Valla Still OP After Rework

w w w . ibb . co/2yDS7Pg here’s an image

There is literally no way for you to come to this conclusion reasonably in the span of the few minutes post-patch you waited to post this. Even if you were a secret Top 5 player world wide that regularly beats up people like FAN or something, you STILL wouldn’t have the timeframe necessary to conclude that a patch released mere MINUTES before you posted this thread didn’t go far enough in nerfing her lmao.

You’re telling me that within a few minutes of the patch going live, you managed to somehow play enough games to make a concrete determination about her power level, much less hyper focus on her ARAM-specific performance? Come on man.

I guess it rings true that just because you play a game for a long time doesn’t mean you are super good nor know a lot about the game you’re playing. Heroes at the peak of brokenness make current Valla look like a complete scrub. Manual-exploding KT living bombs with near limitless spreading definitely wants a word with you.

you have no ground to stand on making these types of threads mere minutes after a patch goes live lmao.

That’s the problem. Hammer, ZJ, DW, Azmo and Ming are all OP in ARAM. I played a game and bet her easily because we had a good team.

I do feel your pain.

Actually Valla feels a lot better now, talking as having her as one of my mains and finding her way too OP after the rework patch. This nerf is good IMO. But I still think she was fine before this all and the loan-gambit talent is a terrible, stupid idea. This devs litterally killed her AA build with this.
I really do not know what sort of abysmal void went through the devs’s heads when they imagined that. AA build was fine before. Now her multishot build is close to anything she has and it was OP, so one must expect the nerfs (the last one might not be the… last one) will then reduce her to plain nothing.

I personally don’t see how the Gambit talent changed the way AA build works, she still gets a bonus damage increase after AA-ing a few times, and unlike the previous one where you had to attack 100 times to get 2% bonus, you can now start with 1% at 50, getting the 2% again at 100 which is exactly the same, and then you can stack longer into getting 5% bonus damage. Also didn’t Tempered by discipline get buffed too? So that makes her AA build even better. Far flight also got buffed effectively since now you can out range towers. The only thing that’s changes is the fact that you get a bonus AA speed at 1, but even if you lose all of them, you’ll still be able to complete your questions, it’s not that handicapped.

The only thing I see that’s remotely a nerf is the fact that seething hatred doesn’t give bonus Hatred anymore.

That’s just my take any way.

I think you are misremembering the details, except the KT pentakills. Yes, as I said in the other post, KT could wipe teams due to his broken lvl 16 talent and how it interacted with Living Bomb (because Living Bomb used to spread infinitely).

The rest were strong, but not too OP. And it was usually just one problematic talent or other detail. I swear, NOTHING compares to alpha stitches; They haven’t made that mistake again.

Same with Valla, just one clearly problematic talent. That’s just how it goes. It’s hard to make sure all talents are balanced, sometimes playtesting by the community is required.

The attack speed and damage building, combined altogether, was what made her pre-rework build so special. The attack speed talent at lvl 20 was what made the AA interesting all along and ultimately crowned the whole patiently built build. Now the attack buff from lvl 1 is not as good as that and you lose attack speed everytime you die thanks to this new loan-gambit mechanics: take what the hero had before the rework, and the whole ennemy team focuses you to take it away from you as fast as you clicked on it.

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Still see Vallas out dmg everyone with Q build now. Its like nothing changed at all. Now they just moved on to the new OP build that ofc got buffed.

I’m not opening random links, and even if it were exactly what you said, one random gold league’s aram game doesn’t really mean much to me.

I had a match against 3 valla, we lost but only barely, was out damaging them with Jaina.

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it s true hitting static targets with q makes her easily top dmg

but that is not vallas mistake here

multishot is so much mroe comfortable comapred to q build

What about Mephisto, Chromie, Kel’thuzad (if he is good), Kael’thas or basically all heroes with good aoe damage?

Any hero that can nuke anyone from orbit from a safe distance are op in ARAM including heroes that can stack dmg. But who complains about ARAM these days. Its just a clown mode. Nothing serious. Dont tell me that people actually try hard in ARAM.

We already have one clown on EU who look after 60% winrate players with diamond rank or higher for try hard ARAM LOL.

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A valueable information that should be understand by everyone. It’s a chaos mode, where everything should happen, except the exteme cases what would break the mode. But for me not even Lava wave - while surely powerful - isn’t really gamebreaking.