Meaning they need to split up and you can stay as 4/5 to topple the enemy over.

A very effective strat if you ask me.

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I would like to know op’s opinion on the baseline quest for Q. I personally don’t like it much, it can cause being overly passive in fights. That’s at least what I notice on myself.

TL;DR: I also don’t like the passive Q quest.
Along with the stealth rework, the devs promised buffs to stealth heroes. And for a bit Nova was buffed, but then they started nerfing and nerfing. In the end Nova reached a place that is worse than where she was before the stealth rework.

Before, players could chose to take the quest, and when they did, they were making their Snipe good, which was rewarding hitting with it consistently.
Now, players have the quest forced onto them, and they need to keep it at full stacks, so they can deal a bit more damage than Snipe was dealing baseline. They are punished for missing.

It’s not only that, but the quest before could make your Snipe hurt significantly. Now you don’t have an option to make your Snipe actually hurt. At best you can reduce its cooldown, but you could reduce its cooldown before as well… maybe not as much (3 sec cooldown instead of 2 sec), but it was still dealing 52% more damage per hit. Perhaps its damage over time is relatively the same, but you need to land your skillshot 3 times instead of 2 times to get the same amount of damage, which is more demanding, and it’s less bursty, so it’s worse overall.

But yeah, I think she should get her old baseline Snipe damage back, and the quest should be made a talent again. Honestly, I’d just revert Nova to the state she was in before the stealth rework… The only good things that came out of that rework were the Decoy from Ghost Protocol and the baseline damage to her Decoy. The rest of Nova was nerfed to compensate for those.
I don’t even think that the baseline Ghost Protocol is a good change, because you can no longer take the old Ghost Protocol at level 20. It was an amazing talent, that could be used as an escape tool, or it could be used to kill heroes like The Butcher, before he can actually hit you. Such thing is no longer possible xP


I did not pay too much attention to the old talent; what was the difference?