Wasted 750 gems

Well, I just bought Cho’gall thinking I could only pick Cho and play as with any other hero but as it turns out I need a God damn teammate for Gall?? And I didn’t know this since there wasn’t any notification about it when attempting purchase. What stupid mechanic is this? I’m supposed to depend on another person when he/she is free/willing to play if I want to enjoy a hero I like? Can’t even use AI for Gall?? Give me my damn gems back Blizzard.

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This mechanic was clearly advertised when they released Cho Gall. It is also on pretty much every online HotS reference to him. He is the only hero in HotS to have this mechanic.

I just started recently playing after years, never heard about his advertisement nor did I read much about him. Just liked the hero since I saw him in QMs and tried him out and wanted to buy. There should be a clear warning when trying to buy him but they didn’t bother with that.

That’s true and it wouldn’t take much for current dude to put it in game

There’s as scrollover icon on the collection page that indicates it takes two players to play as Cho’gal as well as showing both character icons as a toggle.

As Drsupergood state, just about any online resource also references the unique gimmick of needing two players to play them; any game you would’ve seen them in QM would have been players in a party indicated with an icon that they were grouped together.

Yea, maybe some ‘buyer beware’ warning could have been tacked on, but the game has been in decline for years, it doesn’t have any myriad of quality of life adjustments that have hit online games in the past 10 years since… it’s a dead game.

Internet is a magical resource of lots of information, you might want to learn to get into the habit of utilizing that instead of being victim to yet another instance of someone putting out money they weren’t actually willing to spend.

Also: forums aren’t the place to gripe about this. Maybe there’s some sort of magical internet thing that can help with stuff like this… https://www.blizzard.com/en-us/legal/58e4a812-afd0-4d47-b34d-d4fdf99e41cb/blizzard-refund-policy

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I saw that icon you’re talking about but only after the deed since it was past 1am here, easy to oversee when tired. That’s what I meant, a “buyer beware” notification and it shouldn’t be a player’s duty to study online beforehand every game he starts playing. I don’t have time nor patience for that nonsense. They should have simply left a note that makes sure no one can make that mistake. And I’m aware the game is pretty much dead, just blowing off steam.


That sounds like it’s your fault. What’s to say you wouldn’t skip past a second warning too? How many warnings does Blizzard have to throw in front of you before you’re happy?

Yeah, I would totally skip the “in your face” notification, I must be retarded. Are you happy now?

Buy heroes with gold, not gems.


Pretty much this ^ . You could have used those gems to buy a month long Stim pack, which will increase the gold you make per match, along with an increase to leveling heroes, thus giving you even more gold (and more gems along the way).

Long story short- Gold is much easier to come by then gems.


Yeah you are both right. Well, nothing to do about it now.

Best advice here. Personally i use gems to get packs which are often worth it. Some packs have even exclusive content (mounts). For example it was the case for the 2 packs horde and alliance which had 6 exclusives mounts that you can’t purchase in the store, you can even reduce the amount of gems by purchasing the available skins in the store related to those packs, with shards of course.

Why would i collection mounts that i won’t even use is another story :slight_smile:

Buying boosters is also an excellent way to spend your gems in my opinion.

Buying heroes with gems isn’t worth it at all.

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You can always find someone to play Cho’Gall with you.


Cho’gall makes me kinda sad. The hero(es) have quite a unique design, and fits the “team focused” ethos of Hots to a tea. Yet Cho’gall aren’t played all that often, not only because they are niche, but more due to the fact players in this game prefer to play solo.

Cho’gall, the heroes that encourage player socialization, yet ironically the characters like to bicker constantly. Perhaps an unintended meta commentary on the Hots playerbase.


Cho’Gall is one of the most fun heroes to play. Have you seen some of the ones that showed up to Fan’s stream this season of bronze to GM?

Hang on, more importantly, what is their rating on the hero cuteness scale?

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I think part of the reason the design “failed” is that the way the character ended up, they play a very selfish role on the team.

See, Cho’Gall is labeled as a Tank + Ranged Assassin, but in reality plays as a chunky high damage bruiser. You lack the self-sustain and peel a tank needs from level 1, and unlike the tanks that don’t have those things, don’t have other qualities to abuse instead (ex., Tyraels huge enablement of dive comps with Shield + Smite, or Arthas’ extreme “screw you” button to bruisers (Frozen Tempest))

And because Gall neither has a basic attack or independent movement, he doesn’t necessarily function in the Ranged Assassin role at all, instead kind of being like a bad/alternative Abathur Hat. As someone who plays a fair bit of Aba, perma hatting is hella boring.

The fact that Cho’Gall neither functions in the tank or ranged assassin role at all means you are forced to play him as a Bruiser, which makes your comp even more hard locked into specific options. You need a good healer who can keep you alive through the entire teams burst, a tank with peel who can keep up with the enemy team and your own engages, and a ranged assassin to do everything else. Your team of three has to shoulder four players’ PvE responsibilities, since you yourself (selves? Cho’Gall is two lol) can only handle one player’s responsibilities.

There’s also some other (still major, but lesser) issues that plague the character.

  1. Some CCs are (literally) twice as effective against Cho’Gall, for example Cocoon, stasis effects, and silences. If he was made in a post-Deathwing world, this be at least made slightly less problematic.
  2. Both heroes (particularly Gall) have terribly boring talent monotony. Gall has exactly 1 build (W build) and Cho has to take the same level 1, level 10, and level 20 in 95% of matches.
  3. A “two player hero” having only one ability that interacts with each other (bomb) and that ability literally only being more damage is really kind of lame and speaks to how old the characters’ designs are.

I’d love to see what a HotS team in their prime could have made with the Cho’Gall concept, but it feels (to me anyways) that we got stuck with the worst incarnation of the pair.

Pretty much the only time I play Cho’Gall is when I’m playing with a particularly terrible friend (who I will not name) who gets to go “wheee!!” on Gall while I play the game for him. I never play Gall because I don’t trust 99% of the games playerbase to move well.

it couldn’t be more perfect

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I’ve always wanted Ashe and BOB as another two-player hero, but with two separate bodies and skills that synergize together. That seems like the obvious evolution of Cho’Gall’s framework.


Cho’de’Gall has the cuteness of two heroes in one therefore he’s the third cutest, narrowly behind Murky but still miles behind Abathur.