Valla's level 16 talent isn't working: Punishment

This talent isn’t decreasing in 50% the W cooldown with 10 stacks of hate.

from what I was seeing it was increasing the rate at which the cooldown depleted

Either way I have just finished playing an aram match and it was working just fine. The numbers are still counting down from 13 but at an increased rate (faster).

The wording is confusing and some may even interpret it as better than intended (such as doubling the cooldown rate) but in practice you’ll be able to cast the ability every 8.666s rather than every 13s.

Go into the try mode, cast MS together with Vault (10s) and you’ll see how Multishot refreshes FIRST despite being the longer cooldown by default.

Note that recharging 50% faster is not the cooldown getting reduced by 50% - it’s making every second of cooldown effectively count as 1.5 seconds of cooldown. So a 10 second cooldown would become a roughly 7 second cooldown