Watching replay with abilities

Hellow,i’ve seen videos on YT of people showing replays with abilities visible and the cooldowns as well,as if during the actual game. How is this done can any1 tell me plz. My replays have no bar with abilities.
Thank you

Hit the keys 0-9 to get a hero specific view with CDs and everything. Count starts right to left for left team, then left to right for the other. Or in other words, count outwards from the center/level display.


Just adding up, to exit one of the heroes view simply press E to go from the heroes view to view both sides instead.


Shift-Z (or was it Ctrl?) to zoom out.

Ctrl+E to restart replay.

Ctrl+Shift+W/E/O/C removes various GUI inferface things if you want a clean shot for something or don’t want to look at the chat ©, the hero portraits and levels at top or the timetable thingy.

Note that replay is a bit buggy and that it doesnt register those hotkeys if you have a hero focused.

Another tip. If you have not zoomed in the map, then clicking the 0-9 buttons to focus a hero will make the screen move according to how that person is moving the screen.

Could be interesting in some situations. Especially when wondering whether there’s a hacker abound.


Well since we are starting to talk about hotkeys in general, I remember making a guide explaining all hotkeys in details, especially when it comes to the buggy parts.


There is quite some info i did not know. Nice.

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It’s control. And I’m pretty sure there’s another command to make it zoom out even more, I just don’t remember.

Shift + Z is the highest Zoom out possible.

Pressing Z alone also zoom outs more than you could in a normal game but it’s a lesser Zoom out compared to the above.

Oh, so ctrl + z = zoom out a bit
shift + z = zooms out more

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