Valla Still OP After Rework

Try to not back off when she uses her W, you have a 12 second window with relativly low dmg, if you keep backing off after being hit by her burst, then she will keep doing that same thing every 12 seconds to you.
She wasn’t broken before the balance, she was overtuned, your litteraly complaining about something being uncapped, yet the dmg is lower than the Azmo Q with more CD.
The only reason she deals more dmg is because she is a better Auto Attacker than Azmo.
An AutoAttacker that now works abit like GM where she has to wear you down before she can go fully aggresive, compared to f.ex an Auto Attacked buildt Valla that should be aggresive 100% of the time.

Play her, learn her, see her weaknesses yourself, then complain if shes stil “broken”.


I’ve played her a lot. If you don’t you just lose. I have around 60-70 games with her with a nearly 80% winrate. She is rediculously overtuned it’s not even funny.

Screenshots or it didn’t happen
I only managed a 60 percent winrate with her in SL give or take out of the occassions I can get her
and unlike a lot of the “Valla mains” out there I actually DID have a pre-rework Valla in my roster with a triple digit number of games.


Not even then, it’s just when they’re uninteractive to play against (Abathur, Hammer, trait value Leoric), when they’re really not designed for one lane (Abathur, Vikings), or when they’re Cho’Gall.

If strength were enough, Zul’jin would be long gone.

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Like Melke said, i wanna see rank, and i wanna see the ranked stats that says 80% win ratio.

If it is for ARAM, then i am heading to bed.

I don’t understand this at all though. Banning Cho’gall is just bad, but I think Cho suffers from Gall being in the same spot as Abathur - unreachable for everyone else.


I’m sorry what?

Excuse me?




I think the issue is with selection. You’d need two people to select them together so if one refuses then the other only gets two options. They’d probably also be strong in ARAM so it would be especially frustrating to have the option but the other person refuses.

I barely see an uninterrupted Strafe. It’s so easy to just CC her out of it.

Also depends if you got any cc on your team at all.

I don’t see the problem though. Two options are more than enough, if someone don’t want Cho’gall.

Like with every other hero in ARAM based on players like Liwiec, who consider certain heroes as troll picks.

Well, if you don’t then it’s an either l2p issue in draft or unlucky in QM, but QM isn’t balanced anyway.

The most unbalanced hero since 6 years ago? You don’t remember at all how were Kaelthas, Li ming, Sylvanas or Genji on release, right? I’m not saying that Valla isn’t yet overtuned, but not even close to those ones.

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And the clueless devs nerfed Valla instead.

I swear…

Sylvanas has literally never been OP. Her trait was just strong in the Mines map, but that’s it.

KT definitely had one OP talent that caused a bad interaction (Flamestrike would apply LB to all enemies at 16, and LB had no cap by default, which made it so they’d all explode at once). He could wipe the entire enemy team with one single Flamestrike post 16. Broken talent indeed, but he was fine outside of that.

Ming just had one OP talent (Orb would pull enemies toward it, which made it easier to land her combo and gave her much needed CC). But it wasn’t that bad.

Genji… just slightly overtuned survivability. Can’t really say “OP.”

(1) Alpha Stitches. Unkillable. Extremely high dmg. Low CD on hook and slows. Had a self revive. Had freaking REWIND. I don’t think anything has ever been as OP as Stitches was. It took 9 rounds of nerfs until he was finally OK.

(2) Xul’s rework. Overtuned dmg and survival. He was scary.

(3) Cassia’s rework. Crazy high dmg, especially on Surge of Light. Broken talent punished you for attacking her. She was literally a monster if she was getting enough healing. Cassia + Morales could wipe the entire enemy team all on their own.

Valla’s multishot had an overtuned talent, just like we’ve had in the past. It’s actually quite similar to the examples you gave.

Maiev release. Passive 20 armor at all time that now got removed.
Release Samuro. OP as hell.

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Laughs in Valeera, with 2,2k dmg on point-and-click E.

And it was just one of 3-4 skills in her combo :]

Sylvanas, when came out, made fighting under keep or under towers useless for the team that should be benefited from it, and with her explosion on death trait (or w, don’t remember) erased any size minion waves and the heroes who were inside it.

For Kaelthas or ming is remember there was a video on YT about 1 vs 5 pentakills that was mainly showing ming and kael plays, yet seems to have disappeared, but looking at the videos of WTF moments and WP/Funny moments of the time those two were released shows pretty clearly how broken they were, and Genji, although was hard to master from the beginning, has had lots of nerfs during patches since his release (h ttps://

About your OP heroes, I came on beta and dunno how was Stitches before then, but I remember how many times Tychus was picked, maybe for that or for the double frontlane meta, for Xul any blind or displacement once he used his w and attacked once was enough to stop him, with Cassia or Yrel he could not land more than one hit on teamfights if played correctly, about Cassia don’t have complaints, she was a must pick or ban when she got reworked.

Tychus was OP before because Odin gave him a second hp bar. Also his lvl 13 mini gun talent gave him instant healing and not healing that is build up over time as it is now.


Does it mean D.Va is op, because she is a reverse-Tychus? :thinking:

Yeah I remember that as well, that talent along the lvl4 (extended time) one was really hardcore