Very Toxic Community

The toxicity would reduce if blizzard actually banned players. Instead we give them excessive warnings with no consequences since they can just create another free account.

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Well that is a ban, and realistically if they had some restraint on QM and SL it might actually mean something to have to reroll.

Until they manage to add a meaning to their bans, they’re just inconvenient and most commonly punish well meaning players and never deal with the problems…

Pretty much every F2P online game has toxic players you just have to ignore them and move on. Out of every MOBA I have played I have had the least amount of toxic experiences in HOTS. Maybe its just bad luck if you keep getting them but i get it.

Whenever i tried to play Smite and this isn’t even a exaggeration every time I tried to play Conquest mode one team mate would just berate someone for giving the enemy first blood and just feed the entire match while the whole team just keeps berating each other.
Smite isn’t even a huge game so if it can happen there I can see it happen in HOTS too.

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I’ve just never seen this fabled online community that isn’t chock full of internet stereotypes. Like I say, I’ve seen a community of like eight people go to bloodlust. It was literally over how some people were enjoying the game entirely separate from others, but you know, people just gotta destroy things. They’re never satisfied leaving well enough alone; they can’t just content knowing your Tracer is a bit rough around the edges, they gotta tell you all sorts of obscenities about it. Far be it from me to know why, seems like it’d make playing the game miserable but that’s just me.

I think lockdown is affecting it too. There’s a lot of fighty bloodlust that tracks from 2020 forward, and it doesn’t seem to get better over time. Kinda just gets worse, more personal, more violent.

People just have axes to grind these days and don’t care what they say to get it ground.

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Has nothing to do with people being toxic, it’s the matchmaking that does it. When you constantly put people who don’t belong together thats what happens. For example, I play bball every so often at a local gym, when I come I “assess” the crowd and if it’s at a certain level then I will play. I generally don’t care win or lose, but it needs to be somewhat competitive. If I see a bunch of 13-15yr olds running around I just don’t join, I will do something else because it’s not fun for anyone. if I were to try - it won’t be fun for them, if I don’t - well then it’s just me standing around, might as well do something else. Well in HOTS you don’t get to choose, you are basically forced into a blind game that could be anything and then you can’t leave either which makes it even worse and if that happens 3-4 times in a row and you get what we see everywhere. And then it’s just a self supporting cycle.

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buuuuuuuuuuuuuuuut how will new players learn unless they are paired with much more highly skilled players.

I rarely see them. 1 out of 5 matches.
If you just talk and act like a normal human being they wont flame you

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Yeah, I know the MM does a lot of damage more often than good. However, smurfs and stacks have dumpstered most competitive integrity in the game, and the MM is just stuck with the job nobody wants: trying to determine who’s a casual, who’s a smurf, who’s good, who’s bad, and then take roles, and then match them all up evenly without discrepancies.

Add that people tilt hard and int, further ruining the metrics by which they get slotted, and everything becomes a cantankerous mess. One, as I clearly see, Blizzard has taken their hands off of.

Blizzard encourages this type of behavior and will not do anything about it. The game is ran by bots and is not getting any new attention. Better off just moving on cause they dont care what the player base one. Toxic makes them money. Case and point look at world of warcraft.

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Using a small portion of toxic players to justify the entire community as “toxic” is not an viable argument. Also called Hasty Generalization.

I used to have a lot of toxic players – you know how I stopped it?


I use voice chat (discord) if im playing with a friend. Sooooo much better games.

You didn’t even read the post. It has nothing to do with gameplay. People are being toxic from the start of draft. Banning heroes that people are hovering, picking heroes that do not work with the comp on purpose and stating it in chat. Name calling, racist remarks. I even made a new account and logged in and there were people in the new player chat spamming the N word with the GG emote inserted so they didnt get banned.

I see that everyday on EU general chat by the same people.

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You’re a brave Brightwing, I went to General Chat once, and it was so awful, ugly, but just mostly immature kids (I hope), I never returned.

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Its only a few who does that tho. Most of the people in general chat are mostly mature enough to talk to on normal days.

I found most were like the “political” guy in that other thread we’ve been chatting in. Sheesh!

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Literally can’t play QM without someone blaming me for the loss because of the hero I play lol. No matter how well I play or how poorly they play it’s always my fault lol.
Very toxic people.

You know how you prevent HotS from dying more than it already has? You know how you greatly discourage smurfing?

  1. Get rid of the highly abused, fully automated report system
  2. The people like the op of this thread utilize mute features available to them to protect their feelings.

Snowflakes always want everything handed to them on a silver platter at everyone else’ expense. Everything woke turns to dookie.

Kids throwing tantrums and abusing the report system are why there are so many platinum and diamond smurfs like me… and we then in turn stomp lower leagues each time.

The report system causes more harm than good. Prove me wrong.

Grow a pair or get off the internet. Life isn’t rainbows and unicorns.

Main account since Beta. Still not banned yet. Why tho ? Becasue I dont smack talk in chat or spam ping. I dont need to hide behind 10 smurf accounts just to play this game.
If you already had multiple accounts banned then thats you behavior that need to change.

People come here every months asking to remove report system casue they got false banned just to get exposed when people find out by watching replays of him how he really act and play.

Low lvl smurfs with silence icon in general chat. Ye wonder why they got silenced that fast :thinking:

Is report system flawed tho. It is but thats no excuse to remove it if you dont behave properly yourself. And no mute does not make toxic people be less toxic next game. They will continue doing it until some form of punishment hits them.

If you gets bullied in school you dont just ignore it. You tell the teacher and your parents what happend to you so the proper people can deal with the bully. If no consequences happens then the bully think you are ok about getting bullied day after and day and will continue doing so.

I bet you were a bully in school too. Making life hard for people who cant stand up againts you. If you cant behave on the internet then you should not speak at all lol. Why should innocent people on the internet grow a pair just so you can act unmature to eveyone huh ?

Sounds like you got what you deserved since you need to hide behind smurf accounts. Cause you act unmature againts others and got hit by the adult hammer.


Isn’t it ironic how they’re throwing a tantrum about people throwing tantrums? Also the fact that they’re blatantly admitting to being a smurf who contributes directly mind you, to the toxicity of game quality?

Furthermore… Necro much.