Welp, I think I won't get my heroes in Hots soon

Atm havent think on anything, but Logan put an example.

I’m not talking to him I’m talking to you

You ree’d about characters not being in HOTS yet (in response to nexus originals rather then the WOW heroes you despite being in the game) yet couldn’t even tell me how they’d be in the game.

Well put aside mengsk, what about the other characters cause it seem you hate mengks as much as you said i hate wow.

What this game needs is Moira.

The truth is out there for those Heroes and she will reveal them with her will.

She will tell us the truth of the upcoming patch notes.
She will tell us the truth of the next heroes.
And most importantly why Khala Embrace is the better pick, truth.

I don’t hate mensgsk (well I do but that’s probs cus I havne’t gone through SC1 so only saw him in the less fleshed out SC2 trilogy) but I don’t hate the idea of this character in the game
I hate when anyone ree’s about any character without thinking of the gameplay side of things. Which you did with Mengsk given you can’t even consider a base kit for him.

Ok. what about Q shot with gun, W Demoralize debuff, E escape tool heroic summon Mercs like goliath camps, trait capture entire minion wave. Voila

Just make him the opposite of Raynor abilities and call it a day, Q can be a different ability though.

Okay there you go that’s better,

I apologize for being antagonistic dude, It’s just my biggest pet peeve of all time (well second lol) someone who complains without presenting a solution that has some merit.

No hard feelings, im in a good mood. Im not against wow neither overwatch dialo or original nexus heroes. Im just a bit pissed cause last sc heroe was more than 1 year ago.

What do you mean, “ree’s about any character without thinking of the gameplay side of things”?

This entire thread seems to be about, “Who would you want in the game?” Of course, I can probably think up basic themes for them (Reaper does Reaper things and gains damage based on proximity, Zergling evolves to pick up zergling-specific evolutions or even morphing to higher life forms, Baal summons tentacles and drops big AoE effects, Dumass goes from useless to powerful from completing quests).

This conversation was in response to a salty reply to me mentioning a base concept for a nexus original and more importantly using Mengsk ( acharacter who as of now has no theme just by existing due to him being a non combatant)

He had quite a theme though. Like… Changing the universe for Humanity theme while being a horrible person responsible for a lot of the bad things that happened with humanity to where the ending of SC2 felt very… cathartic.

If anything, he has a more easily conceivable kit than what they did with Abathur, who only really existed as “The guy who you bought upgrades from.”

But we could totally use more existing characters before they pull out more Orpheas.

I mean give me an Adept hero (what’s her name from the co-op mission about the tal’darim ritual, maybe it’s a Q that does damage as you throw it, an ability to sap strength from minions and merc’s and a W that is… hm still need to think on that, still an adept or an ascendant based hero would be cool.

As would Tosh (I’m a fan of him if for no other eason then because I want some pre game banter between him and Nova.) only he’s more focused on the psionic side of being a Terran Psionic operative where Nova focuses on the sniper elements.

Maybe Swan representing an SCV, bares some degree of similarity to probius but instead he’s based on terran buildings giving him more lane presence with more AOE turrets.

What’s his combat theme though? He’s a non combatant, so you gotta actualy explain how you want that hero to be implimented as a combatant.

I understand that you personally like those heroes more, but in terms of lore those are minor Npc. What i asked in a non salty way at all is that i want bigger non-wow (cause they are all already) lore characters before original nexus heroes. All of this due the decrased release date on heroes. If i gonna get one every 4-5 months id prefer a big one.

Abathur was non-combative to the extreme, Stukov was kind of similar to Mengsk in that you only interacted with them while they were in Battlecruisers save for some parts after the whole thing that made him infested. Creative thinking makes quite a big way of fleshing out characters.

I’ve always put forth starcraft heroes first but the lowbie for hype is probably reaper. Shame too, his kit and playstyle would’ve been neat.

I feel like I should be offended that you said Tosh was minor, but the N I remember not everyone got into the media surrounding NOva as much as I did so your point stands.

There are still many important characters who are easier to make work in the nexus (especialy given the devs outright said “we don’t want more abatheur esque heroees”) then Mengsk, Vorazun could work though making her different from Zaratuel might be tricky .

ABa still is noncombative he psionically controls symbiotes which is kinda what he does already to a greator or lesser extent. And Stukov is obviously is infested self right now in the Nexus so who cares what he was before hand?

Dont be offended buddy, Tosh just hadnt enought impact on Lore but is a good character. Aside Mengsk, what about freaking Duran/Narud? he can be a playable character and has more weight in lore than mengsk