We ask you anything

No effort on my part, I have been posting on various internet forums for over 20 years now.

There once was a time when I used to be chomping at the bit to debate people on the forums I visited. In fact, I used to spend the majority of my time on “Serious Discussion” & “Debate” sections of forums and even dedicated hours and hours to studying and researching various topics and writing big posts going line by line to counter every argument my opponents would make.

And I did this for years and I don’t regret it at all. In fact, I met and learned a lot from a lot of people and it inspired me to study philosophy both in school and on my own. I also learned what and how to spot fallacious arguments and go after the crux of an argument.

A few things happened, the first was that I just got tired of doing those big long winded debates (not sure why but all of a sudden I just completely lost my desire to debate) second - is that I learned that I needed to stop looking at things from my own perspective and think about things from other people’s perspective and perhaps more importantly, that it’s okay to disagree and not take disagreement personally.

Anyways, the TL;DR is that I don’t take disagreement personally and I have learned to be a lot more patient and understanding than when I was younger.


Thank you for the great answer!

I learned the same lessons. At times for me it is a sort of challenge only to make light of the situation instead. I find it to laugh a better choice than be angry or frustrated.

Plus, I like your humor, thus the angle of the question :P.

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Hey no prob! Now a question for you, Mumrah. So who were your biggest role models growing up? What sort of effect did they have on you and what drew you to them as role models?


Why do you put effor in to build this community?

I cant build that already there!


I ask my question from everyone.
I have 10k gold and i can’t decide wich hero to buy.
First opption: Genji: Zero counter and only the noob ones die with him, and of course the beginners. I’m interested in how much kill can i collect.

Second opption: Malganis: Unkillable tank, i’m interested in how much qm can i play withouth any death.

I’m biased, I love to play tanks and Malganis has good clear, sustain, cc and is just super fun to play. There probably is joy to Genji, but I have impaired reflexes so Genji has never been an option for me to play outside of AI.



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I have him alredy. That hero too situational to me. Anyway thanks the advice.

My first qm with him i had 8 kill… He is overtuned. Against ai is harder playing with him.

Do it! Play him. You dont need anyone else


okay inner me. I played one
We did out macro them. our 3 fort was up too…

i salyed only minions and mercs

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I actually don’t know :thinking: I’m seriously trying to think about an embarrassing situation but I can’t think of anything D:

Maybe my brain blocked it so I couldn’t remember :worried:


Based on real events.


We never played together but yeah, that happened :eyes:


I decide it with head or tail. Too hard question. I hate both of them. I can’t decide wich one i hate more.

DrLogan, tell me how do you feel exactly when I troll you in other games?


Something between love and killing you.


SamiSha, did you pick up pixel art/spriting specifically for your ETC/Samuro mods, or have you done it before?

In my “ill ask you anything” he explained a bit. Think its one of the first questions

Uther, as to why, you shouldn’t think to hard on such things

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