Version mismatch error

Is anyone else getting this? I’ve had it before, but not as much as after the last patch. For some reason, if I ctrl+Esc and don’t sit and watch the game load, it always happens.


← me. I’ve been having to load twice.

I also get it. Couple times now.

Every now and then, definitely more consistently recently. Since I use the trick to skip the launcher, it hasn’t been that problematic in terms of wasting time.

I had it several days ago. Restarted battle net and let it do its dumb empty update and it fixed itself.

Not having it, just the usual download + update between each session.

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I’ve had it too. Nowhere near every time, but definitely much more common than it used to be.

I’m not usually a doomsayer, but…
Instead of fixing the “patching every single time” issue, it seems the devs managed to make it worse :grimacing:
Even I am starting to lose faith on the Classic Games team :sweat:

You can do this to avoid the download + update thingy.

Doesn’t work for me. I get a “mismatch” error. I can’t download bnet because of the “missing dll error”. I can’t play HoTS anymore. I have tried reinstalling and a host of other options. to no avail.

Weird, the mismatch error has been fixed already.

I suggest a full clean install of both bnet and hots.

I got so used to opening the game without opening the bnet app and I saw the error, but it was actually legit.