Unpopular Opinion: I love HOTS

Okay this forum is filled to the brim with negative Nellies and it makes sense, because why else would you go to the forums unless you have an issue or maybe you just want to get a reaction.

I really felt I had to post this after seeing so much hate for this game on these forums, and i just wanted to throw together this list after i read the patchnotes and i saw that little adjustment of the boost button.

so here it is:

  1. The hero pool is diverse. (seriously I spent forever trying to name 2 heroes that are basically the same, some have similar abilities [like… quite a few healers have the “press q on hero to heal hero” thing] but it’s crazy that there are so many ways to play this one game}

  2. Build variety. not much to say here.

  3. Wacky heroes. (okay now i don’t mean that these heroes are throw picks, but Murky, Abathur, LVK, and Cho’Gall… LORDY those are fun. Samuro, probius, and rexxar are not quite as crazy, but still different!

  4. Blind as a bat.
    *wacky talents… I meant wacky talents.

  5. Infinitely stacking quests… what? They’re fun, don’t even give me that look

  6. Boosts. This feature is brand new and it’s on this list…
    It’s not my XP boost. ITS OUR XP BOOST (Russian anthem begins)

  7. The monetization.
    I see a lot of whining about this on the forums. but honestly it’s near-about the least exploitative of many games around.
    Any hero you want in this game can be earned within a week, likely quicker now, with the xp boosts. (and that’s just on my schedule) the rest of the things that can be purchased are cosmetic, which is nice for those who stick it out and save up for whatever legendary skin/announcer they’d want.

  1. The robust reporting system. Look. I’m all for crime and punishment, I think real problem players should reap the crops they’re planting, but uhhhhhh
    I get told that i’m “Reported for throwing”, when that’s not what’s happening at all.
    No idea what the code is in place, but I’ve never ended up getting an unjust ban, despite the best efforts of 40% of silver 5 :smiley:
  2. Voice comms.
    These had problems, those problems seem to have all been solved. I find that those who I force to play this (i swear I recommend this game to everyone) have now stopped asking me to join them on discord because their setup always works with the comms with 0 problems.
  3. Can… Can I give Cho’Gall his own spot?
    Is that Okay? No? I already gave wacky heroes a spot? I know but- fine.
  1. You’re listening to feedback.
    This will get at least 1 “lol” out of some toxic person or other, but I mean it.
    Overpowered heroes get the nerfs that put them in a good place without giving too much weight to a loud swath of uninformed players.
    You have a great system of triage as you take care of serious problems as they appear, and because you refuse to rush out emergency nerfs or changes (mostly) we don’t end up with a hero who goes from autoban to a throw pick.
    Raynor was in a really good place after his rework, but given time, now he’s fine
    The same story repeats itself with Yrel, Fenix, Azmodan, Kerrigan, Deckard, and is playing out now with Mal’Ganis.
    You take the feedback of “more” and you give us more.
    There have been 6 New heroes. 1 new map. 2 map reworks. and 6 character reworks since I’ve been back (5ish months.)
    Crazy, Nuts, Insane, How? Godlly goodness i don’t care actually. it’s amazing.
    This game is kept fresh, kept fun.
    You guys are active on the forums and very responsive despite some clear turmoil at the top.

I Love this game and will likely stay on board for a long time longer… sail on bois.

While I’ve got you here… we’re getting a deckard santa skin right? like… it’s too obvious right?


Unpoplar Opinion: Hots Forum is entertaining


So you see hate and you think that’s a problem so your solution is to fight the hate instead of join the majority of players that have tried to reach Blizzard through available means to encourage them to change the game to make it better?

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Mostly trolls. Some actually throw a good point without being childish. I mostly come around for interesting stuff, strats, and friendly conversations.
Same about loving this game, and I’m enjoying myself with it.


If we wouldn’t love the game, we wouldn’t be here trying to make it better.


Unpopular opinion: I love to play Tassadar even with his 40%- winrate.


Unpopular opinion: Lost Vikings Rework

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It’s the people’s XP.*


Red card: Snuck Premise
I do not agree that the hate I’m referring to is legitimate, some is, but I’m not refering to that.
I also do not agree that a majority of players endorse the changes that have been proposed. I think they want general “change” to “make the game better.” but there are many many who just criticize without supplying a solution.
And Finally, the posts that I’ve seen do not even LIKE this game. They come in, complain, spread unrest, and leave. They don’t name anything specific and they don’t take the blame for personal failures. (such as the current state of the reporting discussion being mainly no one vs a bunch of people saying “I got unfairly banned for X and now I’m leaving this game”
I feel for em. But they don’t offer anything realistic.


Your boosts becomes ours.
Communism! :fist:


Whatever you say, there is still no Mei.


well we have boosts… So now my xp boost is the peoples.
We’re not getting mei ever.
we’re getting

I don’t think his plan is to fight the hate… it sounds more like his plan is that he doesn’t share your hatred at all and in fact enjoys himself.

believe it or not there are a lot of people who think there is nothing wrong with this game or that the flaws that do exist are fairly minor…

I can promise you one thing though, if what you are trying to do here is to actually reach blizzard and encourage them to change the game for the better I would do away with the rude and obnoxious comments and try to put something rational and civil together. (not necessarily you specifically)

They don’t have time to sift through piles of hate speech and if they are at all reasonable as soon as they do read something that is just toxic trash they skip it without a second thought and move on to something worth reading.




I don’t care. It’s a garbage post. “Can we all talk about how much we appreciate the fact that Lunara has a melee attack animation? There’s too much negativity on these boards.” Just garbage. We wouldn’t be here if we didn’t like the game or what the game can be. The foundation of the game is great. Where the structure goes is whole nother issue that many people are trying to talk about. Reporting people with valid complaints and criticism all because you’re a fanboi and the offending opinion doesn’t make sense is not grounds for a productive environment. It’s reverse engineering the game in the form of updates that are total trash. Just had an Orphea game where someone got 18 kills. LOL

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well yes the strength of heroes on release has been a problem since game launch but they are not going to change it because they have said its easier for them to release it over tuned and nerf accordingly than the other way around so you are going to have to deal with that one until the end of time, you can save your breath on that complaint.

Just because you feel like something is a “valid complaint” does not make it true (it doesn’t make it false either) I have seen some of the most idiotic ideas role through this forum and a handful of people will get behind it and just start insulting anyone who doesn’t agree calling them things like fan boy and snow flake when in actual fact they are just angry little dummys who have got no clue what is good for the game.

But everyone is entitled to state their opinion and that is why there is a forum… everyone just needs to remember that their opinion is just that, an opinion and it is not fact.


Stop believing official narratives. It makes you look incredibly stupid. Looks like Orphea is released pretty balanced so far.

If you think Blizzard doesn’t know exactly what they’re doing with the experience they have, you’re just a sheep.


you didn’t even make a point you just mumbled some paranoid crap and then insulted me. I don’t even understand what point you are trying to prove.


Drink your coors lite, eat the hotdogs, work, and go to sleep. There’s nothing that can be done for you here.

again you have nothing worth while to say and rely on insults because that is all you are here to do… whine and insult people.

thanks for coming out.