I really wanted to post a screenshot here, but it’s impossible. Anyways, I played Lucio, won the match 24-3, and got 4 / 18 / 1, and then 15k siege damage + 22k hero damage + 52k Healing. I didn’t make it top 5 because of a Tyrande on the other team who got 0 / 3 / 6, and then 10k siege damage + 16k hero damage + 40k healing. She got top 5 under the excuse of Clutch Healer. Feels super unfair, and this is not the first time I’ve seen something like this happen. I played a whole lot better than that Tyrande. I know these top 5 count for absolute nothing, but it still feels quite unfair and demotivating. I feel you guys should revise your algorithms on this regard. Thanks for reading.
If you mean the “MVP” screen, then that has nothing to do with “top” and rather is just arbitrary. In versus AI it is very common to see 3/5 of the slots filled by the enemy AI players who lost massively, utterly and completely.
No, she made the MVP screen because she won the award for most clutch heals made. She made more clutch heals than you did. Nothing unfair about it, if you clutch healed more you might have won that award, or the system might have randomly chosen another award and issued that out instead such as most time spent standing on an objective.
Did their main healer (if there was one besides Tyrande) perform more Total Healing than you did?
If so - it will be extremely hard to get on the MVP screen as a healer even if you win the match - unless you managed to pull off more Clutch Heals as DrSuperGood said.
Fortunately, as you said, the screen doesn’t mean you played badly nor does it count for anything.