Uninstalled this trash moba

But she is a good tank right like LILI

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  • Armor: check
  • CC: check
  • Displacement: check
  • Self-Heal: check

Murderwing got the tools :slight_smile:


Falstad main tank rework confirmed!


How did you type this? And how mayn keyboards do you own?


He mains Sonya. So it makes sense for him to dual wield keyboards.



Frogsaron uwu youre cute.

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Its what people get for playing on quarantine, this happens all the time in QM because people generally are trash and they can’t admit they have no map awareness or don’t understand the game so they blame the people doing something without even checking first who is carrying and who is not helping, its like that in every moba, all mobas are trash.

The quarantine just made it worse since Blizzard decided to unlock every hero for people to play, they encouraged more noobs to join the game despite queue never matching people with similar account levels or even mmr. Even storm league is trash since they always match people 2 leagues appart with no balance in teams just for the sake of matchmaking withing one minute, you can have one team full of diamond players and masters and one team with a single master and everyone else gold, its ridiculous, and in QM you can have multiple people with level 1 accounts on one team vs an entire team with 3K hero levels accounts, when they could just split the teams or wait until another party queues. At least LoL acknowledges the pain of having people who played for years play with newcomers and separates queue into below level 30 and above 30.

Basically they don’t care about how they treat their playerbase as long as they get more “potential” customers. They are insane and deluded, the “potential” customers aren’t casuals who will quit in 2 days that never played a moba, its the people that keep playing after years, and they keep treating players like excrement.

Good for you for uninstalling.

YUP ITS TRASH i hate to say though

Sadly, I have to agree.
Blizzard was once one of the (if not THE) Best game developers. Today? They are trash-makers to be honest.

Look at what WoW has been reduced to? Look at WC3R. Look at HOTS!

Once, it was a company with THE best technical support for their titles. Today they don’t even care.

  • The matchmaker in HOTS is broken, and has been broken since it launched.
  • The report system is broken too. It’s non-functional. The only thing that CAN happen is you automatically being silenced by the BOT if you accumulate enough reports.

Blizzard never bans people for AFK/Griefing/Feeding. Only for toxic chat.

You were disappointed with HOTS performance? Well let me tell you a few things.
Gameplay-wise, it is a good game for its audience. It is more casual than LoL or DOTA, but that’s not a bad thing!
But where you failed is the in-game experience.

  • Your matchmaker is extremely frustrating and unfulfilling. 70% of games are extremely one-sided not because of the game design and snowball mechanics, but because you match people of extremely differing skill levels. Furthermore your MMR system is broken AF, and a few wins lead to being matched against people you just can’t beat, while a few resulting losses puts you among total noobs that you can then steamroll.
  • Your banning policy is even worse. You, for some reason, decided to never ban griefers/afk/inters in your games. How hard would it be to derect an AFK/disconnect and automatically issue a ban if it happens often? Not hard.
    But you don’t do that. I think, that you’re under a delusion that you’re being nice to your players by not being strict to them. But what this does is it facilitates a miserable gaming experience for everyone else who have good internet and are not ragequitting or griefing.

These two reasons are the main reasons why your game failed. It was a good game! With a crap support. Your games are full of trolls and AFK people which is extremely frustrating and makes your actual players lose interest and quit.

I uninstalled this game today as well. I simply don’t feel good where at least 30-40% of my games feature an AFK player which is extremely annoying given the new (broken) bot system you’ve implemented.
Why, Blizzard, do you care for their feelings more than you care for the feelings of 4 of their teammates that have godawful experience?! Just put anyone who disconnects for more than a minute into a separate bracket where they’re matched with the same disconnect people! Allow them to play only vs AI. Do SOMETHING.

Instead, the only thing that you care about is “Toxic chat” - and even that only results in silence and is handled completely automatically.

Speaking of the new Bots. You’ve mindlessly copied LoL approach where BOTs stand on the spawn point. You forgot that your game design doesn’t have any benefit to playing as 4, unlike LoL. In League, experience is personal, so 4v5 is doable because you level and get gold faster through having more creeps and XP sources per person. In HOTS, you’re just having one less body on the field.
You’ve copied a mechanic mindlessly and brainlessly without even thinking of the consequences.

All of this is simply pathetic. For a company that was on the very top to fall this low? Pathetic.

People making idiots out of themselves seems like a hobby here.


Well blizz did have some success by chance back in the day
And before if you were bad at a game you had to get better.
Now that you can get games patched at every turn this is what you get.

At least now people flame journalists who suck at videogames.

Not blizzard. Activision is to blame.

If this is the case I would highly advice you to rethink the type of games you play. Getting mad to the point of breaking things is not healthy.

Sadly must games have not so good teammates. HOTS is not an exception.

Guess he is like the same guy who streams lol and explodes in rage from just everything.

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He probably has the report button on stand by too.

At this point, they’re the same.

Also I never once saw a game by “Former Blizzard Employees” that had any measure of success or quality to it. Even despite this phrase being waved like a flag every time some studio manages to acquire a janitor who used to work at Blizzard’s internal McDonalds.