Valeera is the worst hero in the game

No, as judging from the other replies in this thread, I’d safely assume you’re a bad Valeera.

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I’m the best valeera in NA, shes really monstrous 1v1 situations. People dont expect her dmg at all, but her burst is deadly. I can literally 1v5 in any situation and get a pick and run away with smoke bomb. You need high skill players for her to work, anything less she will fail since this is a team based game after all.

Yeah, a good Valeera strikes at the worst possible time for the enemy team at the worst possible spot during a team fight and pushes that tf over the edge of recoverable for the enemy, then is simply gone only to strike at another angle.

Or she picks off the weak/isolated.

What she doesn’t do is dive and start attacking like a bruiser/tank which is probably how OP plays her lol.

Not to mention, not every player should pick Valeera regardless of comp on both sides.

Nope, i’m good at valeera. I know what im doing. I don’t say this often, but I am definitely good at her.

You’re good with her but you’re complaining that she’s underpowered? Play more games. Maybe you haven’t played against enough high rank players or been hard countered enough. As a former Valeera main that was very disappointed in the stealth rework, she’s fine the way she is. She doesn’t fit in every comp and is hard countered very easily, but can also destroy an entire backline by herself if not dealt with.

Lt Morales can destroy an entire backline if not dealt with. Literally anyone can.

Far from accurate. While many heroes can, there are numerous that can’t. My Valeera is lvl 22. If you think she’s the worst hero in the game you need to play more. Rexxar is easily worse off the top of my head, but a good Rexxar player wouldn’t let a Valeera stomp him. It’s all how you play.

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Cute. My valeera is level 41. Maybe it’s you who needs to play more.

Lvl 41 but you claim she can’t deal damage. Are you trying to solo gank every time? Again, it’s all how you play.


While I do agree that Valeera could use some minor buffs. She’s far from useless or the worst hero in the game.

I don’t know how you do it Hailfail. How do you continue to make threads while everyone just tells you that you’re wrong?

It’s like you’re trolling.

If he had a bad winrate you’d say he just doesn’t know how to use her. So, no matter the answer you shift the blame to him.

Seriously, Valeera is bad. I have not played her since the massive nerf after her rework. The rework was annoying enough.

I have played her a few times since she was reworked in comps that I felt like she could be the most effective in. I rekt kids. Her kit is insane in the right hands. I’ve even been destroyed by an enemy Valeera and thought, gee why don’t I still play her? Answer: Varian rework. He’s my #1 pick now. Valeera is still bomb though.

I said in a comment further down that my winrate on Valeera is the same as his. I’m not blaming him at all. I just disagree with the claim that she is the worst hero in the game. She is niche, and in her niche she sees success. I leveled her to 81, so I would like to think I have some idea of what I’m doing on her at this point.

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